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* * * * - (4.42 - 512votes)

Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Alt Names: alt Chivalry of a Failed Knightalt 落第騎士の英雄譚alt La Caballerosidad de un Fracasado Caballeroalt Rakudai Kishi no Cavalryalt The Heroic Tales of the Failure Knightalt Доблесть рыцаря-неудачника
Author: Misora Riku
Artist: Soramichi Megumu
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyMartial Arts Martial ArtsRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a time and place where one’s soul can be morphed into a weapon, there are modern-day magicians called Mage-Knights. Although Kurogane Ikki is a student at an institution that trains Mage-Knights, he has no particular talent in magic and is labeled the "Failure Knight" or "Worst One." Getting way less than average marks in the scorings, he was forced to repeat a year. But with the arrival of a new head of the institution, a new rule was created: knights whose abilities are compatible, as decided by the board, must share rooms and attend practice and training together throughout their school years to bring up their abilities to the max. It is a rule to implement the absolute verdict of ability.

Ikki’s roommate, Stella Vermillion, turns out to be a princess of another foreign country. Stella is a Rank A knight: the type of genius in magic who only appears once a decade. When Ikki walked in on her while she was changing her clothes, it caused a huge misunderstanding (since neither yet knew of the new rule) which eventually ended up in a duel between the two of them. The punishment (or as some might see it, the prize) of the losing side is Eternal Submission to the winning side.

Forced to live the same room and practice magic together throughout all their school years, how will Stella and Ikki’s relationship evolve?

This manga is an adaptation of the light novel series written by Misora Riku and illustrated by Won.

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Wow the part Ikki being imprison is so different form the anime, does this part of event in the light novel is more similar to the manga or the anime?


The anime played it out like some sort of drama. So I'd say this is closer. 

So the whole reason for Ikki having a bullshit childhood was that he'd disrupt some hierarchical structure?


Now that's the definition of retarded.

it seems more complicated than that; but if you really did want to simplify it, saying his father believes that he is acting for the old cliche of "the greater good" would be appropriate.


If Ikki had just accepted not learning to fight he probably would've been treated normally otherwise and could of looked for satisfaction in life from other things.


It probably would also seem a bit kinder to let his life go in another direction rather than being bottom tier in a house full of top tier people.


But all that doesn't make as good a story so you gotta have conflict and strife and people doing things that look evil and stupid from certain perspectives. 

So the whole reason for Ikki having a bullshit childhood was that he'd disrupt some hierarchical structure?


Now that's the definition of retarded.

Wow the part Ikki being imprison is so different form the anime, does this part of event in the light novel is more similar to the manga or the anime?

Pure Indifference.

    • gt8 likes this

What's hilarious is his father was quite easygoing when he thought Ikki wanted his sister.   He just coolly said it would be considered incest and said I am glad when Ikki told he only thinks of her as a sister.  Probably he was considering it in his mind thinking it would probably bring forth a much stronger Kurogane.   

Any reason at the trial Ikki can't just be like:
"Okay folks, are you guys saying I CAN'T like someone or be with someone at my age?  Because let me know if I'm not allowed and I will call her right now and dump her ass.  Then when she asks why I'll hand you the phone and you can explain to her.  Let's just hope she doesn't tell her dad about what a fucking embarrassment it would be for the princess getting dumped because of you jokers.  If I AM allowed to like whoever I want, then what's the beef?  By the way,  let's be clear here, the princess came on to me, not the other way around."

And this is why you would fail at politics. People like those in charge of Ikki's trial undoubtedly have immense experience twisting people's words. Besides, the trial's rigged in such a way that no matter what Ikki says they'll either ignore it or twist his words, which is why he mostly stays silent and answers straight-laced

Any reason at the trial Ikki can't just be like:

"Okay folks, are you guys saying I CAN'T like someone or be with someone at my age?  Because let me know if I'm not allowed and I will call her right now and dump her ass.  Then when she asks why I'll hand you the phone and you can explain to her.  Let's just hope she doesn't tell her dad about what a fucking embarrassment it would be for the princess getting dumped because of you jokers.  If I AM allowed to like whoever I want, then what's the beef?  By the way,  let's be clear here, the princess came on to me, not the other way around."

"So you admit using her. And as a slut. And on court record."

Too soft otou-san, Not enough despair...

Any reason at the trial Ikki can't just be like:

"Okay folks, are you guys saying I CAN'T like someone or be with someone at my age?  Because let me know if I'm not allowed and I will call her right now and dump her ass.  Then when she asks why I'll hand you the phone and you can explain to her.  Let's just hope she doesn't tell her dad about what a fucking embarrassment it would be for the princess getting dumped because of you jokers.  If I AM allowed to like whoever I want, then what's the beef?  By the way,  let's be clear here, the princess came on to me, not the other way around."

