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Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Alt Names: alt Chivalry of a Failed Knightalt 落第騎士の英雄譚alt La Caballerosidad de un Fracasado Caballeroalt Rakudai Kishi no Cavalryalt The Heroic Tales of the Failure Knightalt Доблесть рыцаря-неудачника
Author: Misora Riku
Artist: Soramichi Megumu
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyMartial Arts Martial ArtsRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a time and place where one’s soul can be morphed into a weapon, there are modern-day magicians called Mage-Knights. Although Kurogane Ikki is a student at an institution that trains Mage-Knights, he has no particular talent in magic and is labeled the "Failure Knight" or "Worst One." Getting way less than average marks in the scorings, he was forced to repeat a year. But with the arrival of a new head of the institution, a new rule was created: knights whose abilities are compatible, as decided by the board, must share rooms and attend practice and training together throughout their school years to bring up their abilities to the max. It is a rule to implement the absolute verdict of ability.

Ikki’s roommate, Stella Vermillion, turns out to be a princess of another foreign country. Stella is a Rank A knight: the type of genius in magic who only appears once a decade. When Ikki walked in on her while she was changing her clothes, it caused a huge misunderstanding (since neither yet knew of the new rule) which eventually ended up in a duel between the two of them. The punishment (or as some might see it, the prize) of the losing side is Eternal Submission to the winning side.

Forced to live the same room and practice magic together throughout all their school years, how will Stella and Ikki’s relationship evolve?

This manga is an adaptation of the light novel series written by Misora Riku and illustrated by Won.

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This fight and arc's end was probably my favorite so far in the LN.

I liked the character he has to face for his final battle...until they devoted damn near an entire chapter trying to build her up as this virtuous character, a victim in this, just like the MC. But I was able to brush all that aside; this was just some more character development, fine. Then she asked

...that's when she lost me. She talks about respect and all that trash but has the nerve to
I know this is petty of me but I really hate when they try so hard to show the other side of certain situations. In doing so, they defeat the purpose. But that's probably just me. Regardless, this chapter left a sour taste. I just want this arc done with, but we're more than likely 3-4 chapters away from the damn fight even starting so oh well.

Yeah, she's not really presenting herself as a respectful person.
Damn shame, I found her quite interesting up til this point.

It hurts reading stuff like this. It's gone too political for me in the sense that it's too real.

Everything is controlled, immorality and illegality is abound, and it can all be easily swept under the rug without repercussions. Even if Ikki pulls out of this, no one gets arrested, no one gets fired unless some higher-up becomes furious about the failure of the underlings. No, it's just more grind against a system where Ikki is only trying to prove a point moreso, than actually change it, because there's too much politics to wade through unless a potentially violent student rebellion and general anarchy takes place. Stella is likely the only one who can get enough influence to politically make some sort of change outside of Deus Ex Machina.

I guess I'm enjoying it in spite of the above, but personally it's getting a bit much for me.

You know I meant to say this before, but Ikki's father gave me a whole new understanding of him.  I mean previously him saying "You can't do anything so don't even try" painted him as a certain kind of jerk, the down right stereotypical kind of abusive father.  However, hearing the kind of reasoning he gave actually changes it.  I mean it only changes it to him being a jerk to a prick, but it's still an interesting change.

Why are people calling this arc "edgy"?


This is the payoff about what happens when Ikki finally made a mistake. He'd get tangled up in some political BS and forced into this. The relationship with Stella was just the convenient excuse to get here.


This is the reason why Ikki didn't do anything during the year he wasn't allowed to pass to the next grade, that's why he never bothered to get into problems or cause a ruckus.


Now he's paying for his "mistake".


The reason why the Kurogane Family has so much power is because their patriarch led the japanese forces during WW2, in a world where Japan seems to be, at least, a military power due to magic knights.


