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Inugami-san to Sarutobi-kun wa Naka ga Warui.

Alt Names: alt A Dog and Monkey Relationship.alt 犬神さんと猿飛くんは仲が悪い。alt Inu Saru Waruialt Inugami-san and Sarutobi-kun Have a Bad Relationshipalt Inugami-san to Sarutobi-kun wa Naka ga Waruialt Inugami-san y Sarutobi-kun tienen una mala relación
Author: Tachibana Roku
Artist: Tachibana Roku
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Inugami Tsubaki is the perfect girl and has her future perfectly planned: she's beautiful, honor student, skilled in sports and loved by everyone. As the future head of the most powerful financial clan of Japan, it seems nothing can stop her. However, in her first day of High School, she mets Sarutobi Sanosuke, a wicked guy who outsmarts her and quickly becomes her enemy - what's going to happen between them?
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2 chapters left. I hope his next manga won't be cancelled so fast, again.

I'm still thinking.. Where's the 'romance' in this story????

There is none, tags needs to be fixed.

My uptake on this is that the only correct answer is to join hands to save the company. Because if two oppossite extremes collide, it always ends in something "just right". Sarutobi's will to destroy the family and Tsubaki's will to protect the family. If both of them manages the company, then they can save it. And with this, I mean just get married. Sarutobi as the head to give logical decisions and Tsubaki as the heart to make sure everything is just right and done in moderation. Isn't this the only way to save it? And the grandpa said he already tried everything. Guess this didn't even crossed his mind.

I'm still thinking.. Where's the 'romance' in this story????

The old man is more devious than he actually lets out. There are a LOT of dire consequences that can happen with the succession.


For 1, Sarutobi, who is really tunnel visioned at this point, might and will most likely fail and all responsibility will fall into him. It will save Tsubaki the guilt for the most part, not like Sarutobi cares about that but his plan getting crushed will still bum him out.


Another one would be hate. If you were the one who is tasked to cut off the rotten parts of a huge conglomerate, naturally you would be hated. That hate will spiral into something else and Sarutobi's life would eventually be in danger, instead of Tsubaki.


And I dunno but it seems that Tsubaki's too much of a gullible character to take the reigns of a corrupt and rotting company (as how the old man explained) and drastic measures seem to be needed.



I nearly dropped this manga because it felt like the mangaka was just shitting on Tsubaki but now this is getting real interesting.

I think you are missing the point, i understand it as such that even if sarutobi were to be caught and i dont know send to jail for example for destroying inugami family, he wouldn't mind it since he achieved what he wanted the most. Destruction of inugami family.

Thing is, she worked for most stuff she got. All this is is effectively physical and mental torture that BREAKS a person not makes them grow. If his plan would be to turn his granddaughter into a nervous mental wreck, destroy any kind of self value or confidence she has, then he has the perfect plan and it should be working just splendid. 

>'She worked for most stuff she got'

Don't lie. Inguami didn't wok for shit prior to the start of the comic. The first chapter paints her as the biggest Mary Sue out there.

>'physical and mental torture'

You probably think cyberbullying is a serious criminal offence too :^)

Ugh, is it just me or is tsubaki getting worse and worse. Those naive "I want to protect everyone I care about" types are so clique and disgusting.

wow 3 chapters, it's like it's christmas oh wait ...


The old man is more devious than he actually lets out. There are a LOT of dire consequences that can happen with the succession.


For 1, Sarutobi, who is really tunnel visioned at this point, might and will most likely fail and all responsibility will fall into him. It will save Tsubaki the guilt for the most part, not like Sarutobi cares about that but his plan getting crushed will still bum him out.


Another one would be hate. If you were the one who is tasked to cut off the rotten parts of a huge conglomerate, naturally you would be hated. That hate will spiral into something else and Sarutobi's life would eventually be in danger, instead of Tsubaki.


And I dunno but it seems that Tsubaki's too much of a gullible character to take the reigns of a corrupt and rotting company (as how the old man explained) and drastic measures seem to be needed.



I nearly dropped this manga because it felt like the mangaka was just shitting on Tsubaki but now this is getting real interesting.

