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* * * * - (4.48 - 102votes)

Liar x Liar

Alt Names: alt ライアー×ライアー
Author: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Artist: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: One day, on a whim, twenty-year old Minato decides to walk around the city dressed in her friend's cute high school uniform. To her horror, she ends up running into her stepbrother, Tooru, who is actually only months younger than her. Since he's cute and a notorious player, Minato has had to deal with constant jealousy and suspicion from other girls throughout her entire school days.

Amazingly, she manages to convince Tooru that she's actually someone who just happens to look a lot like his stepsister. He is so convinced that he starts trying to date her and, for various reasons, she goes along with it. What started as a simple joke is now evolving into the biggest lie Minato has ever told!
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finally figuring out what exactly happened between the two siblings!!


so eager for the next chapter.

I'm really sorry, but we're not going to be able to finish 53 in time for this Sunday, so we'll release 53 together with 54 next Sunday in order to make up for it.
Hmm, this new chapter doesn't throw many curveballs, but it's nice to see directly how Tooru felt as he was growing up even there were more than enough hints before that he felt that way.

D@mn it, Author!! Don't make me try to like Karasuma again, because he's still only getting one point in my book.


I didn't expect the four-eyes to make the plot move forward

Hello, I just wanted to let you guys know that we'll be taking Thanksgiving off (so chapter 52 is going to be postponed the the week after next i.e. December 4th) and we're going to be releasing on Sundays instead of Saturdays from now on.



Volume 10 is the last volume (I had no idea -- thank you Sakata for the info) and I'm guessing it's going to be released in August since the releases seem to be about every nine months or so. So yeah, Liar x Liar should be completely scanlated by the end of 2017. It's kind of a weird thought... Like the end of 2017 seems really far away, but then it seems like Liar x Liar is going to be over really quickly. Only about 20 more chapters until the end...

I'm glad it won't overstay it's welcome and author has enough time to end it satisfyingly.

Liar x Liar is going to end in 2017. The volume 10 will be the last volume. Volume 9 cover sample:
Ooh, the most significant thing I was wrong about: this might actually exacerbate Tooru's habit of sleeping around, as he tries to find an outlet for his feelings. He doesn't believe that Minato feels that way about him, but hearing it sure stirred him up, and he may start to look for any way to manage that pressure without revealing his own feelings to Minato, even if it causes more friction between them.

No, no, no, Tooru, you won't regret it, OK?

Dear Tooru, in the word of that youtube video.



I was actually expecting her to reveal the truth about "Mina". but this is kind of shocking too. I half expect tooru to brush it off and say that she's only saying that to try and comfort him, and that he doesn't need her pity or something like that. honestly though, I can't possibly see them going out together happily, since the truth about Mina would eat away at her too much. if they were to start dating, she would have to tell him the whole truth, and I can't imagine that going well IF he doesn't know the truth already. let's see how this goes.
Aaaaaaaaoh wait it's not really a "successful confession" sort of atmosphere, is it? Probably going to get brushed off as "you mean like siblings, right?" and she'll be too flustered to clarify and will just go along with it instead. "R-right! As your sister, I guess, I'm very concerned about your happiness! Because family, or something!" And then he'll be too excited underneath his poker face about being mistakenly-mistakenly confessed to, that he won't argue the point any further, thus resolving the "what if he starts sleeping with random people again" question, while introducing the NEW problem of being unable to confess to him because he won't believe it anyway.

That's what I'm assuming will happen, anyway. I got really excited for a moment thinking that they're finally gonna talk about it, but when I thought about the scene a bit more, and the kind of manga this is, there's no way they'd actually let it happen in such a straightforward way. Will have to be at least a bit more heartbreak, and probably a real risk of him being "taken" by another girl, before they can just be happy together.
That's the end of volume seven so there're only two more volumes left before we're all caught up ^^



That was more frank that I was expecting.


I don't know. I really miss his three little hairs. He's just not the same without them...

everyone is just so cute omg I just like everyone



....this isn't gonna work out lol

confession soon! ihope

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