And about disrupting a hierarchy being retarded.  Yes it's a overly used trope, yes it's kind of stupid, BUT it has been set up since chapter one that the bureaucracy in the Magic Knight system is crippling oppressive, hence why Ikki only started improving in his school at the start of this series, when a new person took over the school's administration and purged the older people from the high positions.


This is just an extentsion of what the principal probably had to deal with to improve the system, since this bureaucracy is stiffling Japan's magic knights skills, since they claim that they never got to win the seven star tournament.


It's not original, it's a bit heavy handed, but if you've been following the series since the beginning, it's hardly surprising.

Two questions, first how does his family have so much power that they can do whatever they want to him? Second, if his brother was also disowned wouldn't he have a great reason to help Ikki, being that he has a bad relationship with them too so why not mess with them?

Japanese use the trope of "i'm too elite to even waste my time giving verbose explanations to you plebeian"(lol. irony) a lot and becomes cheap by overuse.


It also makes no sense that he suddenly cared what his dad thought of him after 10 years. The bastard literally threw him to the snow.

Ikki has a beautiful gf who loves him, a sister who despite family fuck ups loved him, a kick ass skill, and the respect of his peers. Him caring this fucking much about a family that doesn't want him and who he doesn't want makes no sense. This entire arc is 2 people having a piss off as to who cares about not caring about the other more!

Now if you read the LN its 3 people..His Uber confident uber Strong brother who thought himself as the center of the Universe...

It's all because he's upsetting the status quo by proving that lineage and inherent power aren't the only things that can make one great. As his father said in the last chapter, order and all that. Still doesn't deny this is a massive waste of time and resources just to mentally and/or physically destroy one person.


It also makes no sense that he suddenly cared what his dad thought of him after 10 years. The bastard literally threw him to the snow.

Ikki has a beautiful gf who loves him, a sister who despite family fuck ups loved him, a kick ass skill, and the respect of his peers. Him caring this fucking much about a family that doesn't want him and who he doesn't want makes no sense. This entire arc is 2 people having a piss off as to who cares about not caring about the other more!

Two questions, first how does his family have so much power that they can do whatever they want to him? Second, if his brother was also disowned wouldn't he have a great reason to help Ikki, being that he has a bad relationship with them too so why not mess with them?

1. Because this is Japan.


2. Because this is a manga.

Two questions, first how does his family have so much power that they can do whatever they want to him? Second, if his brother was also disowned wouldn't he have a great reason to help Ikki, being that he has a bad relationship with them too so why not mess with them?

I liked the character he has to face for his final battle...until they devoted damn near an entire chapter trying to build her up as this virtuous character, a victim in this, just like the MC. But I was able to brush all that aside; this was just some more character development, fine. Then she asked

...that's when she lost me. She talks about respect and all that trash but has the nerve to
I know this is petty of me but I really hate when they try so hard to show the other side of certain situations. In doing so, they defeat the purpose. But that's probably just me. Regardless, this chapter left a sour taste. I just want this arc done with, but we're more than likely 3-4 chapters away from the damn fight even starting so oh well.

 I'd say we have 2 chapters or maybe 3 more with this edgy arc.

It's really an unpleasant arc. But it's also some important character development so... 

I liked the character he has to face for his final battle...until they devoted damn near an entire chapter trying to build her up as this virtuous character, a victim in this, just like the MC. But I was able to brush all that aside; this was just some more character development, fine. Then she asked

...that's when she lost me. She talks about respect and all that trash but has the nerve to
I know this is petty of me but I really hate when they try so hard to show the other side of certain situations. In doing so, they defeat the purpose. But that's probably just me. Regardless, this chapter left a sour taste. I just want this arc done with, but we're more than likely 3-4 chapters away from the damn fight even starting so oh well.

It's probably already been said, but for someone whose family wants nothing to do with him and seemed content to just let him be.... They sure are devoting a lot of time and effort to make life unpleasant for him...

It's all because he's upsetting the status quo by proving that lineage and inherent power aren't the only things that can make one great. As his father said in the last chapter, order and all that. Still doesn't deny this is a massive waste of time and resources just to mentally and/or physically destroy one person.

