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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.54 - 120votes)


Alt Names: alt Gepetto (YON Jae-won)alt 제페토 (연제원)
Author: Yon Jae-Won
Artist: Yon Jae-Won
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMystery MysterySci-fi Sci-fiShounen ShounenTragedy TragedyWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Complete
Description: After a decimating war against the androids they had built, humanity, though victorious, was forced to start living in shelters, isolated from the wastelands of the rest of the world, created by the damage the confrontation brought to the world.

Dr Gepetto, one of the brightest android creators of his time, died and left behind an inheritance of untold proportions, the only clue as to how to get it being a blue haired android the old man had built and preserved for as long as possible even after his death.

The android was reactivated, and she's attempting to escape the grasp of the new government.

And a hunt for the inheritance begins.

Note: The author has explicitly split the storyline into multiple seasons. These seasons are represented by the Vol.#.

Original webtoon from Naver: http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=440244&no=1&weekday=
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Wale doesn't seem to have a genuine A.I. that is independent from her programs  

This arc is getting pretty yawn inducing

Is it bad that I want the author to make more omakes (those 4-komas) rather than the actual manga?

For robot's sake, robot cannot be hypnotized so "wake up " is useless and utterly BS said by another robot, robot has no state of emotion so "calm down" is also techinically wrong.


Robots with human AI, however, are still beyond us...

Depends on how you define "human AI" :P

Enjoying the next chapter is not possible in my opinion.

Relax brother.

I don't even know how you would say "cololdi", but it seems like it would be harder to say. For that matter, not sure how you say Clody either, do you say the o as pot or cold/or.

"Colodi" sounds like you're juggling marbles in your mouth while gargling and being held underwater against your will.  "Clody" I imagine would use the long "o" sound (when the "o" says its name), but I don't know for sure.

They've actually successfully transplanted the heads of dogs.  (See eg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Demikhov )  In fact, we were able to do it back in the 1950s!


The problem isn't the immune system; we can at least theoretically get transplants to be accepted. The problem is that the spinal cord is severed in the process, and no existing technology allows us to reconnect it, so you end up with a quadriplegic.  There's a lot of weird science like that that was theoretically doable but not practically useful.  Did you know that Germany had a videophone network in 1932?  Or that France had a national internet service in 1978?


(The latter one was actually very successful.)


Videophones are particularly interesting -- they were seen as possible even before television.  In fact, many early futurists foresaw videophones but failed to foresee broadcast television; some of the earliest references to tele-vision in newspapers are people using it as a word for theoretical videophone technology.  The problem was that there just wasn't any demand for it.


Robots with human AI, however, are still beyond us...

Argh, I knew they wouldn't leave her untouched. :(

Knew it, Wales been brainwashed..looks nice in her new outfit tho. Poor Clody

Different people have different views as to what constitutes as a "success".


Anyways, I'm bored of commenting on possibilities.

Time to go and purely enjoy the next chapter.

Enjoying the next chapter is not possible in my opinion.

If your argument is "not possible in my opinion", your argument is less than worthless.

Different people have different views as to what constitutes as a "success".


Anyways, I'm bored of commenting on possibilities.

Time to go and purely enjoy the next chapter.

Umm. True, brain transplant in order to take over another person's life is ethically horrendous.


But what if there were two people. One brain dead (as in really his entire brain is dead but he's on life support so his body lives, in other words 0% chance of revival, and I mean really FINAL ZERO) and the other dying because of his body.


Although brain transplant is not possible in my opinion.




In regular transplants you normally have to take immuno-suppressants to stop/slow down your white blood cells from attacking the transplanted organ.

Guess what happens to the brain when it gets attacked by white blood cells. Even with immuno-suppressants it will only slow down the rate of the attack on the transplanted brain.


Not something I'm looking forward to, having your brain slowly get eaten until you're nothing but a drooling vegetable. Not to mention all the migraines you'd have to suffer during the attacks.


Of course if you destroy the entire immune system and resign yourself to living in a clean room for the rest of your life then... maybe.


But then again where are you going to get a compatible body for the brain transplant. The risks of a rejection is far greater for a brain than any other organ (ie: INSTANT DEATH).



If your argument is "not possible in my opinion", your argument is less than worthless.

At the beginning of the chapter it says "Red string" never heard of it, maybe I should check it out, but yeah, wrong comic. I was excited about a new Gepetto release.


*edit in* fixed



I think the name "Colodi", sounds much better than "Clody".


