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* * * * - (4.49 - 94votes)


Alt Names: alt Foreign Gods
Author: Saitou Misaki
Artist: Saitou Misaki
Genres: Comedy ComedyFantasy FantasyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Narukami Tasuku isn't just an average high schooler. He can see ghosts and demons, even though he doesn't want to. One day he was involved in an incident and found out that his family were totsugamimori, the ones who protect the totsugamizuka. And now, as the heir of tosugamimori, he is dragged into their world...
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How's the romance in this?

very little really.

How's the romance in this?


Statements like that are rather demeaning to all the warriors of those tribes who resisted.

so what I said is true right? I didn't get into the full history as I am not a history teacher and this isn't a classroom. However I know enough history to know that this story is nothing new to the world of people grabbing land for power or resorcues, so thank you very much for doing something I was unwilling to do, I mean if people really wanted to know, "Google it" While the information, isn't 100% its still good enough for things like this.


Land grubbing assholes have and always will exist, they will continue to exist even after we reach the stars and other planets. Because X planet will always have more resources or more dense resources than others. And no race of people has the monopoly on these kinds of people. Because its Human nature, and last I heard Japanese people where humans.


As for your last comment, I guess you didn't pick up on my demeaning of those who went and took the land from those warroirs of the tribes who resisted.


So you clearly didn't seem to understand I condemning the US for doing it.


I'm saying this from a rather neutral point of view the fact you think I was putting 'them' down, is your own misinterpretation of what I typed. In fact if you where to ask me honestly how I feel about history, I would say its a comedy, of a 'small' bunches of people waring and killing eachother for no other good reason other than they couldn't work peacefully. Just a bunch of barbarians who think they are 'civilized' and put people who aren't "civilized" on the level of animals and think they should be treated as such.

yea because the US didn't duel the indians for there land, they just killed everyone and said "This is ours now" The same with every other imperialistic nation out there. All over the world. So whats the problem?


Statements like that are rather demeaning to all the warriors of those tribes who resisted.

While I'm not entirely sure why my original innocuous statement started a shitstorm... I guess I should respond too?


yea because the US didn't duel the indians for there land, they just killed everyone and said "This is ours now" The same with every other imperialistic nation out there. All over the world. So whats the problem?

1. Yes, what happened to the Native Americans was horrible and tragic. As is what happened to slaves and Jews, gypsies, gays, etc.  As is what happens in third world countries today.  Unfortunately, I am not a god (not really unfortunate, I don't think anyone would want that responsibility). Nor do I have a time machine I could use to go back and change these tragedies.  Even if I could do so... I am selfish enough to admit that I would not.  As someone who is part Irish, Native American, German, and God knows what else, doing so would erase me and my family from existence. Not to mention all of my friends.  Paradox notwithstanding, I wouldn't do it.  Maybe ask Doctor Who?


2.  I don't quite understand why you are comparing actions that took place in a third world country hundreds of years ago to actions taking place in (mostly) modern day Japan.  While it is true that most powerful countries throughout history have taken land by force... are you saying that it is still a valid method of property acquisition today in Japan?  When I made my original comment, I was actually wondering if there is a cultural basis that I don't know about.   If it was me, I would call the police and tell them that a bunch of crazy people claiming to be exorcists won't leave my land and keep trying to duel me, or I would claim that there are two young foreigners on my lawn that seem lost and confused.  Then I would wait for them to be removed.  However, if it is legal in Japan to duel for ownership, I guess that wouldn't work.  Perhaps it is legal to hold property for a minor even if you are not related to them? Or is it legal to prove that a person is too young or irresponsible to take care of their property and confiscate it?  I really don't know Japan's property laws so I can't say.  But it doesn't seem very likely.  Thus my confusion as to why manga protagonists often go along with it.


3.  I'm not sure why my comment deserved such a confrontational reply in the first place.  I wasn't intending to insult, rather, to point out an inconsistency between real life and manga. Of course, I could have done the same with any number of other common manga tropes, but I chose this one because I found it amusing.  Apparently, it is not as funny as I thought.  I apologize if I offended you.  

ugh... so lucky


You can see it from her face, it's rape time.


The shrine maiden is so cute, but asking a lady her age is a big no-no. Our MC has much no learn and not only about wielding his powers.


Thank you for the constant releases Black Fox Scans!

ugh... so lucky

how come whenever someone makes a valid statement on a country Somebody always retort with "well the usa did it as well" how the fuck does this always make it a valid answer?

did I not also say OTHER COUNTRIES, as well?


"he same with every other imperialistic nation out there. All over the world. So whats the problem?"


If maybe you where to get past your hate for the USA maybe we could have a convo, insted of derailing it just so you can complain about some insignificant part of an argument.


