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* * * * - (4.25 - 96votes)


Alt Names: alt クリム・ゾンalt Crime Zonealt crime zone 罪域 罪恶地带alt Crime-Zonealt CRIMEZONE -クリム・ゾン-alt Kurimu Zon
Author: Yamamoto Kenji
Artist: Tokiya Seigo
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The people of Earth live in a society where vampires aren’t just real but dangerous. Although humanity has been able to keep them under control and even take the night away as the vampire’s natural habitat, some of them have adapted. Hesperides, a relatively new breed of vampires, have adapted over hundreds of years in order to be able to go outside during dusk when the sunlight is at its weakest and feast on humans.

Aburaya Shiro, a high school kid, lives in a town where there has not been a vampire attack in years, but adults keep warning them of going outside at dusk. Shiro and his classmates take this warning lightly and head out at dusk only to find out one of their classmates who they thought they knew well turnz out to be a Hesperides. With all his classmates violently murdered, the only way Shiro was able to survive was with the help of a different classmate, Ichijoji Eruka, who doesn’t seem to be human herself.
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Why does the male lead have to be strong/badass/whatever? I've had enough of average guys turning out to be awesome, having hidden talents, or impressing people by the steely determination in their eyes. I've had enough of them not being allowed to make mistakes, become overwhelmed and unable to cope, fail to take charge, or display weakness. It's refreshing that Shirou's characterization takes a piss at all these prescriptions -- it's one of the few that does.

Y'know, as unpopular an opinion as it might be, I actually like that the main character being "unique" doesn't make him especially powerful or anything. It just makes him a target. That's not something that you see very often. Especially when he shows no signs of getting any stronger in the future.

lol I don't even think much more then 2 months past in this world and all he knows it that you have get their heart.... which can be anywhere, so good luck with that first shot cause they can get half their body eaten and can come back in seconds later. gov using him as bait girl he liked killed his friends, found out some was clones, family dead and pretty much everyone else would rather him dead ,so yea. . .not much chances to learn the eye of the tiger and he don't have much to go on in terms to fight back not like there is a holy sword hiding in his closet. well what would you do with your manga knowledge in his situation ? get some crosses silver and wood and go to town on those vampire sharks ?   

Learn to support rather than run like a whiny worm and cry in a corner. The relevant vamps can't kill him, they need him, use that against them, you may not be able to harm them but you can at least use various tricks to hold them back or help give an upper hand to those fighting rather than being a useless turd. Rope, wire, swords, make weapons at least for yourself and for others, get a crossbow or make arrows for a bow to slow them down with them, smoke bombs, molotov cocktail, set traps, constant communication with everyone, he has government people around him, get locators, use locators on vamps if possible, start memorizing routes and map the region in your head and per-emptively set up some equipment and traps in various areas so as to at least be useful bait.

Anything and everything.

Such a pitiful pathetic MC damnit, this is starting to get on my nerves.

Rather than a weak as worm MC or God Mode MC as the binary thought norm of manga writing these days,

can't we for a change have an MC that is dynamic?

An MC that is neither strong nor weak and has at least some power to influence situations rather than fix them outright or get hammered in by everybody. Rather than strength or powers, let his intelligence be the one that grows as he gathers experience and knowledge over time, and his personality along with it as well his ways of thinking.


If anyone remembers Kei Kurono in the part of Gantz where he is battling the Vampires using his brain and experience after having grown, neither in a position of strength with a power suit nor weak to fail in an instant, that's the kind of MC i'm talking about.

lol I don't even think much more then 2 months past in this world and all he knows it that you have get their heart.... which can be anywhere, so good luck with that first shot cause they can get half their body eaten and can come back in seconds later. gov using him as bait girl he liked killed his friends, found out some was clones, family dead and pretty much everyone else would rather him dead ,so yea. . .not much chances to learn the eye of the tiger and he don't have much to go on in terms to fight back not like there is a holy sword hiding in his closet. well what would you do with your manga knowledge in his situation ? get some crosses silver and wood and go to town on those vampire sharks ?   

Spoiler image :



I'll just give this ADMIRABLE BADASS QUOTE : «Close your eyes. Plug your ears. It's decapitation time.»

Hats off, seriously :)

I can't help but wonder when we'll get the reveal that the protagonists old childhood friend was the best friend of the crazy arm girl and now love blooms ~~


Considering her left arm is the same thing as the monster who nabbed the friend too, who knows, they might share body parts or something equally dumb.


Also, still disappointed the MC didn't loose his tounge, would have done wonders for his character.

Such waste of hot monster girls.

I like how violent this manga is, but this MC is a total turn off.

*Looks down the MC's pants.*. . .just as I figured. . .no balls!

whenever it looks like the MC will start to kiss ass he just fails miserably... 

Such a pitiful pathetic MC damnit, this is starting to get on my nerves.

Rather than a weak as worm MC or God Mode MC as the binary thought norm of manga writing these days,

can't we for a change have an MC that is dynamic?

An MC that is neither strong nor weak and has at least some power to influence situations rather than fix them outright or get hammered in by everybody. Rather than strength or powers, let his intelligence be the one that grows as he gathers experience and knowledge over time, and his personality along with it as well his ways of thinking.


If anyone remembers Kei Kurono in the part of Gantz where he is battling the Vampires using his brain and experience after having grown, neither in a position of strength with a power suit nor weak to fail in an instant, that's the kind of MC i'm talking about.

I know he's scared and all but i have to admit when she stepped on him he looked really pathetic. Lets be honest is he really even needed in this story? or is he just going to be the captured princess threw out this whole series?

yea the MC is so pitiful and useless its laughable but its kinda the norm now i just really accepted it al least the chick is badass so i think of her as the MC

Dammit, I have no idea how chapter 13 got to be under chapter 12... sorry guys.

Aside from the useless MC this is good so far. Just wish the MC grew a pair and did something useful, instead of just being dead weight.

Kinda hoping he gets in with the pure breeds just saying...

Exactly what is he supposed to do?


For starters, not being a hypocrite little bitch

Screaming/getting scared is one thing, but this sort of repeated pattern gets really annoying, grow some balls or lose them and sit pretty waiting for your bloodknight to rescue you.


The other thing is he wants to know what's IHS, but after so far the human side treating him as bait he still trusts them more than the hes side that doesn't seem to really care if he knows who he is, as long as they get him.

He could've asked the few that wasn't so crazy about eating people


That little girl is a badass.

She's ridiculously badass

theirs a limit no matter the situation were u got to man up even abit but the mc who just sits there and cry's and cry's and wets his pants is just very unappealing boy he sucks so hard

Exactly what is he supposed to do?

theirs a limit no matter the situation were u got to man up even abit but the mc who just sits there and cry's and cry's and wets his pants is just very unappealing boy he sucks so hard

That little girl is a badass.

I swear her arms are like drops from monsters in games, unscratched and nothing missing.

The dude is your average joe, if you were in his shoes, you'll be scared shitless too and don't even try to deny it, the MC is embarrassingly weak and scared shitless but let's be realistic what the hell do any of you expect him to do when he doesn't have powers, everyone around him wants to use him and everyone he ever cared for is dead, this guy just wants to escape the batshit hitting the fan of his life, I don't blame him, it's fucked up that he goes through this shit and lost everything.

im honestly surprised his mind hasnt snapped yet... the shit he's seen o.o

Fucking sharks...



The "male lead"s whining got too annoying after 5 chapters. Not reading anymore.

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