I don't even know how you would say "cololdi", but it seems like it would be harder to say. For that matter, not sure how you say Clody either, do you say the o as pot or cold/or.

this is... the wrong manga right?

the title and author don't match up ;;

So Wale is gunna wake up! I bet those SDF bastards have taken some kind of sneaky precautions so that she doesn't just run off the second that she opens her eyes...like memory manipulation or something, or maybe some kind of collar that makes her obey...~oh! i can't wait for the next chapter!


The andriods are gunna run out of juice eventually and die anyways right? so why not just destroy the only hope they have of retaliation(Wale/Inheritance) and wait it out?? Or do the humans fear they'll go extinct before that happens? ...a bit confused

But hey. For all those guys racking their brains over the impossible.


Everyone knows that:


How is mind imprinting/transference easy? I've done some research for it for a story I wrote and it doesn't look like mind imprinting/transference exists anywhere outside science-fiction.


Now, brain transplants (as in taking the brain out of someone and putting it in another's skull) should, theoretically, be possible given future technological advancements.


And that's ethically horrendous as well.

Umm. True, brain transplant in order to take over another person's life is ethically horrendous.


But what if there were two people. One brain dead (as in really his entire brain is dead but he's on life support so his body lives, in other words 0% chance of revival, and I mean really FINAL ZERO) and the other dying because of his body.


Although brain transplant is not possible in my opinion.




In regular transplants you normally have to take immuno-suppressants to stop/slow down your white blood cells from attacking the transplanted organ.

Guess what happens to the brain when it gets attacked by white blood cells. Even with immuno-suppressants it will only slow down the rate of the attack on the transplanted brain.


Not something I'm looking forward to, having your brain slowly get eaten until you're nothing but a drooling vegetable. Not to mention all the migraines you'd have to suffer during the attacks.


Of course if you destroy the entire immune system and resign yourself to living in a clean room for the rest of your life then... maybe.


But then again where are you going to get a compatible body for the brain transplant. The risks of a rejection is far greater for a brain than any other organ (ie: INSTANT DEATH).

1. Cloning is easy.


2. Mind imprinting/transference is easy.


3. Both are ethically horrendous.


How is mind imprinting/transference easy? I've done some research for it for a story I wrote and it doesn't look like mind imprinting/transference exists anywhere outside science-fiction.


Now, brain transplants (as in taking the brain out of someone and putting it in another's skull) should, theoretically, be possible given future technological advancements.


And that's ethically horrendous as well.

​How is cloning any more ethically horrendous than producing a child via any other method?

Wow. I can't believe you said that.

Learn a bit more about the negative effects of cloning on the fetus and you'll understand.


Real Life ain't Star Wars, dude. (Or Gepetto for that matter)


Plus the ones doing the cloning KNOW about the negative effects.

Now... after KNOWING if they do it anyway on humans (or animals for that matter) is it right or wrong?


Because (current) methods use the "mother" as a clone-gestating machine. Want a clone army of 500 human soldiers? Confine 500 human women, imprison them and then plant a clone inside each and every one of them. Once the clones are born, the women... well... you don't want to go around telling people what happened, do you?

Yeah, that too.


How is cloning any more ethically horrendous than producing a child via any other method?

Because (current) methods use the "mother" as a clone-gestating machine. Want a clone army of 500 human soldiers? Confine 500 human women, imprison them and then plant a clone inside each and every one of them. Once the clones are born, the women... well... you don't want to go around telling people what happened, do you?

1. Cloning is easy.


2. Mind imprinting/transference is easy.


3. Both are ethically horrendous.


How is cloning any more ethically horrendous than producing a child via any other method?

Humanity doesn't have the technology to create robots anymore (as they say in the chapter that was just released today), and haven't for a very long time.

And plus, this is far more then simple cloning, this is mind transferrence, which is a far harder thing to pull off.

1. Cloning is easy.


2. Mind imprinting/transference is easy.


3. Both are ethically horrendous.

Sheesh, it's like no one heard of reverse engineering...



the cores for the androids are either too advance for the people to reverse engineer or they never gotten a perfectly intact one, maybe both


Since the androids are going to die on their own anyway, one of the reasons why the humans have a war with them is so they can successfully reverse engineer them.

Sheesh, it's like no one heard of reverse engineering...

the cores for the androids are either too advance for the people to reverse engineer or they never gotten a perfectly intact one, maybe both

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