Should I start using the UK instead of the US? Because the convo wasn't about who's conutries are better, it was about "Dueling over land" which guess what happens all over the world. I mean, look at current events. the whole "Islamic State" issue.

how come whenever someone makes a valid statement on a country Somebody always retort with "well the usa did it as well" how the fuck does this always make it a valid answer?

Swearing always legitimizes people. I mean, look at Hitler. I don't understand German, but with the power in his voice, you can just tell every other word is a swear. :P


Hahaha I'm sure you're not actually asking "how come" and are looking for a fight. But lets try to answer that question...let's see, and example..ah yes! So!...uhm does this really happen in the real world? Like that answer. Hmm..so if I said "The Nation of Russia has many natural wonders." and someone else responds with "So does the usa", I could sort of see how that'd be valid. I mean now that I think about it, I'd reckon a majority of people in the English forums are from the use. So in that case comparing something to one's homeland, where that person was born raised and educated sort of seems logical. You'd think so too. Right? For example, if we were on a website hosted in a Spanish speaking country, lets say Argentina. And the primary users of said site were Argentinian, or somehow affiliated with Argentina, it's plausible to believe that a random person would say "Well Argentina did that too".


So likely, the guy you quoted is making a comparison to his/her homeland (Or I totally missed the mark). A perfectly natural thing if one stops to think. Oh well :P that's my lengthy thoght on that. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the manga, and I'm a little sad to say constitutes as partial trolling. I'm most ashamed about that because this manga is getting translated, and really I don't like to bother people. But I really did not enjoy seeing a swear to such an innocent observation. >Stay Cheesy<


Side note, lol, the names are nightdragon and dragonk1ller. Maybe this is just natural enemies at work?

yea because the US didn't duel the indians for there land, they just killed everyone and said "This is ours now" The same with every other imperialistic nation out there. All over the world. So whats the problem?

how come whenever someone makes a valid statement on a country Somebody always retort with "well the usa did it as well" how the fuck does this always make it a valid answer?

Problems with 404 messages and slow internet mean I just finished the series.  


It's a bit off topic, but I like how it is just a thing in Japan where random people can declare you unworthy of your land and try to take it from you. lol.  Those two in the beginning are like, we'll duel and whoever wins gets your land.  what?  Is there no concept of ownership?  Why does he even have to duel?  It is his land.  Then, in this manga and others, MCs get all flustered and desperate to win.  Why should it matter? You didn't agree to it to begin with.  Plus there's no reward for you.  You just get to keep land that is already yours...  Even if you are forced into a duel, it's not like you should have to give up your land even if you lose...  Then these other people show up and are all "We'll look after your land for you."  



yea because the US didn't duel the indians for there land, they just killed everyone and said "This is ours now" The same with every other imperialistic nation out there. All over the world. So whats the problem?

Love how they were just like, ya kill this half bre..MOMMY!

I laugh in pokemon part

Thanks for picking this series up!   Was getting worried that we wouldn't see more....   ^o^/  Looking forward to more, Black Fox!

very much thank you for doing it =)

Thanks for picking this series up!   Was getting worried that we wouldn't see more....   ^o^/  Looking forward to more, Black Fox!

Problems with 404 messages and slow internet mean I just finished the series.  


It's a bit off topic, but I like how it is just a thing in Japan where random people can declare you unworthy of your land and try to take it from you. lol.  Those two in the beginning are like, we'll duel and whoever wins gets your land.  what?  Is there no concept of ownership?  Why does he even have to duel?  It is his land.  Then, in this manga and others, MCs get all flustered and desperate to win.  Why should it matter? You didn't agree to it to begin with.  Plus there's no reward for you.  You just get to keep land that is already yours...  Even if you are forced into a duel, it's not like you should have to give up your land even if you lose...  Then these other people show up and are all "We'll look after your land for you."  



Usually solo teams have really horrible translating or poor quality scans.  This was brilliant, the translation was amazing, and I really enjoyed the explanations of the terms.  The translator had the good sense to know when to keep a word as Japanese and provide a translation later, which many people don't.  My only regret is that more people as amazingly talented as this person don't adopt old projects that were abandoned long ago.  Thank you so much for your time and effort.  :)

Thanks for the update!

Well i have no clue what this was about so i guess i'll just reread it...

Time to comment again because this is worth it.

You see, this is going to sound weird, but I just have to say it.


Black Fox Scans,

I love you.




thank you black fox for scanning and translating this ^^

Just started this series and I have to say. V1 Ch2 pg 13 




Oh yeah! I forgot this one. Thank you Black Fox Scans!

I'd love to see someone working on this again.


The dream is real! Thank you Cielle.

Love ya! Black Fox Scans!

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