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Bokura no Hentai

Alt Names: alt ぼくらのへんたいalt हमारे परिवर्तनalt Dönüşümümüzalt Nuestra Perversiónalt Nuestra Transformaciónalt Nuestras Anormalidadesalt Our birthplacealt Our Perversionalt Our Transformationalt Vår Transformasjon
Author: Fumi Fumiko
Artist: Fumi Fumiko
Genres: Drama DramaGender Bender Gender BenderPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenShounen Ai Shounen Ai
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Three boys in junior-high who cross-dress because of differing reasons meet each other through a cross-dressing community website, and decide to meet up in real life.
"Parou" started cross-dressing because he wanted to attract a heterosexual boy he liked.
"Marika" is transgender and identifies as female. Lastly, "Yui" is an antagonistic boy who adopted the persona of his older sister after her death. In contrast to Parou and Marika, Yui is sorely disappointed at the meeting.

Epilogue: http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/bokura-no-hentai-boku-tabun-hentai-doujinshi-r19102
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Topic [SPOILERS] Current Chapter Discussion/Other Convo New Window svines85
  • 2 Replies


I can't wait for the 9th volume I really want to read it right now ;--;


Marika is my beautiful cinnamon roll, too pure too good for this world. Her being with Ryousuke will put me at ease.. I just want my daughter to be happy ;---;

raws 34 to 37
latest hap http://raw.senmanga.com/Bokura-no-Hentai/037/1

Dammit, I lost to my own curiosity. I was going to wait for Hatchimitsu to do the next volume since I trust their translator more than myself, but I just like this series too much.

Man, this manga is something else. It's too much to hope it never ends, but one could dream! The entire cast is fresh and interesting, the story is raw and easy to empathize with, it's an all around A+ manga in my opinion! 

This chapter was both heaven and torture for me. Deep in my heart of hearts, I'd really like Ryousuke and Aoki to actually became a couple. There seems to be practically no chance of this actually happening, but I can sure dream...




...and spam the Author's Twitter! XD

Aoki, accept, just accept. ;_; Do it for me. No, for you and him (and for me), cause he's so much better than Parou. Please. I expect good news in 3 months.
I should feel elated that ryou confessed but knowing the manga, I cant help but feel some big misunderstandings about to happen... Also, my heart gets uneasy when the vols last pg comes up bc it says END. no, no end for me, keep going!!!!! ; A ;

A confession! Be still my heart.

Lets just hope there won't be any misunderstandings or backtracking. Ryousuke sure changed a lot compared to when we first met him

This chapter was both heaven and torture for me. Deep in my heart of hearts, I'd really like Ryousuke and Aoki to actually became a couple. There seems to be practically no chance of this actually happening, but I can sure dream...

I hope Yui's going to be happier

Nnnoo, what's under the bandanna!? What's the power hidden under the glove!? xDDD

Thank you Hachimitsu Scans!

Yeah, walls of text are supposed to be in spoilers.

I come back to read the new chapter and find walls of text, hot diggity damn!

you can't expect a "Perfect" girlfriend cause it doesn't exist everyone have flaw

plus i think the reason she act that way is more like a cause of jealousy because despite Ryou confessed to her and she even give him her first time he never "Really" trusted her and she even waited for him to tell her but "No" , all what was in Ryou mind was "Marika, Marika and Marika"  having sex with your girlfriend while you think another person(in woman way), in a certain case isn't that scum?

when she find out about his cross dressing act, what did happen? more lie from Ryou

she did go all the way to his house to get the true out of cat and she even helped him instead of abandoning him, Ryou trust more his special friend than his girlfriend, i believe he need to take responsability for his action(confessing and saying repeat times of loving her ,had sex with her) and stopping thinking another woman while having a girlfriend is just keeping hurt Hacchi feeling


Edit: And now having read chapter 29, she seems to be right on track with my expectations. 


