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* * * * * (4.66 - 136votes)

Is Reiroukan Still Alive?

Alt Names: alt 玲瓏館健在なりやalt Reiroukan Kenzai Nariyaalt Reiroukan Kenzainariya
Author: Tomi Akihito
Artist: Tomi Akihito
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Reiroukan is a beautiful house that is currently renting rooms to male and female students. Shirai Genta has just moved to Reiroukan, turning over a new leaf in his life. The house is full of other people with strong personalities, such as the nerdy Tokimaru and the careless and uninhibited Mikoto, who frustrates her friend Midori with her messiness. Genta gets embroiled in all sorts of wacky situations. Soon, though, Genta finds that Reiroukan is scheduled to be closed in a year. At least, there is still a year for Genta to build fond memories with the lively inhabitants of the house!
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Decent ending, albeit the mangaka went a little overboard with the melodrama. Reiroukan didn't have enough historic significance otherwise it would have been put under monument protection and a such was replaced with a new building, there's nothing wrong with that. If the space is used better it should even be welcomed.


The building looked more like a museum or public library instead of a mall and office building though.

So many.
Oh lord does it hit hard for such a short series, and with so few pages to tell it's story.
I only wish there was more to be weepy over.

who the fuck married my youko-san. hahahaha

Someone whose last name is Toyama.

who the fuck married my youko-san. hahahaha

Is Reiroukan Still Alive?
Nope, the manga ended.

Aww... it's over :(


Alas, all good things must come to an end.


Except for loli love :D

I know we are all about feelings right now but...


This is so good, I did not though that a 14 chapters manga would be this entertaining and touching ;_;



I feel like my heart also just got demolished...

 They'd be trying to block a ten figure yen (8 figure USD), at a minimum, development.  Life is just like that sometimes; gentrification is making me move out of my town in a few months.

They have money problems right ?

They're all rich fags , why can't they help her keeps the house ?

I mean i thought Genta the poorest guy in there , and what? he own and drives around topless sport car


(also sad that I didn't get to proofreading this in time)

Is Reiroukan Still Alive?


I guess we got our answer.




In their hearts.



Reiroukan, the beautiful house till its' last glory


p/s: this remind me of fraternity house

Is Reiroukan Still Alive?


I guess we got our answer.




Feelings? I don't think so. There's one more chapter left. They're getting put in the time-out corner until then.


is this the end?

My heart... 


One of the better mangas I've read - probably because I can relate to the final chapter. The homes you've lived in are like touchstones with your past. When one is wiped from the face of the Earth, it's like a part of your past has been wiped away as well.

aaww , i wanted more ... i can't even ... aaww...

They have money problems right ?

They're all rich fags , why can't they help her keeps the house ?

I mean i thought Genta the poorest guy in there , and what? he own and drives around topless sport car

couldn't she have put the building under monument protection?


I suspect that would have been another story.

couldn't she have put the building under monument protection?

Delicious tears

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