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* * * * - (4.43 - 87votes)

Shuukyuu Shoujo

Alt Names: alt 蹴球少女alt Football Girl
Author: Wakamiya Hiroaki
Artist: Wakamiya Hiroaki
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Yuuki kun was one of the star players on his junior high school team; along with his childhood friend Shinichi. Due to a promise that he made with his female childhood friend Miyuki, Yuuki kun has decided to take the long road to the J League by joining a normal school club and winning tournaments, instead of taking recommendations like Shinichi did....

When he checks the club of his selected school, the best club in the country; he quickly notices that the club is completely devoid of any members except for a weird girl that goes by the name of the Fujisaki Rin. She along with her friend Ayane seem to have driven everyone out of the team....

But is it really that Rin and Ayane want to dissolve the soccer club? or could they possible want something else??.... And just what is exactly the promise that Yuuki made with his childhood friends? Well, regardless of the answers it seems that Yuuki isn't in for a smooth sailing, as he completely seems to have fallen into Fujisaki's hands...
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Topic This manga would be so messed up if the gender roles were reveresed New Window Jinust
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that noob goalkeeper at page 29, he should have move forward closing distance to her, noob noob noob, xD

Physical ability is important in sports but, it's not the main aspect. As someone already pointed out when it came to tennis women are just as good or better than men when it comes right down to it. The first battle of the sexes match in tennis was a 55 year old guy vs a 30 year old girl and the guy won however half a year later he got curb stomped by a girl right after that. When it comes to sports it's more about finesse than it is maximum output. Sports have rules so that alone means that it no longer is solely about the physical strength of a player. Granted some strength is still needed but, girl or guy the can play just as vicious and ruthless as possible in order to win... besides women usually have a higher pain threshold as well which gives them an advantage in that regard.

the strength of an idiot should never be underestimated 

They'll win 999 of 1000 times. Specially on football (soccer for americans). 

And I'm being generous with the 1 of 1000 times. You can see it on the speed of plays, speed of the players, the kicking, the fouling, the technique, etc.


I honestly don't think there is a sport a female can beat a male. Hmm.. no idea. Any ideas?

i'd say i disagree with this almost completly, most sports are about skill rather then pure physical brawn (exceptions exist), the thing is there are less elite female players simply because there is no money in it compared to the male elite.


if you've ever seen a female team fight a male one head on you'd see that the physical advantage males enjoy are not game-breakingly large.

They'll win 999 of 1000 times. Specially on football (soccer for americans). 

And I'm being generous with the 1 of 1000 times. You can see it on the speed of plays, speed of the players, the kicking, the fouling, the technique, etc.


I honestly don't think there is a sport a female can beat a male. Hmm.. no idea. Any ideas?


Depends on how narrow your definition of sport is and where in the world you are? Are you just choosing the purely physical ones?


Auto racing, archery, bowling (lol), Motocross, skeet shooting, diving (make the number of dives the same) are a few sports where women could beat men. 


In soccer, basketball, baseball, American football or where it's down to physical aspects then women have little chance. There have been exceptions in the US where girls have done wrestling or American football in junior high school.        



They'll win 999 of 1000 times. Specially on football (soccer for americans). 

And I'm being generous with the 1 of 1000 times. You can see it on the speed of plays, speed of the players, the kicking, the fouling, the technique, etc.


I honestly don't think there is a sport a female can beat a male. Hmm.. no idea. Any ideas?

Tennis and golf...

They'll win 999 of 1000 times. Specially on football (soccer for americans). 

And I'm being generous with the 1 of 1000 times. You can see it on the speed of plays, speed of the players, the kicking, the fouling, the technique, etc.


I honestly don't think there is a sport a female can beat a male. Hmm.. no idea. Any ideas?

Well since women have a lower center of gravity, I feel like some sort of martial arts would give women an advantage. However, winning at sports is also very skill based, not just physical ability, not to say physical ability isn't extremely important.

Glad to know this hot stuff isn't dead. <3

Very cool, thanks for the new chapter iManga!!

I'm cheering for Yuuki's team! Oh and that was a nice headbutt shot. Reading this manga makes me want to go out and play some soccer...




4 months and 0 updates makes me feel sad :(

page 19 batigol



Yup.. I wonder when they put the Maradona's Epic goal....


And I wonder if they will go outside Japan...



lol, she has finally attained the Musou :P

Chapter 28.....fanservice doko??

That confidence is pretty damn strong~

page 19 batigol



I wonder what happen....


Heh, more than pettan battle next I want to see trap vs reverse trap :)

I haven't seen any of the girls in this manga being portrayed as "physically superior than or equivalent to the males". So far, all of their victories were based on Rin being extremely well informed and prepared against their next oponents, as well as Yuuki (a male!)'s top-level abilities.


Does anybody remember any of the girls overwhelming one of the guys by force or speed (or stamina) on the field in this manga? Not me.


So let's stop talking about the "physical differences" between male and female (which isn't what this manga is about) and enjoy this, or go find another manga.

soccer is actually one of the most physical sports, this manga actually does a good job of showing the guys shoving.


but realisticly, you wouldnt hear someone call out a direction during a kick and be able to react at that range, actually at that range it would have to be a split second reaction you cant go one way then the other


as for male teams beating female teams, they wont ALWAYS win its just they will win most of the time.  i am pretty sure team USAs women's team can beat a lot of less skilled mens teams in the world.  there is always a skill factor there too

They'll win 999 of 1000 times. Specially on football (soccer for americans). 

And I'm being generous with the 1 of 1000 times. You can see it on the speed of plays, speed of the players, the kicking, the fouling, the technique, etc.


I honestly don't think there is a sport a female can beat a male. Hmm.. no idea. Any ideas?

soccer is actually one of the most physical sports, this manga actually does a good job of showing the guys shoving.


but realisticly, you wouldnt hear someone call out a direction during a kick and be able to react at that range, actually at that range it would have to be a split second reaction you cant go one way then the other


as for male teams beating female teams, they wont ALWAYS win its just they will win most of the time.  i am pretty sure team USAs women's team can beat a lot of less skilled mens teams in the world.  there is always a skill factor there too



I hope you do realize, that Soccer isn't all about muscles, right?

Well, actually it mostly is. It doesnt matter how much you train, under the same training regimen, the male will have an unfair physical superiority, thats a fact.
This doesnt mean that, just because they are physically stronger, a male team would always win agaisnt a female one obiously, but it does create a rather unfair advantage.

The same applies to tennis, basketball, and most other team sports.

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