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Gunka no Baltzar

Alt Names: alt Baltzar Militarismusalt Bernd Balzeralt 軍靴のバルツァーalt Gunka no Baltzeralt Gunka no Balzer
Author: Nakajima Michitsune
Artist: Nakajima Michitsune
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHistorical HistoricalSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Glory is won over the roar of cannon fire. Peace exists simply as a time to prepare for the next battle. In a nation with superb military power, Bernd Baltzar advanced quickly through the ranks. However, his career now takes a sudden turn when he is reassigned to being the military advisor in a neighboring allied nation with little military power and a lack of civilian support of firearms. Will Major Baltzar be able to win the hearts and minds of both the soldiers and civilians in this country?
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What the fuck. That fucking twist incoming



Thanks Easy Going Scans for this chapter. 

The fuck? Where the hell are the first chapter in english?. I'm interested in this manga yet i have no place to start

Am I the only one who thinks that something is fishy here?


Yeah, but so what? (Then) Major Dwight D. Eisenhower was infamously threatened with court-marshal for experimenting and encouraging the adopting of new tank warfare tactics. And he was a Major for over a decade.


Unless its wartime, people in the military move up the ranks very, very, very, slowly.

Was it? Wikipedia said they may have court martialed him over improper housing allowances. Perhaps the general dislike the major's tank interest and tried to get him the way FBI got Al Capone over improper taxes.

Uh oh. The ship is in danger. Hope that it is another person.

The ship is better than having peace xD

There's the twist! Though I wonder if Theodore actually stutters, or if that was a front.

Interesting developments this chapter. The common threads we have seen before, and now the new developments from this chapter seems to indicate a lead up to their version of World War I, if that wasn't obvious already.

A new chapter...Thank you very much sirs!

Good job translating all that text in 32.5, but tl;dr.

Balzer, commanding the dirty Sherman peasant.

Not the Glorious Tiger master race of Fatherland, glorious T-34 race of Motherland.

Whoa, I'm not that knowledgable about Germany's history, just saying that they have the same name. Maybe the author took the name von stauffenberg because of the one that failed to kill Hilter to put it with a character that seems like Bismarck. It wouldn't surprise me considering Weissen already has penicilline that was discovered in 1928 in reality.


And he is preparing a revolution as the one eyed guy said in chapter 28, it's the same result as a putsch, to overthrow the government


Ya, that's what I'm trying to explain here. The revolution is not in the sense of overthrowing the (Weissen) government or anyone else's. If von Stauffenberg's objective is the unification of "Germany" as Bismarck's was in our world, then he would do it the way Bismarck did, which was by forcing Prussian (Weissen) overlordship over all the smaller German states, ending their sovereignty. For this to succeed von Stauffenberg would need to STRENGTHEN the Weissen government (if necessary by replacing the idealistic king with a more receptive heir), not overthrow it. But he would also need to strengthen the other states' governments so that when the time comes they would be able to actually accept Weissen overlordship (an ilegitimate government can't safely merge itself to a bigger state). Therefore, there cannot be a putsch of any kind as it would instead weaken Weissen and the other states and make unification harder to achieve. What von Stauffenberg's pretty-boy pet has been trying to do, insofar as we can see, is to weaken the royal power of various other monarchs by infiltrating their courts and making cross-country secret alliances within the courts.


Wait - let's get a few things straight here. A putsch or coup d'etat is actually a replacement of the GOVERNMENT of a state, not its head, in an extrajudicial manner. Heads of state have historically committed such things, as exemplified by the two Napoleons (I was Consul of the Republic and III was its President) and Swedish king Charles XII, so a putsch is not necessarily a bottoms-up affair. Conversely, forced replacement of the head of the state is not a putsch if the resulting government is preserved, as was the case of the forced abdication of England's king Edward VIII.


In our world's Bavaria the royal court and cabinet basically committed the non-putsch described above by deposing their popular king Ludwig II on grounds of insanity. When this failed (Ludwig himself was quite sane, thankyouverymuch) and Ludwig moved to attempt to rouse his people, they... er... it's not clear what actually happened, but suffice it to say that they succeeded thanks to Ludwig being conveniently out of the way permanently. Expect something similar to this to happen in Balzar's world sometime in the future.


In the case of von Stauffenberg and the Weissen king, it is possible that there is a similar plan at play orchestrated by pretty boy - or maybe the plan is more subtle than that; we'll see.

The peace conference might be sinking, but the Helmut x Balzer ship is sailing magnificently.

A insanely thorough yet easily approachable series on the great war is this one:





World war 1 in real time, 100 years later. enjoy


I was just watching this last May and it was very interesting. I don't know very much about WW1, and this channel taught me more than my history subject. Or perhaps I wasn't listening. LOL.

Helmut is love, Helmut is love

Helmut is truely moe.

All that Baltzar/Helmut ship teasing...

"Let's rush this battle-hardened soldier, what could possibly go wrong?"


Come on Baltzer, you have the tools and skills to blow the hinges off the situation!

Man, I ship Balzar and Helmut so much...

I forgot who Helmut was, and was reading all these posts thinking...."Balzar is doing what with a helmet?" Of course that was my inner retard/forgetfulness lol

You might like hmmm Kingdom and Ares then? or Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought there


Imperial guards is also similar and a very good manga.

It's not a putsch he's supporting. He's basically Balzar's world's equivalent of Otto von Bismarck, which means his objective is probably a "United Germany" insofar as "Germany" is applicable to this world. Our world's Bismarck launched the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, which the current Erzreich-Weissen war is analogous to - in which case Holbaek is probably Hanover - however, unlike Stauffenberg he didn't have a pretty-boy one-eyed mastermind running around behind the scenes. Also, Stauffenberg is not the PM of Weissen, unlike Bismarck, and is from a far more militaristic background than Bismarck, being an active military officer actually deployed to the front lines.


Interestingly, the "Germany" of Balzar's world seems to be a bit more isolated compared to ours. To begin with, nobody's worried about Holbaek getting support from a cousin across the sea (our world's Hanover shared a royal family with Britain's), and Erzreich is depicted as still a military superpower, whereas in our world the Austro-Hungarian Empire was already humiliated multiple times by the two Napoleons and was generally considered militarily weak by the time of the Austro-Prussian War. In short, there's a lack of France and Great Britain in Balzar's world.


Whoa, I'm not that knowledgable about Germany's history, just saying that they have the same name. Maybe the author took the name von stauffenberg because of the one that failed to kill Hilter to put it with a character that seems like Bismarck. It wouldn't surprise me considering Weissen already has penicilline that was discovered in 1928 in reality.


And he is preparing a revolution as the one eyed guy said in chapter 28, it's the same result as a putsch, to overthrow the government

This is a pretty cool series. It's definitely not like anything else I've read. I really enjoy manga with a focus on military tactics rather than some ridiculously overpowered fool who crushes entire armies with retard strength.

You might like hmmm Kingdom and Ares then? or Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought there

It's happened it's spectacular. 

Entire chapter was made 100% better by Helmut in that

Man, I ship Balzar and Helmut so much...

I'm getting FFVIII vibes from chapter 30



Helmut in ball gown. 





It's happened it's spectacular. 

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