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* * * * * (4.61 - 257votes)


Alt Names: alt 亚人alt 亜人alt Demi-Human
Author: Miura Tsuina & Sakurai Gamon
Artist: Sakurai Gamon
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story follows a high school student named Kei Nagai, who is caught in a traffic accident, dies, but immediately revives and learns he is not human, but an Ajin, a mysterious creature that cannot die. Scared, he runs away from humans but is helped by his friend Kai, who joins him in his flee from civilization. He then becomes involved in a conflict between human and Ajin and must choose a side.

Note: Roughly mid-way through the manga, the Author Tsuina Miura left this project.

Nominated for the 7th annual Manga Taishou Award, the Readers Award in the 18th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize and in the Seinen category in the 38th Annual Kodansha Manga Awards in 2014. In the 40th(2016) annual kodansha manga award for General Category
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All sentient beings suck.

Just saying, Chapter 7 had me gagging. That was just horrifying ugh. Why I still want to work on this is beyond me xD... okay it's because it's just so damn good

I see a bit of horror^^

Thanks for the double update~


Also, I'll quote that dude. Because it's true.


What a useless brat~

Given that ajin were initially discovered as a roaming gang of unkillable soldiers, the prevailing image in society's mind of ajin in general is understandable. It must've become immediately obvious to the world at large that ajin are not only different, they're also inherently dangerous. That of course doesn't excuse the sociopathic reaction of the characters in the manga, that part is poorly written. I mean, if I saw a being before me who could do anything he wanted to me with me having absolutely no way of actually stopping him (personally), I would run away right that very second. The characters in this manga don't behave like normal people would, is all. 


Also, if I suddenly awakened as an ajin and knew what society thought of my kind, I would just grab the nearest sharp object and kill the nearest properly-armed person (probably a police officer), take his weapon, find the next nearest armed person, repeat, and so on. Eventually I'd be armed enough to effectively outgun anyone not inside a tank or fighter jet within a 1 km radius. I can kill anyone they sent my way, but they can't kill ME. Given that simple logic, I fail to understand how so many ajin could be so easily captured without serious damage to society at large. A single ajin could probably wipe out half a city before the first heavy military gear can roll out of the nearest military garrison and do something about him.


1. A taser bro, there goes your argument.

2. You're un-killable,  you're not Wolverine. Any non-lethal damage you receive would stay until it healed on it's own or you died, and reset.


So if I was a police officer and someone came at me with a knife I'd shoot them in the head. Realizing that they're Ajin, I'd quickly shoot them in the arms and legs then cuff them while using the rest of my bullets to drown out their voice until I could restrain them.

I think this manga nicely show the extemes society can go. On one hand you have "he is a ajin, he is evil, we must capture him at all cost" and on the another you have "you are bothering me, lets kill you... You wont be bothering anymore". By some extreme individuals who did experiments on ajins (c'mon I wont be happy if everyday was somebody shooting in my head or squishing me...) and some exterme ajins who thought "what the hell, they were killing me lets kill them as payback" So in the end  you have society who fears ajins and ajins who have to be in hideout to be safe.

Yes, but at the same time, you would think that people would have advanced and learned from centuries of discrimination and oppression that have only resulted in deaths, regret, and war. Of course humans have their illogical and primitive state that dwells on instincts, but at the same time, there are many that are able to take a logical and empathetic stance, I am not saying that there wouldn't be people that fear and act in ways presented in the manga. After all, such a discovery would insight fear and curiosity (the scientific research of Ajin would be expected and I agree with the author's detail of it). Although, I was also expecting protest groups that would actively denounce the treatment of "different beings". There is almost always ideas from every opposing side. I do think that the author will eventually include such a group later on, but from what I have been reading, such a group seems too deep in the minority.


