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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 81votes)

Ryuushika Ryuushika

Alt Names: alt リューシカ・リューシカalt Ryu–shika Ryu–shikaalt Ryushika Ryushika
Author: Abe Yoshitoshi
Artist: Abe Yoshitoshi
Genres: Comedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The daily life of a girl nicknamed Ryuushika with a wild imagination.
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This chapter was pretty adorable. Made me like space girl more.

Damn, that tradition is stupid.

Space girl's great. She should work with kids.

Hahaha! The friend is so mean, making fun of Ryuushika like that! But her action at the end was pretty sweet. xD

I think she is the only one who actually play in/with Ryuushika's imagination, instead of acting normally with her.

Hahaha! The friend is so mean, making fun of Ryuushika like that! But her action at the end was pretty sweet. xD

I know that feel, Ryuushika's dad...


....eh? Isn't chapter 25 a Friday Movie Day? Not Sunday? Or is it a re-run?

So...cute...*pass out*

"Stan-san." I love it.




Oh my gosh! That was adorable! I laughed so hard!

That Shotaro Ishinomori Skullman shoutout in the beginning. SO awesome.


Your comment made me feel old. At first I didn't catch the reference at all because to me Skull Man is basically a dude wearing a black military dress suit and a white helmet with two big red eyes. Then I googled it and I realized you were talking about the '90s remake of the character, who does have a cooler-looking skull-shaped helmet instead. Damn young'ins.


Also, if anything Ryuushika's costume looks more like that of a Shocker Soldier from the original Kamen Rider.

Hahaha, the latest chapter was so cute! All those skeletons! x'D

That Shotaro Ishinomori Skullman shoutout in the beginning. SO awesome.

Thank you so much for the chapter Rosy!!!! 

uh oh, she figured out the dark horrible secret of humanity. its all over

Actually, [...] Ryuushika will appear to be a very bright and imaginative child compared to her peers. [...]

Sure but there were nonetheless situations where she just acted straight-up moronically and not just because of a lack of knowledge.

I was wondering when her brother and that neighbor girl would meet.

I really like how the latest chapter looks. Is it something the author did or the scanlators?


Actually on closer look the chapters were always drawn digitally, just in this latest chapter he switched to making all the outlines solid black, and thicker overall for a more 'comic book' feel.

Huh, looks like the author switched to digital art this chapter.
I wonder if it's temporary, I liked the old look.


I really like how the latest chapter looks. Is it something the author did or the scanlators?

An annoying adorable moron but a moron nonetheless.


Actually, if you've handled real kids her age (somewhere between 5 and 7), Ryuushika will appear to be a very bright and imaginative child compared to her peers. She also has more advanced reasoning and deductive skills compared to normal children her age (such as making the connection smoke from box = Urashima Taro). Her problem is a lack of reference to ground the direction of her reasoning, but today educators see this as an advantage; to let the child use her imagination at will and not constrain it to an adult worldview. Her siblings also seem to understand this to some extent, letting her run wild and teach her things at her pace instead of shoving them all in at once like people used to do in the past.

Huh, looks like the author switched to digital art this chapter.
I wonder if it's temporary, I liked the old look.

An annoying adorable moron but a moron nonetheless.

If you want to support the author, you can buy it from here. Costs about $12 including SAL shipping.

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