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* * * * * (4.69 - 114votes)

Amai Seikatsu

Alt Names: alt 内衣高手alt 甘い生活alt Sweet Life (YUZUKI Hikaru)
Author: Yuzuki Hikaru
Artist: Yuzuki Hikaru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The complicated story of a young man who goes to work for a lingerie company.

This manga has 40.5 volumes.

Sequel: http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/amai-seikatsu-second-season-r18229
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You know, her role in this chapter was a bit more subdued, but I've been seeing Wakamiya as the main character in this series so far rather than Edo. Edo feels like he is just there for her character to play off of.

I think she feels more like the real MC here because not only does she get a lot of screentime even without Edo, she is also the more relateable character. Edo is simply totally over-the-top with his complete ignorance regarding the other sex when it is about anything but underwear. We know he is totally obsessed with underwear, and that is all of a character he is so far. That is support character quality, and only if we are feeling generous.

You know, her role in this chapter was a bit more subdued, but I've been seeing Wakamiya as the main character in this series so far rather than Edo. Edo feels like he is just there for her character to play off of.

What a fun series!  Attractive adult women in underwear, silly humor and a dense MC.  What more can you ask for?


Oh snap let the fight begin!

I thought the underwear lady would put up more of a fight than to admit defeat immediately...
Oh well, everything went better than expected.
Btw, why didn't she experience the undewear's...full effects? She thought they felt really good, but not to the point of multiple orgasms like the other models.
Now that I think about it...he's kind of screwed in the model department in the future right? You have to figure that not many models will be willing to parade in front of people in underwear that may(will) cause orgasms.

Well it could be the fact that she wore underwear from her teacher (whom, in my perspective and possibly with forgotten bits of information, she seems to like) so the effect from edo's undewear is not as great due to her beig used to it

I thought the underwear lady would put up more of a fight than to admit defeat immediately...
Oh well, everything went better than expected.

Btw, why didn't she experience the undewear's...full effects? She thought they felt really good, but not to the point of multiple orgasms like the other models.

Now that I think about it...he's kind of screwed in the model department in the future right? You have to figure that not many models will be willing to parade in front of people in underwear that may(will) cause orgasms.

More victims of Shunsuke-san's creations. He will forever be my hero. Many thanks to Ravin and the Bento Scans crew for scanlating this beautiful work.


On a side-note, anyone know where I can buy all the volumes in English? Since this manga is over 20 years old, I expect there to be a professional version; not that Bento Scans do shabby work. I'd just like to give the author the money he deserves. I'm too lazy to Google it myself so I shall leave all of my hopes and dreams in your hands, citizens of Batoto.

There is none. Thats why Bento Scans is scanlating it.



41 volumes huh..........

No it is not 41 volumes... It is literally 40 and a half volumes. I wish I was lying but I seriously am not lol.

41 volumes huh..........

That underwear could easily pass for a goddamn adult toy...  @__@;

More victims of Shunsuke-san's creations. He will forever be my hero. Many thanks to Ravin and the Bento Scans crew for scanlating this beautiful work.


On a side-note, anyone know where I can buy all the volumes in English? Since this manga is over 20 years old, I expect there to be a professional version; not that Bento Scans do shabby work. I'd just like to give the author the money he deserves. I'm too lazy to Google it myself so I shall leave all of my hopes and dreams in your hands, citizens of Batoto.

gawddamn MC making girls wet left and right. I wish I had hands like those

Thanks Bento Scans for another chapter, this series is very entertaining

Why nobody tell me that ch 14's page 2 and 3 are same?!


-I will change that, eventually 

I don't get what's so shocking about it...

Welp that was released a little over a month ago and i forget.

I already read ch 12 and


I don't get what's so shocking about it...

lmao what was the chairman thinking?

He was wondering would it have the same effect most likely lol

lmao what was the chairman thinking?

ooh thanks for the new chapter!

So, does the 'made with love' lingerie have that effect with every woman who puts it on? Or just those that felt Edo's 'golden touch' before?
Either way, sounds like the following chapters will be fun =)

I want to assume that its the lingerie itself. I believe Chitose is just passing it off like that in denial.

So, does the 'made with love' lingerie have that effect with every woman who puts it on? Or just those that felt Edo's 'golden touch' before?
Either way, sounds like the following chapters will be fun =)

Well see how it is this chapter

Mc's got a hand  that could make any girl cum.

would like to learn about that technique

It just keeps getting better.


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