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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.69 - 257votes)


Alt Names: alt MURCIÉLAGO-ムルシエラゴ-
Author: Yoshimura Kana
Artist: Yoshimura Kana
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalYuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a city overflowing with heinous crimes and violence, two girls make it their job to kill criminals who can not be dealt with by police.
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Thanks for bringing this one back!

I shall pray for Urara-chan to not die.  And to give that cop an eye patch.

Time to make him look EVEN MORE LIKE A BADASS!

seems to be 4 months per book so when they get to volume 7 it would take 28 months , and yep it would be 2019 to get where the translations left.

5 planned so far


vol 5 coming out in Jan :/



its fucking stupid.


I bought (pre ordered 2 volumes) but we don't even know if they will even make more or even catch up to where the manga translations left off


or it will be until 2019

seems to be 4 months per book so when they get to volume 7 it would take 28 months , and yep it would be 2019 to get where the translations left.

at least we can still read it again, someone from /u/ translate it

3 new chapters on Dynasty scans

The best exploitation flick turns out to be a manga.

This manga got licensed so CXC Scans won't be translate it anymore. They still have a few chapters that are still in process. Hopefully someone will take this project.

its fucking stupid.


I bought (pre ordered 2 volumes) but we don't even know if they will even make more or even catch up to where the manga translations left off


or it will be until 2019

This manga got licensed so CXC Scans won't be translate it anymore. They still have a few chapters that are still in process. Hopefully someone will take this project.

Is she actually solving anything that wouldn't have eventually just sorted itself out?

I'm not sure who else is going to provide the yuri.

Is she actually solving anything that wouldn't have eventually just sorted itself out?

Good and bad news. The good news Yen Press manga will be publishing this series. The bad news this group might stop cuz of that but I hope they don't.

and she got a big boobs too!

Why I did not notice that


Urara-chan is a purehearted, muscular young maiden.


Aaah, what a cutie.


and she got a big boobs too!

I legitimately feel sorry for whoever ends up on the other side of She-Man's fist.
EDIT: Unless it's Kyouko. She'll probably survive it.

man they've got a lot of floating characters in this series now, I can't keep up with all of the ones they've introduced and left behind and brought back. 

I shall pray for Urara-chan to not die.  And to give that cop an eye patch.


Urara-chan is a purehearted, muscular young maiden.


Aaah, what a cutie.

New favorite character of forever.

Need more, son!

YES! there was more Chiyo-chan! too bad was short ToT but was good, i want more so lets hope for more chiyo-chan :D

What was written in blood?


Also, someone deleted most of the alt names, why?

Introducing a new character!  A heavily muscled woman with a charming face and is a champion of underground martial arts fight clubs.





both of those options appear to be too kind for this mango

Only good thing about this series is the yuri and even that is lack luster.  This mangas so boring and horribly over edgy.

I like the fact that the yuri in this manga is quite carnal (like a lot of things in this work) the usual pink, soft, fluffy, cute, etc.yuri is fine but after awhile it becomes repetitive.


I am not going to tell you that this is a masterpiece that you should appreciate for its artistic innovative (or classic) qualities since that would mean that I am full of shit, this is a manga that satisfies the reader by showing the things that sell the most: sex and death, a kind of hardcore fanservice, something that should be seen as any guilty pleasure or exploitation film. With that mindset I love this manga.

As far fucked up stuff, this manga is somewhere in the middle but this is the limit for me and I like the look from this edge, whatever is past this line is not my business.


I am going to end with the usual formula "If you don't like this then leave" but not trying to be be a pr*ck, I would say this if this does not fill you expectations then there are many good mangas (and other stuff) out there; with the limited time (and especially free time) that most people have, the best thing that we all should is do to concentrate our energy in the things that we really enjoy.




I love the image that you use as profile.

Only good thing about this series is the yuri and even that is lack luster.  This mangas so boring and horribly over edgy.

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