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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * * (4.63 - 195votes)


Alt Names: alt バーテンダー
Author: Joh Araki
Artist: Nagatomo Kenji
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story of the Sasakura Ryu and Eden Hall, a small cocktail bar in the Chiba area of Tokyo, where troubled customers come for the "glass of the gods," which with Ryu's assistance helps them to resolve their often highly emotional problems.

The above is the synopsis of the anime. In the manga, Ryu starts out working in a bar called Lapin.
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He wasn't being scolded for what he said to the customer. He was being scolded for complaining about the customer wasting his drink when he had not gone to certain lengths to ensure it would be a drink the customer would enjoy. There's a difference.

I wasn't mostly talking about the specifics of what to serve this particular dude.  We've had a few chapters about this, how right the customer is even if they're not, stuff.  It gets under my skin after a while.  And it's not about Japanese politeness--we get this same stuff in stupid seminars from consultants and such here in North America.  There's being polite, there's giving service, and then there's being servile.  The insistence more and more is that people are supposed to be servile to the customers.  It's wrong.  If I'm checking into a hotel, the person behind the desk is an equal of mine who happens to be doing a service for me at the moment; I may expect them to handle the job professionally, but not to bow down and knuckle the forehead, nor to let me abuse them.

I find all this stuff about the ethos of service gives me a pain.
Excuse me for coming from a more egalitarian tradition, but an asshole is an asshole, no matter which side of the counter they're on.  And the role does not for me overwhelm the human being.  If I'm dealing with a customer and he acts like a complete dick, there comes a point where I'm gonna talk back.  And yeah, maybe that customer has troubles that are pushing him to act like a dick, but so what?  Lots of people have troubles.  Lots of them don't react by taking them out on people they think can't fight back.  If the dicks got pushed back more often they might learn how to behave.
(although leaving a glass of booze behind is not my tolerance point--so someone thought he could handle something he couldn't, big deal.  If people try new things, they aren't going to like some of them.  Better he leave it behind than get more smashed)

He wasn't being scolded for what he said to the customer. He was being scolded for complaining about the customer wasting his drink when he had not gone to certain lengths to ensure it would be a drink the customer would enjoy. There's a difference.

I find all this stuff about the ethos of service gives me a pain.

Excuse me for coming from a more egalitarian tradition, but an asshole is an asshole, no matter which side of the counter they're on.  And the role does not for me overwhelm the human being.  If I'm dealing with a customer and he acts like a complete dick, there comes a point where I'm gonna talk back.  And yeah, maybe that customer has troubles that are pushing him to act like a dick, but so what?  Lots of people have troubles.  Lots of them don't react by taking them out on people they think can't fight back.  If the dicks got pushed back more often they might learn how to behave.


(although leaving a glass of booze behind is not my tolerance point--so someone thought he could handle something he couldn't, big deal.  If people try new things, they aren't going to like some of them.  Better he leave it behind than get more smashed)

Kuzuhara's apprentice sure has panache.

I want to punch that bastard in the face........... Kuzuhara-san's apprentice. I really want to kick his ass. Seriously.

Just in case CityShrimp reads this:

Thanks for your continued work on Bartender. I really enjoy this manga, and I also appreciate the drink recipes you post on your blog. :)

Wow OK now he really is growing up.

Only starting though, even Sasakura is still growing up (and make mistake) while facing up with Kuzuhara one on one

Wow OK now he really is growing up.

Ch. 109 reminded me of this quote from Nietzsche


“One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil.”


It's both sad and heartwarming when a student surpasses his or her master.

Just started, this is the most relaxing manga I've read in a long time. Really sets the bar (hehehe) for Slice of Life.

I've probably said it before, but I'll say it again.


i just can't get enough of this series.

Ohhhh shiiiiet!

This manga impresses me.  I hear "bar" and I just picture a crowded space full of people getting drunk to various degrees.  I doubt bars and bartenders in real life are as complex, obsessively service oriented and full of philosophy as these behind the scenes.  I wouldn't have thought there'd be much to say about bars, but to go over 100 chapters with a cohesive story AND keeping the allegories to life fresh even over 100 chapters is pretty amazing.  I tip my hat to Araki-san.

Imho, I think the apprentice tried his best... While, he has the air or sometimes portrait as tho he is a smart aleck who thinks he knew it all about the trade/art by just understanding all the factual things; I think he at least tried hard enough for something that was sorta forced upon him.


On the other hand,  I think it did not start out favorable for him at all given the high expectations from all the people around him since he is the only apprentice (as pointed out in the last chapter); infact I dont think he even realize his position/status still. No matter how much of a "luxurious" position he is in for having a famed Bartender as his teacher, I still think it's pretty harsh on him overall especially so that this is a profession that just having all the factual stuffs or/and just technique will not suffice.

". . . Let's drink somewhere else."

Ooh, ouch, that's a burn.  And the poor kid didn't figure it out until pages and pages later.

Definitely know that it was not that girl..

But didn't see that one coming. HAHAHA!

Finally updated with this!

Thank you for updating, CityShrimp!

-_- I was like 'ooo he's growing up'

Then dat Northern Rose.. I ended up lol-ing at the end.. at work too..

Well, he is growing, but in a wierd way.

That plot twist was still sweet.

-_- I was like 'ooo he's growing up'

Then dat Northern Rose.. I ended up lol-ing at the end.. at work too..

Man that ending reminds me of this song




wtf. poor guy. XD


Gay bar *laughs*

Gays are such stalkers

TROLLOLOL! Saw that coming miles away!

who delete the first chap? we need the first chap, well i need it xD

...It's in the chapters list?

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