and why everyone think all what Marika do is okay and in just? just because she's the main character and get more screentime doesn't mean whatever she do is always right, she too acted out of her own selfishness ,her personality got a heavy change from shy and innocent girl into a irritating/nice girl that snap and act cold at anyone she doesn't like or act lovely and cute to her friends , not the best of personality in my opnion,she even taunted Hacchi when she asked for reason why Ryou is cross dressing ofc Hacchi was partly at fault too for selfimposing her own idea


with last chapter at this rate this going for a break out route... sigh is all Ryousuke fault - 3-


Ryou has a lot more complex issues going on than you give him credit for, and Hacchi is usually only fanning the flames further. The only reason he went out with her in the first place was to differentiate himself from his sister, to create a place where he didn't have to pretend to be Yui, someone who would look at him as Ryousuke. Pretty much everything he says and does with her is like this. It actually was pretty terrible of him to do it, but that's how it is. 


She is only his girlfriend in name only. So him "taking responsibility" for his actions would mean breaking up with her.


Ryou was even likely going to confess this to Hacchi in chapter 17 right before she tempted him with sex. Still lost in his mental issues, he gave into lust and ran with it. He likely genuinely loves Aoki more than he does Hacchi, but it's hard for him to admit this to himself so he inwardly and outwardly denies it. The immense guilt he felt after having sex with her and saying those things says a lot about how he really feels about the whole thing. He knows clinging to Hacchi is wrong but the temporary safe haven of "normal" she creates is too alluring. Since it's not likely Ryou and Aoki will ever be a proper couple, I feel like he will eventually open up to her with genuine feelings, but I doubt it will be for a while. He's going to need to get some closure on his feelings for Aoki first. 


As for Aoki, Hacchi decided to unload on her at the worst possible moment. Finally unable to take the abuse people are laying on her, she started fighting back with that cynical attitude. Had Hacchi not tried to corner her with her hate speech about how Aoki is leading Ryou into some sort of twisted perversion and to stay away from him, they might have actually had a meaningful talk about Ryou's problem. She basically just told Aoki not to drag Ryou into her gross hobbies. I don't really blame Aoki to be honest.


Most of this is Ryou's fault. But I can't really bring myself to blame him after all he has gone through. When we're going through such ridiculous situations, we do not often think the most rationally.

To be honest I don't think Yui should be dating anyone right now. He's got some series issues he's only just begun to work on and those issues will always cause friction in a relationship.

She has her good points, but she's actually kind of a bitch too.

The way she handled Aoki when she first discovered Ryou's crossdressing as Yui does a lot to tell you about her personality of moral superiority and "righteous" behavior. She didn't even try to understand the situation before going totally toxic. All she could see was someone corrupting her Ryou, whom she positively knows best. Expect to see her jealousy rise to extreme levels and begin her righteous crusade against Aoki when Ryou begins hanging out with girl-form Aoki again. It's definitely going to be a plot point. The fact that Ryou clearly seems to carry feelings for Aoki is only going to make it worse. I actually expect her to declare "You shouldn't hang around with him" in potentially not so nice words within the next few chapters.


For the record, I do like her for the most part. She's just a kid doing what kids think doing is right. She is a bit misguided in some areas but some positive character development can bring that rough gem to a pristine shine. However I can't betray that deep in my heart of hearts I've always had a Yui + Marika pairing in mind. I would be willing to fight the author personally to make that happen.


Edit: And now having read chapter 29, she seems to be right on track with my expectations. 

Hachiya is awesome girlfriend, this manga will be awful if yui x marika
Well, this is fiction after all
everything can happen

She has her good points, but she's actually kind of a bitch too.

The way she handled Aoki when she first discovered Ryou's crossdressing as Yui does a lot to tell you about her personality of moral superiority and "righteous" behavior. She didn't even try to understand the situation before going totally toxic. All she could see was someone corrupting her Ryou, whom she positively knows best. Expect to see her jealousy rise to extreme levels and begin her righteous crusade against Aoki when Ryou begins hanging out with girl-form Aoki again. It's definitely going to be a plot point. The fact that Ryou clearly seems to carry feelings for Aoki is only going to make it worse. I actually expect her to declare "You shouldn't hang around with him" in potentially not so nice words within the next few chapters.


