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* * * * * (4.69 - 257votes)


Alt Names: alt MURCIÉLAGO-ムルシエラゴ-
Author: Yoshimura Kana
Artist: Yoshimura Kana
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalYuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a city overflowing with heinous crimes and violence, two girls make it their job to kill criminals who can not be dealt with by police.
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Topic Thus, I reviewed Murcielago New Window Swifft
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What's the matter, lads? Were you expecting some kind of "anti-hero" nonsense? Well, too bad, Kuroko is really a straight-up villain. Try to keep it in mind.

This chapter really helped to remind me of that.  


I mean...holy shit that was just unneeded to solve the case.  But she just went all...I can't put it into words.


Something says a lot about a story where the main character ends up forcing two teenagers (I don't care if they were bullies) to kill one another in the hopes of surviving.  After killing the first for no real reason.


Hell I was expecting her to molest them!  NOPE!  Murder and psychological torment!  


And what's worse is that I want more.

Guys, guys.


Hinairko Gear.


I appreciate this comment even if no one else does.

What's the matter, lads? Were you expecting some kind of "anti-hero" nonsense? Well, too bad, Kuroko is really a straight-up villain. Try to keep it in mind.



What's the matter, lads? Were you expecting some kind of "anti-hero" nonsense? Well, too bad, Kuroko is really a straight-up villain. Try to keep it in mind.

... this is the greatest manga I've ever read. Lesbians and serial killers and humour = heaven. If anyone has recs similar to Murcielago, hmu.

I haven't seen that girl which she just stomped to death in court so I guess she wasn't sentenced for death penalty.
Hopefully Kuroko will be sentenced properly to death. Too bad Japan is hanging their condemned men, since she has strechable neck.

Yeah forget those 700+ people Kuroko killed, these school girls were the last straw lol. I'm sure the government will come down on her this time. LOL

I haven't seen that girl which she just stomped to death in court so I guess she wasn't sentenced for death penalty.

None of the ones she killed since the start of the series has been in court(barring the skinner), yet they have dealth penalty incurred on them all the same by the police, because they know her method is death when they call for her. They only skipped the proceedings.

The bullies in this case will probably be chalked out as collateral casualties. As to whether death is fitting punishment for them, I'll let you people sort that out by yourselves. :3

Kuroko IS the death penalty.

I haven't seen that girl which she just stomped to death in court so I guess she wasn't sentenced for death penalty.

Hopefully Kuroko will be sentenced properly to death. Too bad Japan is hanging their condemned men, since she has strechable neck.

Yes, it reminds that person like her should be executed long time ago. Thankfully Japan still has death penalty so I have hopes for good ending.

Kuroko IS the death penalty.

This chapter is reminding you of her true nature. People have been sort of blindsided by the cases since she kills villains that are deranged and/or dangerous like her. But she's still the same as she ever was, sociopath of her nature don't change overnight and certainly not in an environment that allows her to kill as she wishes. Kuroko is a butcher and a monster amongst other things, this is reminding people of what she truly are.

Yes, it reminds that person like her should be executed long time ago. Thankfully Japan still has death penalty so I have hopes for good ending.

This chapter is reminding you of her true nature. People have been sort of blindsided by the cases since she kills villains that are deranged and/or dangerous like her. But she's still the same as she ever was, sociopath of her nature don't change overnight and certainly not in an environment that allows her to kill as she wishes. Kuroko is a butcher and a monster amongst other things, this is reminding people of what she truly are.

kuroko just being kuroko
she love to act as she please and as long as there is bewbs and pretty girls ... you know the rest :^)

It's becoming too edgy and needlesly cruel

This isn't even a guro doujin so you're safe. With that said sometimes I have to go to gurochan to get my fix after reading this series because it's such a tease at times.
Making a bomb at high school age isn't that great of a feat but I can see Kuroko sees...other assets in the girl.

how they can arest her in the first place?

It's becoming too edgy and needlesly cruel

This chapter is reminding you of her true nature. People have been sort of blindsided by the cases since she kills villains that are deranged and/or dangerous like her. But she's still the same as she ever was, sociopath of her nature don't change overnight and certainly not in an environment that allows her to kill as she wishes.

