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* * * * * (4.55 - 128votes)

Billy Bat

Alt Names: alt ビリーバットalt بيلي بات
Author: Urasawa Naoki & Nagasaki Takashi
Artist: Urasawa Naoki
Genres: Drama DramaHistorical HistoricalMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Billy Bat is a comic-in-a-comic and the real protagonist is a Japanese-American artist named Kevin Yamagata who draws Billy Bat for "Marble Comics".

Shortly after they transition to the artist in his studio with his assistant, two actual detectives, who look like Laurel and Hardy in Dick Tracy era suits and trench coats, knock on the door and appropriate Kevin's room for the purpose of conducting surveillance on a room in an adjacent building. One of the detectives, the skinny “Laurel”, sees Kevin's work and it turns out he's a Billy Bat fan. The other chubby "Hardy" detective picks up a page and says that the characters look familiar and accuses Kevin of translating an old "Jap" comic.

As Hardy remembers the comic he thinks Kevin is ripping off, we make another Urasawaesque time jump to 1949 Tokyo...
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don't know why i got surprised when i see Hitler lol

This manga make me read all the history of the people appear here (such as xavier ,etc which i never knew before because i have always ignorant about the real world)

This stuff is the bomb!! I've been stuck reading this continuously for the last 3nights O_O

Need to go get some sleep and cool off now that I reached the current chapter =_= Those plot twists *_*

Billy Bat really is reusing a fair number of plot points from 20th Century Boys, but I think it might actually be making better use of them. The historical/popcultural mishmash is a nice stylistic touch, and the overall plot is probably Urasawa's most ambitious yet - which is saying ssomething - and yet, it feels like he actually has a goal in mind, unlike 20CB which sort of made some things up as it went along and left some questions with unsatisfactory answers. only time will tell for sure, though.


Overall, Billy Bat's only real failing is that it lacks any exceptional characters... which are usually a staple in Urasawa manga. I'm just hoping that Kevin Goodman will live up to be something great.

Personally I can't stand when I'm trying to drink coffee and Billy Bat shows up in the cup. You can add all the sugar and creamer packets that you want, but the funky bat taste doesn't go away after that.

I want to see Jackie again =/

Omg.  Not only does Michael Jackson get a mention through this other group, but the Thriller Music Video has its own subplot importance.  Epic!


For people who don't know: Thriller set the record for music videos.  It was the most expensive music video ever made at the time, with state of the art special effects.  Thriller the album went on to sell spectacularly as well, and pretty much set Michael Jackson as the megastar he's known for today (outside of his career in the Jackson 5).

I thought the Moon farce would be the peak of everything, but I must confess the Keith Richards mention equally blew my mind.


There definitely will be an alternative unverses thingy popping in at some point.

Know what would be great? A Super Smash Bros-type game with Urasawa characters. Just so I could see Master Keaton & Billy Bat vs. Johan & Friend.

Man, only 7 more issues until another hiatus.  Unfortunate.

@ hiruman:



Yeah, Definitely possible and Kevin's gonna be the hero who saves everyone in the end just like 20th CB with his friends.

 This new chapter made my day!

Oh my gosh it's finally back :D Though it's strange to have a new Kevin as the protagonist... But I already like him. He seems very interesting now that he's grown up~

@ hiruman:

Well, it's March. That means the hiatus should end soon.


What a tweest

Well, that's one way to do it...While I love how unpredictable this manga is, that was a bit uncalled for, wasn't it...?

I can't help but feel Kubo-ed at this chapter. First,

and now we gotta wait til March for a new chapter?

I hope...
Damn... Chapter 93... What an unexpected plot twist...
Chapter 93... Holy shit. Just... holy shit.
Chaptesr 91-92 : What's with those weird drawings and all ?!?


My intuition is that they're actually some form of handwriting but that they're not easy to decipher.

As for that weird machine, what, is it Doctor Who, what the hell, WHY THOSE CLIFFHANGERS ??? T____T
@paraquat hahahaha that made my day for sure

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