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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.52 - 90votes)

Tohai Densetsu Akagi

Alt Names: alt Akagialt Akagi - The Genius who Fell into the Darknessalt Akagi - Yami ni Oritatta Tensaialt Akagi~Yami ni Oritatte Tensai~alt アカギalt アカギ ~闇に降り立った天才~alt 鬥牌傳說alt 闘牌伝説アカギ 闇に舞い降りた天才alt Legend of Mahjong: Akagialt Mahjong Legend Akagialt Mahjong Legend Akagi: The Genius Who Descended Into the Darkness
Author: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Artist: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A genius who fell into darkness. The god of the underworld.

Akagi Shigeru runs from a Chicken race where he almost died to a Mahjong parlor, where a man is losing all his money to the Yakuza. Akagi, who is only 13, tells him that he plays it wrong, although he has never played the game before. Akagi then replaces him in the game, and there a legend is born.

When the police come to check in on the parlor to see if the child that ran from the Chicken race is there, they deny the relation of Akagi to the chicken fight. In the end the policeman invites Akagi to a much more organized Mahjong game and from there the legends only continue to develop.


- Washizu -Enma no Touhai- (http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/washizu-enma-no-touhai-r4536)
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Washizu can ron for kokushi if Akagi kans the 1-sou.


If Akagi gets an an-kan for the 1-sou, Washizu can't ron for kokushi unless chankan for kokushi is allowed in the rules of Washizu mahjong. If it isn't, ibrins's hand is still possble. =)

3 1-sous and 3 8-sous remaining. Assuming 2 more kans and a rinshan kaihou, we have a chinitsu sankantsu rinshan dora4. 12 han. So, either another kan dora or a haitei for a counted yakuman. Sounds like a legit hand to end this eternal match on.

Washizu can ron for kokushi if Akagi kans the 1-sou.

3 1-sous and 3 8-sous remaining. Assuming 2 more kans and a rinshan kaihou, we have a chinitsu sankantsu rinshan dora4. 12 han. So, either another kan dora or a haitei for a counted yakuman. Sounds like a legit hand to end this eternal match on.

Inb4 8-sou discard.

Come on, Fukumoto. Miura's let the Berserk cast off the boat; it's about time you ended this game.

my theory :

in the end washizu will win , it's just that the adrelaine he'll got he'll die before he can pronounce "tsumo" or "ron" , and thus akagi will win by default and will feel his win is empty


next chapter : akagi Vs Super Omega Buddha of the Sun

You may draw the winning tile next hand
but the criteria is drawing it

Washizu has had the best "I Came" reaction faces ever since his return from hell: 



Now let's summarize chapters 268 and 271 in a phrase:



Who'd think I would live to see MAGAZINE scans for Akagi.

Pretty surprised he hasn't noted the more obvious way for washizu's hand to go:


That was the first thing Ohgi considered on seeing the fanpai tiles.

To me it looked like Washizu had snagged something from inside the table.

Nah, that's his hair, not speed lines.

I think what he actually did was hit the edge that shuffles the tiles, which would break Akagi's perfect flow.

EDIT: Just noticed that Sonickrazy addressed this saying he doesn't believe this is the case. However, it's what I'll believe until a chapter comes out that proves it wrong.

Did a tile or something fall into inside of the table? I'm not sure what I'm looking at on page 20's second panel.

To me it looked like Washizu had snagged something from inside the table.


But I think we're all ignoring the true risk for Akagi: second-hand smoke. The way Ohgi is puffing away every time he gets nervous, Akagi is going to walk out of there with lung cancer.

Pretty surprised he hasn't noted the more obvious way for washizu's hand to go:




Has anyone here ever collapsed on a mahjong table?  How the hell did Washizu not knock any tiles over?

Isn't this considered chombo if he does

Has anyone here ever collapsed on a mahjong table?  How the hell did Washizu not knock any tiles over?

He didn't exactly collapse. We didn't translate it, but the くにゃっ... sound effect next to that is used when something's being done gently. So Washizu was slowly lowering himself onto the table for support right there, he didn't faint.

He touched the side of the pool. This action shuffles the tiles inside the table. I assume it will be explained as Washizu reversing the flow of the initial hand draw and the final draws will hamper Akagi's hand

No, that was just an action line for Washizu getting up off the table. I don't think the tiles were shuffled.

Did a tile or something fall into inside of the table? I'm not sure what I'm looking at on page 20's second panel.

He touched the side of the pool. This action shuffles the tiles inside the table. I assume it will be explained as Washizu reversing the flow of the initial hand draw and the final draws will hamper Akagi's hand.

Did a tile or something fall into inside of the table? I'm not sure what I'm looking at on page 20's second panel.

Has anyone here ever collapsed on a mahjong table?  How the hell did Washizu not knock any tiles over?

Wow Yosuoka, can you get any worse at blindly drawing tiles out of a pot?

The buildup to this hand is already on a legendary scale.

This type of hyping is cool xD ,actually I'm eager to know what happens now xD

Congratulations on managing to finish off all of Akagi pre-final hand! Quite the monumental achievement, honestly never though it'd happen personally.

by the time akagi walks out, the world has already aged 3-5 years.

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