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Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Alt Names: alt Ainda assim, O Mundo é Belo.alt Aun así, el mundo es hermoso.alt それでも世界は美しいalt Dünya Yine de Güzelalt Even So, the World is still Beautifulalt The World is Still Beautiful
Author: Shiina Dai
Artist: Shina Dai
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Nike is the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom and one who holds the power to call forth the rain. Despite her own reluctance, for the sake of her country she travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius. She soon discovers that the King, who conquered the world within only three years of ascending to the throne, is actually... a child?! Furthermore, for trivial reasons, he demands that Nike call forth the rain...!?
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  • 1 Replies


I actually love it when they say that.

Love is just too tame/unreal without a bit of insanity mixed in.




Besides, it's not like they're married yet.

Engaged yes, not married.

So she will still have the option of breaking it off.

Fortis agreed while knowing the risks.

That almost sounds as if love is a 'sane' thing :P 

Okay, Livi and Nike are a lovely couple but....Livi x Jishin is life! YAOI!!!!!! And Nike approves!!!!

How old is Livi? 12 or 15? And Nike for that matter.

He has 12 years old. You will find it out in the chapter 40. If you are curious take a look at the spanish version page 14.

How old is Livi? 12 or 15? And Nike for that matter.

If it wasn't for the last few pages I woulda thought it ended n.n

Given that they just introduced a brand new character in the chapter before this one, I knew it wasn't going to end here. At the same time, I think all that stuff at the beginning was to recap the beginning of the story for those who have forgot after so long. :P

If it wasn't for the last few pages I woulda thought it ended n.n

Levi first subjugated the world by age 8...? I figured he was just a wee bit older....

that friggin' marquis's blushing face was so.. hnnng.... >////<


and pls dont tell me this is yet another rival. cmon now XD let him just be an otaku lol

Is it me or the person that sent Tsubai against Livi is Livi himself?  A darker livi?  That seems too much of a stretch...Like Superman fighting Superman "Bizarro"....  I am not sure I like it.  It feel that the author is creating this because it is necessary to justify the presence of the assasin (tsubai) as she was carried by livi upon his arrival with cassandra.  and to have a use for that character (that so far was left on the side, unattended) while also justifying the presence of Livi for so long with Cassandra and the neglect of Nike.

Does anyone else think this manga could really use a time-skip? 

Why does Livi not want to tell her I mean she probably already knows right?
I hope Luna's older brother is not one of those potential love interests that authors like throwing in like monkeywrenches.

I was very excited about the Fortis arc because it introduced some new male characters without trying to force them inbetween Nike and Livi.

I really do hate when characters say things that essentially amounts to "you're free to use and abuse me for the rest of my life as long as you let me stay with you", much less coming from a 10 year old girl.

I'm sure it sounds so passionate in the moment, but it still always irks me.

I actually love it when they say that.

Love is just too tame/unreal without a bit of insanity mixed in.


Besides, it's not like they're married yet.

Engaged yes, not married.

So she will still have the option of breaking it off.

Fortis agreed while knowing the risks.

I really do hate when characters say things that essentially amounts to "you're free to use and abuse me for the rest of my life as long as you let me stay with you", much less coming from a 10 year old girl.

I'm sure it sounds so passionate in the moment, but it still always irks me.

made a mistake so I will delete the chapter and replaced it sorry for the inconvenience ^^


Talk about a dark twist!



yeah yeah i get it "back in the day" we all studied history but it doesn't mean i like it in this manga and don't see why the mangaka had to make such a huge age gap

Umm. Because it's interesting?

yeah yeah i get it "back in the day" we all studied history but it doesn't mean i like it in this manga and don't see why the mangaka had to make such a huge age gap




anyway now another issue arises? can't they just have a break lol. i don't understand by "wiping existence" out though

Luna is 10? how does that even work

We'll back in the days, usually they are engaged, and she'd remain engaged until she marries him when she becomes of child bearing age, so in those eras 13-15 ish?


Because the average life expectancy was lower in those days and because people started working at an earlier age than nowadays, thus it was normal to be psychologically mature and get married in your teens.


Then later more and more medical achievements led to longer life.

Plus, thanks to the development of technology, life became easier to live.

Both of which contributed to a delay in maturity and thus resulted in people getting married later and later in life.


To sum it up:

Either they used to get engaged and wait till the younger party was of child-bearing age before marrying or in some cultures they used to get married but didn't consummate until child-bearing age/maturity was reached.


Don't judge them. The alternative was that they marry later in life and risk dying before they had children or before their children became independent.

She's like 12, why

Luna is 10? how does that even work

We'll back in the days, usually they are engaged, and she'd remain engaged until she marries him when she becomes of child bearing age, so in those eras 13-15 ish?

No offence to Timeless ScansI totally appreciate the fact that they are providing some nice fast releases for what is one of my favourite manga series, but I kinda prefer my scans a little cleaner so I'm still waiting for Fallen Syndicate :|

You're misunderstanding. It's not why he learned these things that is swaying her, it is to what extent he learned and how he uses that knowledge that is tugging at her heartstrings.


Well, I'm not really misunderstanding. I know the *why* as it pertains to the story. My issue is more about the time frame from purely despising the individual to being so strongly in love with him all within a day. Such negative emotions really do need at least a little time to simmer. Even if he's the coolest guy in the universe, you'd still need some time to warm up to them after assuming the worst the whole time, especially when you've been under the assumption this whole time everything they did had ulterior motives. And since her trust issues were present all the way until the very end, it just felt odd.

I mean, I'm not even saying it's impossible for it to play out this way. 'Love is blind' and all that. It's just, as I read it, it felt like her feelings were rushed a bit.

Anyway, that's all I really have to say on the topic. I don't hate the guy at all (I was saying from the start he was going to end up being a super nice guy), but I seriously hope he waits several years before marrying her or trying to shack up.

Yeah, but the premise thus far was them assuming he did these things with ulterior motives, rather than a genuine interest in getting to know her. I'd get it if she believed he was genuinely interested in her, but she's been under the assumption this whole time that it's all just a ruse to further some agenda of his, and his "it's a secret" thing he perpetuates throughout certainly doesn't make it sound any different.

You're misunderstanding. It's not why he learned these things that is swaying her, it is to what extent he learned and how he uses that knowledge that is tugging at her heartstrings.


Luna is 10? how does that even work

Well, you're also forgetting the fact that he put effort into learning about her, and rather than just "saving" her, he also supported her at different times.

Yeah, but the premise thus far was them assuming he did these things with ulterior motives, rather than a genuine interest in getting to know her. I'd get it if she believed he was genuinely interested in her, but she's been under the assumption this whole time that it's all just a ruse to further some agenda of his, and his "it's a secret" thing he perpetuates throughout certainly doesn't make it sound any different.


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