And what would "that kind of person" be? I'm genuinely interested in what is it that makes you hate her. There is literally nothing in her personality that would make someone hate her well unless you hate good natured people. Is it that everyone likes her? Because she was born in wealthy family? 

My perception is that she is a naive airhead that is way over her head, and is unsure to the real underlying matters managing a conglomerate entitles .

Her motive for wanting to be the successor is superficial (wants to please her family). This however doesnt make male MC any better of a person, though his character in my opinion is much more interesting than female MC.


I'm surprised this manga got 17 chapters before being axed, maybe it got that far because the drawings are really good?

Author's previous works seemed to suffer from the same case, bland  two-dimensional characters backed by good art and got axed around 20ish chapters.

so...rich family A abused rich family B and kid from rich family B is out for revenge...eh, screw old money, 

You're trying to stick the wrong stick in the wrong hole.


so...rich family A abused rich family B and kid from rich family B is out for revenge...eh, screw old money, 

Thanks for the update Casanova! And merry X-mas!

Well this manga interesting! I like how Sarutobi teach someone like Tsubaki a lesson 'cuz I really hate that kind of person. But of cuz it not just that, Im also curious about Sarutoi's past. I wonder what happen until he became such a badass.

And what would "that kind of person" be? I'm genuinely interested in what is it that makes you hate her. There is literally nothing in her personality that would make someone hate her well unless you hate good natured people. Is it that everyone likes her? Because she was born in wealthy family? 

Well this manga interesting! I like how Sarutobi teach someone like Tsubaki a lesson 'cuz I really hate that kind of person. But of cuz it not just that, Im also curious about Sarutoi's past. I wonder what happen until he became such a badass.

Rather than "trap" shouldn't it be "reverse trap"?

Seriously? No.

Se weasley? No.

Seriously? Nouuu.

Srsly? No.

Srsly? No.



Fuck there goes my trap theory about the president.


Rather than "trap" shouldn't it be "reverse trap"?

I'm surprised this manga got 17 chapters before being axed, maybe it got that far because the drawings are really good?



Fuck there goes my trap theory about the president.

Or maybe he just wants his granddaughter to grow as a person instead of handing everything to her and letting her have an easy ride through life?



Thing is, she worked for most stuff she got. All this is is effectively physical and mental torture that BREAKS a person not makes them grow. If his plan would be to turn his granddaughter into a nervous mental wreck, destroy any kind of self value or confidence she has, then he has the perfect plan and it should be working just splendid. 

I'm getting more and more interested in Sarutobi's background.

My problem with this manga is that Tsubaki is actually nice. If it was like, doing this shit to get her some character development and stuff, that would be one thing, but she's actually an inherently nice person. 


I've read some people saying that if it was the other way around then that would be different, but I don't like that kind of story either. One of my favourite mangas is Love Hina, but not because of the girls beating up Keitaro thing, but because of the character development.


In this story, the only thing that's developed is Tsubaki is finally willing to have others help her, but I swear the f**king god if that's the moral of all this bullshit I'm going to shank a bitch. I've kept reading this because I want to see him get some comeuppance, so if that's the moral, then good god. 

I don't know why, but I always feel that the androgynous senpai is really disgusting.

Wow, this manga is pretty good, can't wait for more updates :)


PS: Also, the comment section... there's quite a bit of cancer... just want to say that, sensitive stuff there XD

I started reading; thought it was meh. Then I got to the grandfather saying "You don't need to understand anything. This is what I decided."


Asshole grandpa deserves to be shot in the face.


Japan y u so asshat?

Or maybe he just wants his granddaughter to grow as a person instead of handing everything to her and letting her have an easy ride through life?



Well just because she is his granddaughter and is one of the inugami members, doesn't mean that she should automaticaly succes everything. There is no law for that as far as i know.

capitalism is a cut throat world. Yes, one would hope to raise a child who can succeed the business but capitalism doesn't care as long as there is someone better who can lead better. Primogeniture is simply a custom. 


But all I see in the end is that she'll probably end up marrying this guy so either way the grandfather gets what he wants; two highly skilled people who can balance each other out- one who is capable of being cut throat cold and another who understands loyalty and the importance of the people (? can't pinpoint the value of Inugami to the company besides her blood but it's probably something like that). They can lead the family business to prosperous future. 

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