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* * * * - (4.31 - 142votes)

Saiteihen no Otoko -Scumbag Loser-

Alt Names: alt Saiteihen no Otokoalt Ultimate Scumbag Loseralt 最底辺の男 -Scumbag Loser-alt 最底限渣男alt Полный неудачник
Author: Yamaguchi Mikoto
Artist: Yamaguchi Mikoto
Genres: Action ActionHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Murai Masahiko (16) has a fetish for the smell lingering around a scumbag in his class. One day, a beautiful girl named Mizusawa Haruka transfers into his class, but when they start dating he spills the truth: "Mizusawa Haruka died 5 years ago...." Who the hell is she!? What are her intentions!? The heart pounding suspense horror Scumbag Loser begins!
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Topic That's seriously the end....? **possible spoilers** New Window HardBoiled
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Poor teacher :(

I'm already seeing the skin swap. God, that was disturbing.

Damn, glasses girl got a body...

Dang, he made a Scumbag clan for himself~ XD

Oh god, those last few pages are freaking awesome!!!
The author's troll pages are the best!!!

Jeez, I.. I can't deal with this manga. Why can't I stop reading this.

What, the MC suddenly have his own brotherhood

what is this?

ASsassin cre....


Scumbag Creed Brotherhood

yea... thats right...

Woo-hoo a new chapter!!~~


And those smiles are sure creeping me out...

OMG an update! Thanks Shitbread Scans~ x3

lol this poor cop. i mean how would you feel if you stumbled on to this and one of your most important clues was some panties.

Oh yeah !

Awesome !!

I don't get anything that's going on. And that's good.

So its going to another character.


Very interested in this manga. I really need moar @.@

Eh.... Where's the MC now?

You have no idea how long I was waiting for this. That april fool's upload broke my heart. I felt like I could never love again.

It's only begun.


So twisted and epic !

Loving this twisted manga. Makes you think, "is this reality or is it all in my head"? The truth can sometimes be scarier than your imagination and nightmares.
6/6 would let Kannade doori my keikaku.

would bang

great chapter 10/10.

Perfectly done release. Never been so enlightened before by one chapter.

This is complete mindfuck, Damn.

Finding this by an april fool's? Sadface

Its releases like these that make me love April Fools xD
But at the same time im so sad... T.T

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