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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.64 - 120votes)


Alt Names: alt 南Q阿伝alt Biography of South-Q-Shadowalt Legend of NaQuaalt Nakuadenalt Naqua's Lifealt The Tradition of Na-Q-A
Author: Mitsunaga Yasunori
Artist: Mitsunaga Yasunori
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Japan is being invaded by parasitic gods. The only one left to stop them is Nakua, the spider god. She enlists the help of Taromaru, an otherwise normal boy who has the Nakua's spider familiar resting inside him. Together they free Japan's gods from the control of the parasites.

> Spin-off of Kaibutsu Oujo
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/kaibutsu-oujo-r659 )
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Topic say what? New Window Meyerkun
  • 5 Replies


wait what happened? someone explain why that women suddenly gone and they seem to have won?

I'm not entirely sure since some things haven't been fully revealed yet, it's just teasing as to what happened in the past.

Nakua isn't the 'spider god' we've been thinking shes been, as in the flashback she's revealed as the "God of Clouds". Both she and Taromaru lost all their strength in their last battle against some stronger force.

Spiders are probably fall under the 'cloud' status in some way as she was technically Taro's master in the past, which is also why the Bird deities seem to flock around her with ease. She probably did something to gain her power back quicker yet in return became a lesser god (maybe the spider god dwells in her like how Taro dwells in the MC)

wait what happened? someone explain why that women suddenly gone and they seem to have won?

Like it more than Princess Resurrection already.

FYI, the term "double-tap" wasn't referred in the original line. The literal en translation would of been "I should hit him one more time just in case" 

Double tapping isn't necessarily a Zombieland thing. Try google-ing it...


Yeah, it's fairly obvious that It's pretty widely disseminated, but also hard to refer to without sounding like some absolutely disgusting XBox Live COD:BOPS2 fanboy while commenting in a humorous supernatural manga... so he referred to a humorous supernatural movie. I think it was appropriate. GJ starkiller4299.

Did anyone else have a Zombieland nerdgasm on this page?



Double tapping isn't necessarily a Zombieland thing. Try google-ing it...

Did anyone else have a Zombieland nerdgasm on this page?



Is it under a different pen name?

EDIT: I can't remember the earlier chapters.. but so Naqua was a really hot chick?

not at all, just copy paste the author name and put h manga requiry at the end like 

MITSUNAGA Yasunori (h)entai e  at google search

remove the bracket

i think one or three of them already been translated

Cool, thanks a lot Vortex!!!

Ah i remember now! This author/artist used to make some H manga at the old days, i think i ran to his art works at g h gallery (oh you know where) , so thats why everything seems so familiar

Is it under a different pen name?

EDIT: I can't remember the earlier chapters.. but so Naqua was a really hot chick? This manga has a serious proportion of hot chicks compared to Kaibutsu Oujo.

Ah i remember now! This author/artist used to make some H manga at the old days, i think i ran to his art works at g h gallery (oh you know where) , so thats why everything seems so familiar



The job of pedospiderman continues.

No harm shall come to lolis in his sight.



What a cool story, really love this manga!

Thanks Vortex.


I'm surprised that they didn't make any mistakes with Russian language.


I was attracted to Riza in the main story, but this Ginko girl's got me howlin at the moon!

Taro has become more and more like spiderman

He's a Japanese Ultimate Spider-Man

Taro has become more and more like spiderman

Very awesome, thanks a lot Vortex!!


looks like we've made it into the second volume


All those nude/half nude lolis...


This guy need a pedobear stamp of approval.


For protecting the lolis.

Well, first of all, what you want to do is irradiate a spider. Then, after it's genetic code has been altered, you let it bite you.

Then, on the off chance you get super powers, you will have to get your uncle killed, vow to protect the city of New York and proceed then sew yourself a costume.

After that, you will have to design a compound that is liquid when in containment but quickly solidifies when in contact with air, and when this happens it becomes resistent enough to support the weight of an adult male or to restrain many people at the same time. Finally, you design a machine that shoots this compound if you press your middle and ring fingers towards your palm. That's how you shoot web.

Alternativelly, you try and find a Kumogami to lend you its powers, but really, that's a lot harder.


I really hate those things.




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