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Doubt! (AMANO Sakuya)

Alt Names: alt ダウト!alt Doubt!alt 다우트!
Author: Amano Sakuya
Artist: Amano Sakuya
Genres: Comedy ComedyHarem HaremMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Ichiru Kanzaki is given an offer he can't refuse: to clear his entire debt, he has to enroll in the high school his father works at and track down his father's illegitimate daughter, whom he has never met. But which girl is she?
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This is important evidence!!


Hoping a release for this August 2013 ...

It would be hilarious if it turns out the letter was sent to the wrong person and non of the girls are his half-sister.


The Mother sure looks different with her hair up and in her work clothes, than in her night with her hair down, liking the new girl, she appears to be a genius idiot girl..

Niiice! The cute hypeactive loli is a terrorist!

am i the only one who finds the dialogue a bit confusing?

Which part?  You're perfectly welcome to come and help translate or verify the translation, if you want to.

am i the only one who finds the dialogue a bit confusing?

I think this is the first time that a guy and a girl hiding inside a locker; have been found.


What is this world coming to?

Even though I am a super lolicon who should be jumping on this blonde loli like there's no tomorrow...I'm really craving some more Mizuki Mana.

I wasn't able to post my teaser pics cause I'm still trying to clear my backlog of chapters... Anyway, here's the pic... :)

A loli bomber and a super MILF in one chapter...


in any case, the girls are still awesome. especially asuka <3

Have patience.  This episode isn't over yet.  After devoting a chapter apiece to the first two girls, this one gets two chapters.


Though I agree: running around with bombs?  She shows up to school each day, but they can't catch her even when they have homeroom attendance call?  I find that rather hard to believe.  But hey, I'm only translating the thing . . . unless somebody else wants to do the honors.


Without going into details, things are going to get more interesting still.  Crazier?  More unbelievable?  That's for you to judge.  The mangaka let this story simmer in the back of his head for years.


FWIW, that makes three chapters done.  We are currently seven chapters behind.

That would of been valid if it wasn't the fact that the MC's father also didn't know the name of the mother who sent the letter revealing the existence of the bastard child they had in the first place.


No, he obtained the first name 'Yukari' in the letter sent to him (Ch 1. Pg 8). Even if she had gotten married sometime after she had conceived the mystery child, only her last name would have changed. Of course, this could also be an alias, however that would be an deus ex machina that would make no logical sense to implement..

This makes absolutely no sense, even though the protagonist is pretty smart in regards to analyzing information, this guy fails to do one simple thing: directly ask the girl(s) in question about what their mother's name is.. The entire plot of the story would fall through in an instant, so IMO this manga fails..

That would of been valid if it wasn't the fact that the MC's father also didn't know the name of the mother who sent the letter revealing the existence of the bastard child they had in the first place.

This makes absolutely no sense, even though the protagonist is pretty smart in regards to analyzing information, this guy fails to do one simple thing: directly ask the girl(s) in question about what their mother's name is.. The entire plot of the story would fall through in an instant, so IMO this manga fails..


a really bad move ...

if the mother said to them "do not mention your mom or dad name when someone who ask it" (exception if they meet directly with the mother) ...

they will become very suspicious and the "capturing" will fail instantly ...

This makes absolutely no sense, even though the protagonist is pretty smart in regards to analyzing information, this guy fails to do one simple thing: directly ask the girl(s) in question about what their mother's name is.. The entire plot of the story would fall through in an instant, so IMO this manga fails..


2co3k1t.jpgtime to "capture" a loli ...


The logic is weak with this one.


Running with bombs to get noticed?  I'm sure there are other ways to get noticed that don't run the risk of killing other people.


however it happen ...

(in To Aru Index ... and several other title)

and it also happen in real live ... just to get noticed ...


indeed it's stupid ... the reason for bomb like ...

- if you don't increase security

- if you don't pay attention for certain character / organization

- if you don't change certain law

- etc ...


for a family ...

- notice me / visit me or I'll goes suicide

- put poison in water tank in school or something


etc, etc ... real live is crazier than you think ...

so, was that easy to get a time bomb ? Nevermind, in manga we shouldn't think, just read and enjoy.

Use a bomb to get notice ? I guest Aya think her real father is either Terrotist or Police Bomb Squad.

thumbs up for the mother!!


Mm, yeah, seriously enjoying this. Although I'm sure it's not set in stone, still pegging Aya as sister. And favorite girl is still up in the air. Mana needs more screen time for me to make a decision. Also, MC's mom is pretty darn cute the way she acts.


Trouble maker?Pig-riding girl?Bomb terrorist?

What a weird target

The logic is weak with this one.


Running with bombs to get noticed?  I'm sure there are other ways to get noticed that don't run the risk of killing other people.

Terrorist Kitty with Bomb is sooo cute~~~  XD

BINGO! crazy-monkey-emoticon-061.gif?1292792394

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