Given that ajin were initially discovered as a roaming gang of unkillable soldiers, the prevailing image in society's mind of ajin in general is understandable. It must've become immediately obvious to the world at large that ajin are not only different, they're also inherently dangerous. That of course doesn't excuse the sociopathic reaction of the characters in the manga, that part is poorly written. I mean, if I saw a being before me who could do anything he wanted to me with me having absolutely no way of actually stopping him (personally), I would run away right that very second. The characters in this manga don't behave like normal people would, is all. 


Also, if I suddenly awakened as an ajin and knew what society thought of my kind, I would just grab the nearest sharp object and kill the nearest properly-armed person (probably a police officer), take his weapon, find the next nearest armed person, repeat, and so on. Eventually I'd be armed enough to effectively outgun anyone not inside a tank or fighter jet within a 1 km radius. I can kill anyone they sent my way, but they can't kill ME. Given that simple logic, I fail to understand how so many ajin could be so easily captured without serious damage to society at large. A single ajin could probably wipe out half a city before the first heavy military gear can roll out of the nearest military garrison and do something about him.

guy gets shot in the head as part of a science experiment on the first page -- instant follow

But there is a reason, they are different. Its human nature to fear what you don't understand, couple that with society outlook on Ajin and its perfectly understandable that everyone hates them.


Yes, but at the same time, you would think that people would have advanced and learned from centuries of discrimination and oppression that have only resulted in deaths, regret, and war. Of course humans have their illogical and primitive state that dwells on instincts, but at the same time, there are many that are able to take a logical and empathetic stance, I am not saying that there wouldn't be people that fear and act in ways presented in the manga. After all, such a discovery would insight fear and curiosity (the scientific research of Ajin would be expected and I agree with the author's detail of it). Although, I was also expecting protest groups that would actively denounce the treatment of "different beings". There is almost always ideas from every opposing side. I do think that the author will eventually include such a group later on, but from what I have been reading, such a group seems too deep in the minority.

says it will take too long to learn how to ride motor bike, 10 minutes later

Bit weird that some of you guys think it's so surprising or illogical for Ajins to be ostracized by even their own families. It's like you guys have never read other manga where someone gets involved in a public scandal, then the media harasses their family members, the public looks down on them and they usually have to move away and hide themselves. 


Mix 17 years of that culture with the fact that they are "different"(something else that the Japanese seems to hate), a bounty on their heads and zero human rights, I bet a lot of families have been ruined.

Damn, that fight was violent. Bang goes the head!

Thanks for the chapter!!



The raws are so damn good!!

Yeah, but there are reasons why those things happened. Holocaust was because Hitler used the Great Depression caused by WW1 to blame Germany's misfortune on the Jewish people whom he believed slighted him. Slavery was because a group of people (who we would consider barbaric by our own modern standards) decided that slaves were lesser being because of their barbaric lifestyles. Segregation in western countries was born from that as well.


The problem, really, in this manga is that there's no believable reason. These people act like humans, live like humans, and don't cause any harm. In essence, they are human. So basically it's confusing that there's this much hatred without any background on why there's this much hatred, enough of it that a little girl would suddenly disavow her own brother.


But there is a reason, they are different. Its human nature to fear what you don't understand, couple that with society outlook on Ajin and its perfectly understandable that everyone hates them.

"too unrealistic for so many people to be so strongly against 'a human like species' that isn't even considered dangerous to people."


not trying to be a smartass but things like slavery, segregation, and the holocaust happened in real life


Yeah, but there are reasons why those things happened. Holocaust was because Hitler used the Great Depression caused by WW1 to blame Germany's misfortune on the Jewish people whom he believed slighted him. Slavery was because a group of people (who we would consider barbaric by our own modern standards) decided that slaves were lesser being because of their barbaric lifestyles. Segregation in western countries was born from that as well.


The problem, really, in this manga is that there's no believable reason. These people act like humans, live like humans, and don't cause any harm. In essence, they are human. So basically it's confusing that there's this much hatred without any background on why there's this much hatred, enough of it that a little girl would suddenly disavow her own brother.