Because then they say


"You peasant who was disowned by his own father, you probably raped her and are blackmailing her now. See you in 20 years when you leave the prison, assuming you survive and don't have any accidents".

Any reason at the trial Ikki can't just be like:

"Okay folks, are you guys saying I CAN'T like someone or be with someone at my age?  Because let me know if I'm not allowed and I will call her right now and dump her ass.  Then when she asks why I'll hand you the phone and you can explain to her.  Let's just hope she doesn't tell her dad about what a fucking embarrassment it would be for the princess getting dumped because of you jokers.  If I AM allowed to like whoever I want, then what's the beef?  By the way,  let's be clear here, the princess came on to me, not the other way around."

Adversity is an opportunity for change~

Agreed, her proportions are really strange there and I'd prefer a bit more meat on her legs and butt. Oh well.

I didn't like this part at all in the anime, so much so that I might just ignore the next few chapters.



That looks really uncomfortable, where are his hands?

"Inside" her, I'd assume. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The arts improved.

Hmmm, I must say, the artist here really is all about the boobs. I enjoy the female form in general but there is a very distressing lack of any legs, thigh and ass in this manga.


It is most prevalent in this:


and this:



The difference is quite jarring and is what brought it to my attention.


A real shame when you have such juicy art like this:


and to some extent this:



It also seems funny when you remember that MCs little sis keeps on telling her she has fat legs. I don't see those anywhere.

Agreed, her proportions are really strange there and I'd prefer a bit more meat on her legs and butt. Oh well.

Oh boy, it's time for my least favourite arc, a part of the LN I hated so much that I've kinda not read anything from volume 4 onwards since last year as I just don't feel like returning to the series. I can hardly wait.[/monotone]

I didn't like this part at all in the anime, so much so that I might just ignore the next few chapters.



That looks really uncomfortable, where are his hands?

Just skip next 2-3 chapter (I guess?). It really painful but there will be some sweet kicking ass to that fat ass bald guy in the future. 

Dibs are on more like 3-4


-One will be the meeting and the beginning of the breaking.

-Second will be the beginning of the fight.

-Third will be the dight.

-Fourth will the aftermath and resolution.

Man, I haven't been this angry since Shield Hero. I sincerely hope that there's some form of Catharsis in the future.

Just skip next 2-3 chapter (I guess?). It really painful but there will be some sweet kicking ass to that fat ass bald guy in the future. 

Hmmm, I must say, the artist here really is all about the boobs. I enjoy the female form in general but there is a very distressing lack of any legs, thigh and ass in this manga.


It is most prevalent in this:


and this:



The difference is quite jarring and is what brought it to my attention.


A real shame when you have such juicy art like this:


and to some extent this:



It also seems funny when you remember that MCs little sis keeps on telling her she has fat legs. I don't see those anywhere.

Man, I haven't been this angry since Shield Hero. I sincerely hope that there's some form of Catharsis in the future.


There will be catharsis, but not immediately. I would estimate the bad stuff to last around 3-4 chapters.

Oh boy, it's time for my least favourite arc, a part of the LN I hated so much that I've kinda not read anything from volume 4 onwards since last year as I just don't feel like returning to the series. I can hardly wait.[/monotone]

That dude, has he no hip bones??

I really think that in a few years, Kurogane clan's power and influence over Japan may drop drastically because the most talented ones of their latest generation are...

-Ikki (was forsaken by Kurogane clan)

-Shizuku (hate Kurogane clan because they forsake Ikki)

-Ouma [their big brother] (leave Kurogane clan for unknown reason)

If Kurogane clan don't have any talented ones other than those three, they should prepare for what's coming.

Man, I haven't been this angry since Shield Hero. I sincerely hope that there's some form of Catharsis in the future.

I wish we could skip the next chapter or two. I was so pissed off watching the episode with this arc...

Someone please spoil me I've watched the anime but haven't read the novel at all. Is his father really a scumbag? If so, why? It's not a lion throw his cub to the pit thingy? And I sense Stella will have an annoying fiance when they go to Vermillion later.

To your third question: nope. To your first question: yes. To your second question: because he's a moron who's main though process is: so this guy isn't an A/B? Then he's sub-human worthless fodder. If he's an A he's an uber awesome person we must pamper. Just look at the sister's life, how she was treated based on her rating and how mistreated Ikki was. It was all the father's doing. Just look at today's episode.

Which, by the way, it's a retarded method. Shall we throw out all the skelletons inside the closet? This stunt borders on PR suicide because there's shizu whom can attest for how in truth the thing was the other way around and in the school life we have a boatload of testimonies. I know in fantasy japan this doesn't happen but with so many evidence against you being sued for slander (and losing) is unavoidable.

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