Kuroko is a butcher and a monster amongst other things, this is reminding people of what she truly are.

You realize that she's killed hundreds of people before this in probably the most brutal and vicious of ways. This edge and evil you talk about was always there in her methods of killing, and more importantly in how she plans things out to end in killings in just about every arc till now.


I'm also pretty sure that if:


1. She had waited 5 mins for those girls to become murderers first instead of killing them before they actually did it,


2. They were not highschool girls, like maybe a bunch of fat old men


, then you would not have had the same reaction. Food for thought.

going to have to agree here, her cruelty and general nature is pretty much good in my book, because its basically a reflection of our current world, theirs plenty of people in the world generic "law and order" cannot deal with through normal means so we have people (general speacial forces or people that we the people can't see doing what they do) out their handling it.

It's becoming too edgy and needlesly cruel

Man with this turn of events I'm not really liking the manga last few chapters Kuu-chan has become way too evil. I know she's been a bad person all along but the edge and evil is totally unchecked. It's gonna have me drop this if she doesn't get checked and brought into line hard.


You realize that she's killed hundreds of people before this in probably the most brutal and vicious of ways. This edge and evil you talk about was always there in her methods of killing, and more importantly in how she plans things out to end in killings in just about every arc till now.


I'm also pretty sure that if:


1. She had waited 5 mins for those girls to become murderers first instead of killing them before they actually did it,


2. They were not highschool girls, like maybe a bunch of fat old men


, then you would not have had the same reaction. Food for thought.

Kills 700+ people including parents before the start of the series.

The Cost of Strenght arc: lets bystanders get involved for shits and giggles.

Murderer Party arc: only got involved in the first place to get laid.

Domestic Killer arc: realizes Rinko is the killer right off the bat, leaves her in the care of Hinako & friends without so much as a warning just so she could go kill her father, stops Rinko from killing herself just so she can get laid when she grows up.

Rose-Coloured Prison arc: accepts the job to get laid. If Chiyo didn't show up chances are she'd still be there getting laid. Lets Chiyo get in harm's way by pretending to be brainwashed. In the end it's ninja Hinako's totally planned intervention that saves the day.

The Gap Between the Sky and I arc: lets Hinako and Rinko take care of that behemoth of a culprit, takes Sora's mom along just to watch their reactions, pretends to be nice to her to get laid.

School Destruction arc: kills high school girls, is probably helping Minako so she can get laid yet again. And counting.

And probably the worst offense of all: finds out someone is named Chacha and will never let the poor soul hear the end of it.


It takes some people this long to realize she's an evil bastard.


She's rotten to the core and that's why I love her.

Highschoolers killing highschoolers, didn't know I started rereading danganronpa.


Highschoolers killing each other ...

not only here and Danganronpa, there are plenty of manga story which have this as base setting ...

Man with this turn of events I'm not really liking the manga last few chapters Kuu-chan has become way too evil. I know she's been a bad person all along but the edge and evil is totally unchecked. It's gonna have me drop this if she doesn't get checked and brought into line hard.

I'm getting really bored of the main character being frigging invincible all the time.

Well, c'mon, it's not like that streak was going to get challenged by some typical schoolgirls with baseball bats.  They're not so much "opponents" as "victims".

she had a descent villain-only kill streak going on.

She murdered 715 people before her "career" started. All in all, it's kinda nice to see her unrestrained.

Highschoolers killing highschoolers, didn't know I started rereading danganronpa. All in all I'm a disappointed in kuromi, she had a descent villain-only kill streak going on. 

>keep people alive in a death mansion
>save little girl

>join a cult and don't kill anyone

>save another little girl and kill the psycho old man

>brutally murder a highschooler

... shit. I guess this series wouldn't be what it is if it didn't remind you how grizzly it is and that the main character is a homocidal perverted psychopath. The chief is gonna tear her a new one for this shit. 

I think her rule for killing is if they are prepared to kill, they're prepared to die. If you fall in this category, hope you're a sexy girl and try and seduce her seems to be your only option.

Erm, at least that one girl didn't die a virgin?


Also, can you imagine the ghost stories that are going to be told about that equipment storage room?

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