Even his mother and sister who were loving before (at least the sister) would dare consider him less then human? To look down on him, as though his existence were a form of betrayal. Lame. They really need a few more sympathetic to the ajin, characters, or at least apathetic, not minding the ajin one way or another. As said before, too unrealistic for so many people to be so strongly against 'a human like species' that isn't even considered dangerous to people.

"too unrealistic for so many people to be so strongly against 'a human like species' that isn't even considered dangerous to people."


not trying to be a smartass but things like slavery, segregation, and the holocaust happened in real life

it's pretty cool. i like how he's trying to understand what he is and what he can do

Chapter 2, page 34 


Im pretty sure those are not simple mints, maybe some kind of suppressor (?)

@Eternal Remnant This still happens all the time in Japan. Maybe the Mangaka just took it from there?

If your parent/s commit a crime you are also associated with the criminals. This is closely related to the saying "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.", but the Japanese people really believes this and their lives are heavily influenced by this idiom.

Edit: Ah I'm talking about your second paragraph.

Just one of those times where you think "Thank god this is just a manga."


humm but real life is much worse u.u

Aaaaaw shiet now the ghost is white. That one chick is an Ajin too....maybe siblings?

Woah, shit just got real ...

Hmmm maybe it's because I used the character's reaction to judge how the world works instead of using how the world works to judge the character's reactions, but you do have a point that the modern expression of freedom seems to be blatantly ignored when it comes to Ajin. For now, my suspension of disbelief is still active, but I'll be paying more attention to how the world and his family reacts as the plot progresses.


I like that theory, and while the origins of the discrimination remain unclear, the idea that cutting off from the MC in order to avoid scrutiny/suspicion/etc. is a plausible notion.

I don't know, if I'm remembering my history right, this is somewhat similar to the Soviet days where the kids would turn in their parents for speaking against the government.


I believe you're referring to the book 1984 by George Orwell. If you're not completely familiar with it, the basic premise is of a world where there is (almost)complete and total submission to a "higher power" known as Big Brother. Kids were basically spies for the government and, if need be, they'd report the government about any suspicious behavior their parents may have.


As for how the parents and sister suddenly turned on Kei, I have a bit of a theory. It came to me after observing the sister's reactions to the questioning. I think this has to do with more than just "knowing someone who became an Ajin". This is about being "related" to that person by blood. I wouldn't find it strange if say, in the past, there was a case where an Ajin was discovered and then his/her whole immediate(and maybe not so immediate) family were seen as potential Ajins themselves. People would grow suspicious of that family and, as this manga has not failed to illustrate, the general populace would be utterly disgusted by Ajin so, by association, the Ajin's family would also be disgusting/terrifying/freaks(take your pick). This might just be Kei's family's way of (selfishly)protecting themselves from being cut off from society.


I'm not saying this is the right thing to do, as abandoning someone you love and cherish on such a whim is ridiculous, but this manga has already overdramatized humanity's reception of the Ajin. Even with government brainwashing, it's just improbable that in the world we currently live in(where freedom and the right to live is heavily emphasized), everyone would stand by and watch this abuse go unchecked. I like this manga, but that little issue is hard to cope with at the moment. I'm just hoping the mangaka has some great reveal later on for why the Ajin are hated so much. If it's just because people are afraid of them because they don't understand them, then I'll be severly disappointed..

i have to agree with a lot of these comments. i mean, damn people in this manga are some of the most heartless creatures i've ever read in a story. i mean basically just insta-disowning their own families and so many people out to capture ajins for money. pretty cold world to live in if you ask me.

I don't know, if I'm remembering my history right, this is somewhat similar to the Soviet days where the kids would turn in their parents for speaking against the government. In fact, I think the author worked it in pretty well how the Ajin are being seen as. The way the government treats their existence, as well as how the school educates them on Ajin makes it believable, at least for me.

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