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* * * * - (4.44 - 91votes)

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Alt Names: alt 神さまのいない日曜日alt 神不在的星期天alt Kamisamano Inai Nichiyoubialt The Sunday without Godalt 没有神的星期天
Author: Irie Kimihito
Artist: Abara Heiki
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: God abandoned the world on Sunday. As a result, nobody in the world can die or reproduce. A little girl, Ai, is the gravekeeper for a village. She has prepared 47 graves for the eventual deaths of every member of the village. Later, a boy who identifies himself as "Hampnie Hambart, the 'Man-eating Toy'," which is coincidentally the name that Ai's mother left behind as the name of her father, arrives in the village and slaughters everybody. Just what is going on?
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the eyes are really hard to get used to...
This is startling. I really don't know what to make of it.

No really,he might be tough, but I doubt he himself was treated any better in the past. And besides, the guy has lived for long enough to know what he's talking about, not to mention all he's seen and been through. I wouldn't say that he's bullying Ai, more like he wants to lead her out on the right path but doesn't really know how to do it properly. I think he really cares a lot.
btw this would be what you called a male version of a tsudere, no? If they're going to journey to the "outside world"... well they haven't even reached another town yet, this is only begining hmm.. in chp 13 XD so let's be patient!
whats thier to make sense of its called "artistic license."

The way you say it mean ur take ur religion/god way too seriously to the point you can't enjoy this story.
this manga........is weird and stupendesly biblicaly incorrect i mean i get its a manga but i cant see the whole because god abandoned the world they cant die or make kids someone make sense of this for me
The reason everyone hates the guy is because he killed the villagers and abuses Ai. I know the village was already dead; however, they were obviously kind people. They treated Ai well and looked out for her well-being. Not only that, it makes no sense why the dead need to stay dead especially if no one is being born.

And tough love? Seriously? Kicking someone, especially a 12 year old girl in the stomach hard enough to send her flying into the air and then immediately following up with another kick to the face is not really tough love. That's abuse. Tough love is making your children work a little harder, pushing them a little further when they don't like it, etc. with good intentions. While I might be inclined to agree that he had good intentions, I think that still remains to be seen, but his actions were those of love.
This is twisted. It's like everyone is twisted = =''
so that i have seen he not like the other dead. his body heal unlike other dead people that i've seen so far.
Her expressions this chapter were frickin hilarious!
I don't understand all the people that don't like Hampert...people get beaten up all the time, and sometimes that's the only way they learn things.

tough love is a slap to the face not a kick to the gut followed by a kick to the face and then some more kicks while she was down and lets not forget this is a little girl

If that's the limit of your tough love, then this can be tougher love. Hampert's shown countless times that he cares:

I guess everyone has a different upbringing, but this sort of tough love is only a slight emphasis on what can be found elsewhere...
I must say, killing yourself to recover your stamina? that's frigging awesome bro.
@orphen21 Well he realized that she wasn't really human. She's a hybrid gravekeeper who is a lot tougher than a normal girl. But no, if he really wanted to kill her he could've done it in the blink of an eye. It might look harsh to you but he's really the only one in the world that actually gives a fuck about her (and if she really hated him, she would've ran away or stayed behind). All those corpses she was living with were using her and would've eventually killed her.

Dude, it would be soooo fun to kill that guy. Shoot him and like 5 seconds later he dramatically auto-resses with a dramatic speech. Then again...that'd get annoying really fast
tough love is a slap to the face not a kick to the gut followed by a kick to the face and then some more kicks while she was down and lets not forget this is a little girl
I truly have no idea what's going on anymore. things seem to be jumping around.
I'm officially lost.
I don't get all the hate for the guy. He's actually the only good guy in the series. He wants Ai to live a normal life. Not as a gravekeeper burying corpses... cause you know, she's like 12 and naive. It's called tough love.

She'd be dead by now if she kept living with those corpses.
i also want the guy to die given how he treats her (and the others), but seems obvious he will stay with her for a while :/
Seems like the girl is not human? Then what is she lol
That guy.....is a goddamn bastard.

Undying, unaging? Fuck God Logic.

I hope he dies or atleast disappears from the series, I don't want in any way for him to survive. I know it might sound evil but I am saying this cause I can't stand him bullying a little girl. -_-
That last page, left me smiling~ <3

Karma's a b****... >:3
The guy's one of the biggest dweebs I ever seen in a fictional manga. He acts like he helps but he just abuses the girl and people around him. Total arrogant .... *beep*.
what the fuck is wrong with this series, how the hell do you kick a child until she's bleeding like that so casually.

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