For the record, I do like her for the most part. She's just a kid doing what kids think doing is right. She is a bit misguided in some areas but some positive character development can bring that rough gem to a pristine shine. However I can't betray that deep in my heart of hearts I've always had a Yui + Marika pairing in mind. I would be willing to fight the author personally to make that happen.


Edit: And now having read chapter 29, she seems to be right on track with my expectations. 

you can't expect a "Perfect" girlfriend cause it doesn't exist everyone have flaw

plus i think the reason she act that way is more like a cause of jealousy because despite Ryou confessed to her and she even give him her first time he never "Really" trusted her and she even waited for him to tell her but "No" , all what was in Ryou mind was "Marika, Marika and Marika"  having sex with your girlfriend while you think another person(in woman way), in a certain case isn't that scum?

when she find out about his cross dressing act, what did happen? more lie from Ryou

she did go all the way to his house to get the true out of cat and she even helped him instead of abandoning him, Ryou trust more his special friend than his girlfriend, i believe he need to take responsability for his action(confessing and saying repeat times of loving her ,had sex with her) and stopping thinking another woman while having a girlfriend is just keeping hurt Hacchi feeling


Edit: And now having read chapter 29, she seems to be right on track with my expectations. 


and why everyone think all what Marika do is okay and in just? just because she's the main character and get more screentime doesn't mean whatever she do is always right, she too acted out of her own selfishness ,her personality got a heavy change from shy and innocent girl into a irritating/nice girl that snap and act cold at anyone she doesn't like or act lovely and cute to her friends , not the best of personality in my opnion,she even taunted Hacchi when she asked for reason why Ryou is cross dressing ofc Hacchi was partly at fault too for selfimposing her own idea


with last chapter at this rate this going for a break out route... sigh is all Ryousuke fault - 3-

Grr, this volume could have fit in one more chapter! But thanks anyways! Keep up the awesomest work Hachimitsu!

now that Marika is finaly a "She" i hope Ryuosuke didn't get ntr'ed by her....when he have such a wonderful girlfriend

She has her good points, but she's actually kind of a bitch too.

The way she handled Aoki when she first discovered Ryou's crossdressing as Yui does a lot to tell you about her personality of moral superiority and "righteous" behavior. She didn't even try to understand the situation before going totally toxic. All she could see was someone corrupting her Ryou, whom she positively knows best. Expect to see her jealousy rise to extreme levels and begin her righteous crusade against Aoki when Ryou begins hanging out with girl-form Aoki again. It's definitely going to be a plot point. The fact that Ryou clearly seems to carry feelings for Aoki is only going to make it worse. I actually expect her to declare "You shouldn't hang around with him" in potentially not so nice words within the next few chapters.


For the record, I do like her for the most part. She's just a kid doing what kids think doing is right. She is a bit misguided in some areas but some positive character development can bring that rough gem to a pristine shine. However I can't betray that deep in my heart of hearts I've always had a Yui + Marika pairing in mind. I would be willing to fight the author personally to make that happen.


Edit: And now having read chapter 29, she seems to be right on track with my expectations. 

No, I'm not talking about "Hourou Musuko", I'm talking about this:


That whole picture is just a joke. It's just a parody of a typical shoujo magazine cover.

no... you might be thinking of hourou musuko (wandering son)~

No, I'm not talking about "Hourou Musuko", I'm talking about this:


now that Marika is finaly a "She" i hope Ryuosuke didn't get ntr'ed by her....when he have such a wonderful girlfriend

Wow, everyone is getting their act together.

Wait, does "Bokura no Hentai" have an anime…?!

no... you might be thinking of hourou musuko (wandering son)~

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