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* * * * - (4.28 - 93votes)

Fukumenkei Noise

Alt Names: alt 假面Noisealt 覆面系ノイズalt Unmasked Noise
Author: Fukuyama Ryoko
Artist: Fukuyama Ryoko
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaMusic MusicRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Nino is a girl who harbors feelings towards her friend, Momo. Just when she can no longer suppress her feelings, she encounters a boy who composes music...," and "What is the promise Nino made to a boy she met who composes music?"
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 she's singing like it's her band and disregarding the other members.

the real world would call that diva in the making. 

I love Yuzu so much, poor thing with his unrequitted love, still rooting for him even though I like Momo too!!

Momo telling Nino goodbye at that moment was so melodramatic, I thought it was deliberate, like he wanted to mess with their performance and steal their crowd, because WOW, Momo, you had to tell her RIGHT THERE? Also, the band really needs to straighten out Nino and stop her from going berserk on stage, that's going to cause some serious issues later on because she's singing like it's her band and disregarding the other members.

too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need that continuation ahhhh!!!!!!!!!


i got a very scott pilgrim-y vibe from this haha.

Oiy, ronin!  Don't even bother being interested in her; she's doubly spoken for!

God damn this artist and the eyes of pure evil. I love it.

"Just like 6 years ago I'm going to disappear again without telling you."

...But...you just told her, dude...

I've recently started to think that maybe they'd sound a little something like Icon For Hire.  I'm glad we finally got some lyrics to one song, though. :)

can we just have threesome instead all of these dramas /slapped to the moon


shoujo authors really do like their dumb generic routes...
(not bashing shoujo manga here, I only hate it when things change from promising to disappointing)

...i wish the songs had lyrics(or that they would move their lips more) because every time i read them singing i can only think of some nice calm/rock music playing......and nino just screaming(not singing, screaming) her heart out(or just plain crying) like shes in a metal band through out the whole song.and I feel so awkward reading it...

I'm more or less with you on that.  I don't imagine calm rock music, though, more like metal or something, and when she goes out of control, just screaming at the top of her lungs like some wild beast.  And I realize that lyrics can be hard to write, but I do wish the author would try.

Am I the only one who can't stand Momo?  I mean, he was fine as a kid, an absolute sweetheart to Nino, but then he grew up and became an absolute jerk (and I'm being polite).  I used to root for him and Nino for Nino's sake, but now I'm all for Yuzu.  



Sorry for the rant...I just marathoned this, and it really got under my skin.  I used to want to sing professionally myself, and I miss being in a band, so several parts hit me in the feels.

...i wish the songs had lyrics(or that they would move their lips more) because every time i read them singing i can only think of some nice calm/rock music playing......and nino just screaming(not singing, screaming) her heart out(or just plain crying) like shes in a metal band through out the whole song.and I feel so awkward reading it...

You're right, that's bug me too....she doesn't look like singing at all :(

I feel like I lack an appropriate understanding for this story. Between Momo and Yuzu, and the things that Nino wants to do. Everything feels so off to me, like there's no right answer to any of it.

...i wish the songs had lyrics(or that they would move their lips more) because every time i read them singing i can only think of some nice calm/rock music playing......and nino just screaming(not singing, screaming) her heart out(or just plain crying) like shes in a metal band through out the whole song.and I feel so awkward reading it...


mhmmm...I read the start of this manga a while back, and stopped for a bit since it didn't have many chapters. I had to re-read it though since I forgot about everything, and instantly remembered why I liked it. but now the more i read, the drama just feels kind forced sometimes. I thought at the start that I was gonna love nino, but now she's just seeming more and more like a...crybaby? She started out promising, but now she's starting to act like every other girl in all the past shoujo's that i'v read. momo...I really don't like him and I don't think I ever will. reading his encounters with nino made me feel like i was reading about an abusive relationship. I'd say that I loved yuzu. At least he was trying, unlike momo who cant seem to make up his mind. 

But then again, yuzu just HAD to go back on proclaiming his love to just saying 'you though i was in love with you?"...why? Now I can only see it getting worse...I tried to bite my tongue and try to look past all this and see how it rides out, but its only making me more frustrated. Now everyone but the side characters are acting like cry babys(probably because they way they sing looks exactly how they scream at each other...so that's all I can see)

I know this is a shoujo, since it has no action it can only make up for it with drama, but there are better ways it could have been handled in some of the cases here. there will always be misunderstandings. 

(though I'v read only a few shoujo that didn't need to have heavy drama to be cute and heart-warming) But something seems to go wrong in every chapter.

This is only the second manga(shoujo)that I'v written an essay complaint about.

Reading this made me remember why I loved Shounen Note, another manga based on singing, Its a very nice manga to read.(I need to catch up on that)

I'll keep this on my follows list just in case is I feel like reading this again(which I probably will...why me)

Excuse me Yuzu and Momo, but Nino is the one to decide who she wants to be with. LOL 

The only character that I actually like is Nino. Yuzu and Momo are selfish jerks. Neither one deserves her.

I don't know... I don't like how Yuzu seems almost possessive of her, saying things like " she belongs to me" and the like.


I agree that its a shame this triangle will most likely have a lot of drama in it.

When I started reading this story I was very impressed but had one worry:  I hoped the triangle would not become annoying.

It did.  Pity.

Momo is an asshole. 'nuff said. 


Also, I didn't like what Yuzu did in ch16 at all... It's just not right to take advantage of the girl he likes when she is so fragile and weak.. At least it wasn't calculated, but more on the panic state he was to calm her down. Oh well, let's see. 

Can't say I'm aboard this ship but Yuzu did well sailing out of the friendzone.


I dunno about that. He pretty much forced a kiss on her in a moment of extreme panic for her. I doubt she has even processed what just happened yet. 

Thanks for the new chapter!

Can't say I'm aboard this ship but Yuzu did well sailing out of the friendzone.

Excuse me while I stand up and cheer as my pairing has reached IMMEASURABLE LEVELS OF AWESOME

Excuse me as I roll over and cry as my pairing officially has no future.

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