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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Seifuku Aventure - Chemical Reaction Of High School Students

Alt Names: alt Affairs in uniform - Chemical reaction of high school studentsalt 制服あばんちゅーるalt 교복 어드벤쳐alt Seifuku Adventurealt Seifuku Aventure
Author: Sanui Yuu
Artist: Itami Sumihito
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Itou Ayako is a third year in high school and the president of the public morals committee. Part of her job is to ensure that the amount of sexual relationships between students doesn't get out of hand. As president, she is expected to set a good example and be a role model for the other students. But what if even she wants to get a boyfriend...? Recently she's become a little bit interested in fellow committee member Kawai Harumori. And so begins a struggle between duty and love.
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That imouto should learn from Komachi :|

Ahahahaha, imouto cockblock.

For my own reason, I can't never resent (non-bitch) imouto :D. Chill out everyone :).

Japan's age of consent is 16, if I remember correctly.

after a little bit of checking, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage

this was what I was referring to.

so while the age of consent (age where sex is legally allowed) is higher, one can still get married below age of consent, with parental consent. and looks like there's no lower level.


anyway, poor ayako, cockblocked by imouto.

Pages 1-9: What? What is this? Could this be development?





gaaah *kicks bucket* stupid imouto T_T

Sister cocblock!

Goddamn Imouto can't read the mood.

if only this one has a bit more pages and a bit additional content...

Japan's age of consent is 16, if I remember correctly

16 for the girl 18 for the boy

iirc, with parental consent, marriage early on is possible. (I think after 12 or something)
or maybe it was just my country...or maybe I heard it from somewhere else...can't remember.

Japan's age of consent is 16, if I remember correctly.

Can high-schoolers get married, like, anywhere? Engagements are onr thing, but flat our marriage requires 18+ minimum, as far as I know.


Anyways, the joke was predictable. Yet it made me smiled, so I guess that means it was well executed...

iirc, with parental consent, marriage early on is possible. (I think after 12 or something)

or maybe it was just my country...or maybe I heard it from somewhere else...can't remember.

Wake-up call. If Kawai doesn't get a little suspicion after that, i call brain-dead.

i think he became suspicious after he and a classmate (or rather, it was all his classmate asking) asked to be cheered, and she only cheered him. 

"Your boyfriend has arrived!"


Nice response Kawai-kun...

bahahaha married XD

Wake-up call. If Kawai doesn't get a little suspicion after that, i call brain-dead.

Can high-schoolers get married, like, anywhere? Engagements are onr thing, but flat our marriage requires 18+ minimum, as far as I know.


Anyways, the joke was predictable. Yet it made me smiled, so I guess that means it was well executed...


In Japan girls can marry from age 16 on. So if Kawai was 18, then, theoretically...

ahahaha married. but you know, from Ayako's POV and looking at the circumstances, i could see why she made that mistake.

Can high-schoolers get married, like, anywhere? Engagements are onr thing, but flat our marriage requires 18+ minimum, as far as I know.


Anyways, the joke was predictable. Yet it made me smiled, so I guess that means it was well executed...

hA!!! mARRIED Knew it!!!

ahahaha married. but you know, from Ayako's POV and looking at the circumstances, i could see why she made that mistake.

ohhhhhh iinchou xD

xD Inou Battle vivle haaha

"You two are married?"


Loooooool inchou

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