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* * * * - (4.49 - 87votes)

GTO Paradise Lost

Alt Names:
Author: Fujisawa Tohru
Artist: Fujisawa Tohru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Onizuka finds himself in prison.
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  • 3 Replies


Whoaa...I feel bad for the baldy..

It just makes GTO complete by making Uchiyamada starring as main character at some point.


PS: I'm gonna feel sorry for his car... I mean minivan... No, I mean home soon.

His Accursed life
If Uchiyamada acted more like Onizuka, he'll probably be the best dad in his own home,
instead of being the second rate citizen as he does now.
Apparently, his wife and daughter like people like Onizuka.

Yea.... Uchiyamada has it tough. For all his failings, its quite hard to feel optimistic when you dont even feel at home in your own home. Sigh... Poor bastard. I cant seem to hate this particular "idiot" villain so this might be another arc where they arent exactly against each other. Hopefully, his relationship with his daughter improves. The wife, i could hardly give two shits about.

Poor Uchiyamada....

That must be ashamed and painful...


I sympathized with you old man....

I really pity uchiyamada, those who have read main onizuka would know that his daughter is probably result of his wife unfaithfulness since she look like a daughter of butcher who visits her(uchiyamada's wife, you know for what reason :/ ). He should bitchslap that wife and throw her where she belongs considering she looks like a dinosaur, it's a wonder someone wanted to do anything with her.

Uchiyamada might be a stick-in-the-ass bureaucrat and a bit too interested in teens, but he's really not to be envied for his situation at home. No wonder he is so annoyed by Onizuka, who is the antithesis to him with his carefree lifestyle, but still is the target of admiration of people all around him and is pretty happy with his life.

Poor Uchiyamada. He should leave his unfaithful wife and ungrateful daughter long time ago.

Who is she I wonder...

Urumi vs Eri, make it happen, Fujisawa

I bet she's a beauty behind that hair and onizuka will get that now



So now she'll stalk Onizuka ?

On the subject of ol' Onizuka not being as gung-ho with his ol' fisteroonies...


One must remember the existance of a thing known as a "medical bill".

I actually rather like that Onizuka has shown some growth. He has learned how to handle unruly kids quite a bit, so instead of just helplessly raging he actually uses the experience he gained and his natural wit. I'm not against him raging sometimes, and maybe he will meet a tougher opponent soon (don't forget, he's new to the class so the students did not have a good idea about what was awaiting them, so they will of course be caught off guard if they try the "usual" stuff with GTO), but I have to say that I like that he has has shown some development, unlike some other mangas which just use the same routine for dozens and dozens of chapters. That might annoy some fans who just want the same routine again and again, but I like it like this.

Same here. Somehow, i prefer this wiser Onizuka. I mean, he's pretty cool with that attitude....lol
But, i think one day, he's must be going wild again...


Well, maybe Tetsuya is a warm-up for him, because from the director explanation before, it looks like there's something a lot worse than Tetsuya in this class...

What this lacked from GTO is pretty obvious, if I think about it.... It's the RAGE. Onizuka was himself because he was a complete moron that hulks out and throws lockers at students. He has changed, and the fans don't like it (as much). The feel is just a little different..

I actually rather like that Onizuka has shown some growth. He has learned how to handle unruly kids quite a bit, so instead of just helplessly raging he actually uses the experience he gained and his natural wit. I'm not against him raging sometimes, and maybe he will meet a tougher opponent soon (don't forget, he's new to the class so the students did not have a good idea about what was awaiting them, so they will of course be caught off guard if they try the "usual" stuff with GTO), but I have to say that I like that he has has shown some development, unlike some other mangas which just use the same routine for dozens and dozens of chapters. That might annoy some fans who just want the same routine again and again, but I like it like this.

What this lacked from GTO is pretty obvious, if I think about it.... It's the RAGE. Onizuka was himself because he was a complete moron that hulks out and throws lockers at students. He has changed, and the fans don't like it (as much). The feel is just a little different..

GNO: Great Netorarer(Not exactly lol) Onizuka

Another girl added to the future harem list mmm...

Nobody can defeat Kanzaki

sooo many wife-to-be. Why is onizuka still a virgin?

Another girl added to the future harem list mmm...

She would crush his turtle if you know what i mean

Another girl added to the future harem list mmm...

dun dun duuuuuun

Well i like it, Onizuka being wiser makes him alot more dangerous in the department of wits :D

it didn't have that "OOHHHH YEAAAAA" feeling from GTO nor Shonan 14 Days, but it was still good, i mean, it's still onizuka...

Oh hell yeahhhh XD

Great Troll Onizuka...

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