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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.59 - 156votes)


Alt Names: alt 迷糊餐厅alt Wagnaria!!alt Working!! 犬組alt Working!! Inu-gumi
Author: Takatsu Karino
Artist: Takatsu Karino
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Souta Takanashi gets a job at Wagnaria, a local family restaurant. He is "lured" there by a cute girl named Poplar, who looks like she's 10. However, she is in fact 17, a year older than him! Some of the crazy characters include Satou, the cool chef who is in fact in love with Yachiyo, the chief who is madly in love (admiration) with their boss, Kyoko, who can't stop eating sweets and slows down the restaurant in general. Satou's cooking assistant and "friend" is Souma, a man who can get dirt on anyone and use it against them, except for Inami, a girl who has a phobia of men and punches him before he has the chance to find out anything about her, and Aoi, a girl with fishy motives for joining the restaurant who finds Souma's one weakness... Tears. How does Takanashi, the "normal", high school, small-thing loving (not a lolicon!) teen deal with all of this?


>Working!! Re:ORDER


>Working!! Secret Memories
( http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/working-secret-memories-r3005 )

>Working!! - Seishunhen
( http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/working-seishun-days-r687 )

Published in a Seinen Magazine.Please do not edit demographic to Shounen!
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Taneshima is confused! So cute!

Chapter release was late because I was too busy watching GuP movie.


Hats off to the people who were able to read this without twisting their minds around the words.

There is an opposite of her at zetsubou sensei.She is the only normal one and yet she denies it.


Hats off to the people who were able to read this without twisting their minds around the words.

Still can't decide if Yamada is more adorable than insufferable.

Thank you so much Nondescriptors for filling the gap, another 15 chapter until we reach chapter 152.

Keep it up and I will finally be released from these almost 3 years of agony.


Thanks for filling in the missing chapters Nondescriptors! To think Cometscans thought chapter 135 was something we didn't need to see. The pleasure is in the smaller story details rather than the 'big bang' plot points CS gave us.

Yeah, I don't get that either.

The joy in Working!! is the characters themselves, not the story.

Thanks for filling in the missing chapters Nondescriptors! To think Cometscans thought chapter 135 was something we didn't need to see. The pleasure is in the smaller story details rather than the 'big bang' plot points CS gave us.

Where does the anime leave off?

The end, one would assume. At least, the anime seems to have ended most of the plot threads.

Where does the anime leave off?

dammit yamada. just when i thought it's finally time for some souma backstory....

It's nice to see Satou and Souma get along in that way. Somehow, I wish that would be normal.

Ohh! My sides! Hahahahahaaaa haaa haaaaaa..... man, haven't laughed like that in a while. Thanks for the normal release.

Don't worry, it's perfectly normal to laugh normally at this normal manga depicting totally normal situations.

Ohh! My sides! Hahahahahaaaa haaa haaaaaa..... man, haven't laughed like that in a while. Thanks for the normal release.
I wonder if it is normal to constantly obsess over being normal.


Exactly the words for Matsumoto

Cheers and thank yous for completing Volume 7!

I love Matsumoto. There really needs to be more of her in the series. Though, it is kind of cool to pick her out in the background sometimes... Kinda like Where's Waldo...

oooh kirio !!

like THAT kirio from U&T. he was my favorite comic char 10 years ago. (completly forgot about him until now lol)

Please let the next chapter be the 135th O_O

I wonder why they don't bother licensing this in English?

They did for 'Servant x Service' and 'My Monster Girl's Too Cool for You', so there is definitely an English audience for this author.

that true not to mention the anime is a fan favourite so people would want to read the manga. strange indeed.

Yeah, finally someone is doing the missing chapters.

Thanks Nondescriptors for doing the missing chapters...! =3

I might finally catch up with the rest... xD

I wonder why they don't bother licensing this in English?

They did for 'Servant x Service' and 'My Monster Girl's Too Cool for You', so there is definitely an English audience for this author.

Well looks like we wont have chapters 133-151 any time soon, unless some group picks it up and translates them. According to Japanzai they have dropped the series. 

God damn, the man is blind.

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