It's probably already been said, but for someone whose family wants nothing to do with him and seemed content to just let him be.... They sure are devoting a lot of time and effort to make life unpleasant for him...

Ikki has a brother?

Yeah, he does. Also disowned by the clan btw.

Please correct me on this, for my thinking is western. Could Ikki simply turn his back on his clan and either form his own clan or forfeit all clan ties and try to have his children in the Vermillion name? It's not as if they want him--their system cannot bear Ikki's authentic self.
Doing so might give his free actions more legitimacy and his clan would have no more reason to oppose him, in or out of the clan, they see him as a talent-less soldier. It'd benefit them more if he is not of their clan.

...that only works in old world ( both western's and eastern's). But in Kurogane case, they don't like if an F ranker from the clan got an achievement far beyond their dream (e.g. : becoming a Champion of the Seven Stars tourney or a Vermillion)
Kurogane believe in a hierarchy system where the top always the top and the lowest will always be the lowest. So they see Ikki, who the lowest (lol), as a thorn in their arse cuz he would overturn everything they believed if he managed to accomplished something like a champion I mentioned before.

Besides, if you think him changing into a Vermillion or making his own clan would solve his problem, will that shitty clan will leave him alone?

Cover 07!!



Please correct me on this, for my thinking is western.  Could Ikki simply turn his back on his clan and either form his own clan or forfeit all clan ties and try to have his children in the Vermillion name?  It's not as if they want him--their system cannot bear Ikki's authentic self.

Doing so might give his free actions more legitimacy and his clan would have no more reason to oppose him, in or out of the clan, they see him as a talent-less soldier.  It'd benefit them more if he is not of their clan. 

Ikki has a brother?

Yes, he does and he'll show up later in the story.

Because then they say


"You peasant who was disowned by his own father, you probably raped her and are blackmailing her now. See you in 20 years when you leave the prison, assuming you survive and don't have any accidents".

"Yeah I probably raped her.  Your father probably raped you.  That guy on my left probably raped his wife.  Let's not make hurling baseless accusation some sort of art form because anyone can do it.  By the way, you raped me."


If those guys are unreasonable enough to say what you said, then just put a bullet in my head, why even bother with this farce of a trial that they have to select a day and time for, why even have me speak?  Just throw in more charges like I murdered the king and banged the president then hang me.  No evidence needed.



"So you admit using her. And as a slut. And on court record."


"Yeah, because you guys said I'm not allowed to like someone even though I do, so if you don't allow me to have romantic feeling towards Stella, then how else can you describe what I'm doing other than using her like a slut?  YOU made ME make HER a slut.  But really though, I like Stella, can I like someone that I like?  Are YOU allowed to like the one you like?  What if I say you're not allowed?  Who's the authority on this?"



And this is why you would fail at politics. People like those in charge of Ikki's trial undoubtedly have immense experience twisting people's words. Besides, the trial's rigged in such a way that no matter what Ikki says they'll either ignore it or twist his words, which is why he mostly stays silent and answers straight-laced

If that's the case then why stop there?  How about just straight up make up stuff and tell people I said them?  If you're just going to be unreasonable then why have these hoops where no matter what I do you're going to screw me, here I'll save you some manpower by getting rid of these hoops, pull down my pants, and just let you fuck me out right.  Twist my words?  That's kiddy-grade stuff, here, I didn't say shit, but don't let that stop you, you feel free to go ahead and just tell the world I confessed to every crime imaginable even though I didn't.  What difference does it make at that point?

Ikki has a brother?

There are parents like that.  At least we know he doesn't hate him and also has difficulty with this. But being a head he could of slowly changed the order over the years or at least changed in a way Ikki doesn't feel like a disowned son. 

What a shitty father

He's terrible. Ikki becomes even more awesome though.

What a shitty father

 fails as a father, but a rather exemplar bureaucrat

What a shitty father

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