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Gunka no Baltzar

Alt Names: alt Baltzar Militarismusalt Bernd Balzeralt 軍靴のバルツァーalt Gunka no Baltzeralt Gunka no Balzer
Author: Nakajima Michitsune
Artist: Nakajima Michitsune
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHistorical HistoricalSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Glory is won over the roar of cannon fire. Peace exists simply as a time to prepare for the next battle. In a nation with superb military power, Bernd Baltzar advanced quickly through the ranks. However, his career now takes a sudden turn when he is reassigned to being the military advisor in a neighboring allied nation with little military power and a lack of civilian support of firearms. Will Major Baltzar be able to win the hearts and minds of both the soldiers and civilians in this country?
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Maybe not on his own in a short amount of time at that time in history, but if he is known to be skilled and acquires the trust of several senior officers, that's one way. If he later becomes high ranked enough to implement changes, he could use his previous experiences as examples as to why it should change.

Yeah, but so what? (Then) Major Dwight D. Eisenhower was infamously threatened with court-marshal for experimenting and encouraging the adopting of new tank warfare tactics. And he was a Major for over a decade.


Unless its wartime, people in the military move up the ranks very, very, very, slowly.

well now I know where trench warfare start

The first instance where trenches supported by artillery were used would technically be the Crimean War, during the 1 year siege of Sevastopol. 


Coincidentally, this was the war that ended up destroying Austria and gave rise to the unification of Germany that inspired this work.

well now I know where trench warfare start

Perhaps; but a field officer is nowhere near the level needed to institute army-wide changes, which is the sad part.

Maybe not on his own in a short amount of time at that time in history, but if he is known to be skilled and acquires the trust of several senior officers, that's one way. If he later becomes high ranked enough to implement changes, he could use his previous experiences as examples as to why it should change.

Helmut in ball gown. 



Results of WWI

- Effectively ended the power of European monarchies.
- Broke central Europe/Ottomans apart.
- Shifted wealth reserves away from Europe to overseas.
- Helped create the Soviet Union
- Is the biggest cause for WWII
- First step in taking the USA from an isolationist to an interventionist power.
- First step in breaking European colonial power.

And more, nothing really good might have come of it but The Great War changed society as a whole. More than any other event in that century.


Results of WWI

- Effectively ended the power of European monarchies.
- Broke central Europe/Ottomans apart.
- Shifted wealth reserves away from Europe to overseas.
- Helped create the Soviet Union
- Is the biggest cause for WWII
- First step in taking the USA from an isolationist to an interventionist power.
- First step in breaking European colonial power.

And more, nothing really good might have come of it but The Great War changed society as a whole. More than any other event in that century.


A insanely thorough yet easily approachable series on the great war is this one:





World war 1 in real time, 100 years later. enjoy

It's always jarring to read the "treat me kindly" bit after an introduction in Euro/Fantasy/Sci-fi situations. 

Just a small reminder to you people: that weird B in "Weißen" is actually a German "double s". Using English, Weißen would be read like "vysen".

If it bothers you that they are misspelling it, you should tell them the correct way to spell it when they don't know how to type the ß, which would be "Weissen".

Just a small reminder to you people: that weird B in "Weißen" is actually a German "double s". Using English, Weißen would be read like "vysen".


thank you......

Just a small reminder to you people: that weird B in "Weißen" is actually a German "double s". Using English, Weißen would be read like "vysen".

Anyone else notice how all the nobles who supported Weiben wore modern suits while those who supported the other country (cant remember name) wore traditional aristocratic clothes? Love how symbolic that is.

I'm shipping Balzar and Helmut.

It was a war that achieved absolutely nothing and just ended up making everything worse than before.

Results of WWI

- Effectively ended the power of European monarchies.
- Broke central Europe/Ottomans apart.
- Shifted wealth reserves away from Europe to overseas.
- Helped create the Soviet Union
- Is the biggest cause for WWII
- First step in taking the USA from an isolationist to an interventionist power.
- First step in breaking European colonial power.

And more, nothing really good might have come of it but The Great War changed society as a whole. More than any other event in that century.

Can someone confirm for me what I got from the manga so far?


Eyepatch guy is planning a revolution for the freedom of people? Where one will not be threatened by militaristic occupation of authority. (Kinda like Thailand right now??)


The General is on eye patch guy's side.


They are instigating a war between the other country and Weiben to use as their forces against Weiben's general government?


Balzer is just a military dude, intent on protecting his country and believes in militaristic public safety.

That guy is called von stauffenberg, like one of the officers that tried to kill hitler during WW II, and he seems to support some sort of putsch, strange coincidence if it is.


It's not a putsch he's supporting. He's basically Balzar's world's equivalent of Otto von Bismarck, which means his objective is probably a "United Germany" insofar as "Germany" is applicable to this world. Our world's Bismarck launched the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, which the current Erzreich-Weissen war is analogous to - in which case Holbaek is probably Hanover - however, unlike Stauffenberg he didn't have a pretty-boy one-eyed mastermind running around behind the scenes. Also, Stauffenberg is not the PM of Weissen, unlike Bismarck, and is from a far more militaristic background than Bismarck, being an active military officer actually deployed to the front lines.


Interestingly, the "Germany" of Balzar's world seems to be a bit more isolated compared to ours. To begin with, nobody's worried about Holbaek getting support from a cousin across the sea (our world's Hanover shared a royal family with Britain's), and Erzreich is depicted as still a military superpower, whereas in our world the Austro-Hungarian Empire was already humiliated multiple times by the two Napoleons and was generally considered militarily weak by the time of the Austro-Prussian War. In short, there's a lack of France and Great Britain in Balzar's world.

Awe, his breath is gonna be nasty.

That guy is called von stauffenberg, like one of the officers that tried to kill hitler during WW II, and he seems to support some sort of putsch, strange coincidence if it is.

Which ultimatively lead to WW 1, where millions died in the trenches or trying to run from one trench to another while being blown apart by artillery, mowed down by machine gun fire and dying from chemical attacks. The worst part? It was a war that achieved absolutely nothing and just ended up making everything worse than before. 

Well, it does achieve something: shows the world that the old ways of warfare is no longer practical...

Perhaps; but a field officer is nowhere near the level needed to institute army-wide changes, which is the sad part.

Which ultimatively lead to WW 1, where millions died in the trenches or trying to run from one trench to another while being blown apart by artillery, mowed down by machine gun fire and dying from chemical attacks. The worst part? It was a war that achieved absolutely nothing and just ended up making everything worse than before. 

War is brutal, but damn are the uniforms fresh.

What, a woman in our Baltzer's harem!?! Perposterous. (Btw, calvary girl is a reverse trap)

This is where we move from a war story into your typical sports manga.

Balzer: "Today the local championship. Tomorrow the World Cup"

Love the side story. XD

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