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* * * * * (4.55 - 172votes)

Kagerou Daze

Alt Names: alt カゲロウデイズalt 蜉蝣daysalt Kagerou Days
Author: Jin (Ii)
Artist: Satou Mahiro
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiShoujo ShoujoSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A story based on the new popular series of songs by Jin. Shintaro Kisaragi, a neet who shut himself inside his room for two years, had been living his life normally until he met a cyber girl named Ene, who appeared on his computer screen when someone sent him an e-mail one year ago. One day, Ene messes with Shintaro's PC which causes him to have to go to the outside world for the first time in two years.


> Kagerou Daze Official Anthology Comic -UPPER-
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/kagerou-daze-official-anthology-comic-upper-r11735 )
> Kagerou Daze Official Anthology Comic -DOWNER-
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/kagerou-daze-official-anthology-comic-downer-r11736 )
> Kagerou Daze Official Anthology Comic -SUMMER-
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/kagerou-daze-official-anthology-comic-summer-r11737 )
> Kagerou Daze Official Anthology Comic -WINTER-
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/kagerou-daze-official-anthology-comic-winter-r11739 )
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Actually, I really tried to give this series a damn chance but I just can't. Before the story actually started I had high expectations for the casts' design but I was kind of disappointed.

Thanks for calling me an asshole when I'm really doing my best to express myself in a respectable way instead of starting a troll war the way HobonichiP and the 2channers already did(in regards to this franchise).(or spreading false rumours the way OwataP did, which I have nothing against btw)


Maybe English(international) communities don't know much about this much but, this series is very infamous in niconicodouga. I'm more of the people in the neutral zones who really try to give this a chance but well, just couldn't in the end due to many reasons.


You sound really like one of the hard-core fans who gave this series it's well-worth infamy, and thank you for confirming my expectations ^_^ (link to article related to Kagerou Project's infamy in Nicodouga--oh and it's in Japanese)


And of course, freedom of expression is banned and it's illegal to be biased on the internet or else you'll be get shoot by KagePro weaboos ^^;


And my stance is still the same: Plot:-1 Design/Art:7


Read One Punch-Man by One and you'll see the clear contrast how it's MUCH MORE interesting despite having shitty art. And I'm so sorry for being a biased asshole for saying what I feel like saying :(.


You contradict yourself, Locker. You claim that you presented the reasons you didn't like the series in a respectable way. However, that is wrong. In your original post, you insulted anyone that might like this series. Then you continue to insult those that might like this series in your current post. You make a parting comment about how freedom of expression is banned, but don't look at how you presented your opinions; inflammatory statements and looking down your nose at others.


Next time, leave out any insults to others' tastes.


For me, this series is 'meh.' Not interesting enough to keep track of monthly, but not horrible enough to drop. 

I'm so lost with this pacing, so goddamn lost. 

Wow, shit finally hit the fan! Headphone Actor!

Eh... Shoujo tag? Rilly? We get 3 chapters focusing on Takane (and her relationship with Haruka), and suddenly POP!, Shoujo manga?

In all honesty, I think they missed by far. Of course, wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong.

I dont comment much, but it seems you are an biased asshole I get that


Actually, I really tried to give this series a damn chance but I just can't. Before the story actually started I had high expectations for the casts' design but I was kind of disappointed.

Thanks for calling me an asshole when I'm really doing my best to express myself in a respectable way instead of starting a troll war the way HobonichiP and the 2channers already did(in regards to this franchise).(or spreading false rumours the way OwataP did, which I have nothing against btw)


Maybe English(international) communities don't know much about this much but, this series is very infamous in niconicodouga. I'm more of the people in the neutral zones who really try to give this a chance but well, just couldn't in the end due to many reasons.


You sound really like one of the hard-core fans who gave this series it's well-worth infamy, and thank you for confirming my expectations ^_^ (link to article related to Kagerou Project's infamy in Nicodouga--oh and it's in Japanese)


And of course, freedom of expression is banned and it's illegal to be biased on the internet or else you'll be get shoot by KagePro weaboos ^^;


And my stance is still the same: Plot:-1 Design/Art:7


Read One Punch-Man by One and you'll see the clear contrast how it's MUCH MORE interesting despite having shitty art. And I'm so sorry for being a biased asshole for saying what I feel like saying :(.

I like it and the fact that it is slightly eclectic is partly the reason. I makes me think a bit of "The Voynich Hotel" which is far more set up as a series of vignettes though.


Anyway, I really enjoy tightly plotted mangas but I also do like ones which ramble more as long as I enjoy the ground they cover. This has been the case with this one so far.


Yuureitou is another one which takes a circuitous way forward which I also enjoy. It has got a much more well defined (and stated from the outset) central plot.

Everything about this manga annoys me. I only didn't quit this yet 'cause I'm curious about some stuff.


Yeah same, it was interesting, it made me finished reading the 2nd arc, but it was gruesome 30mins tho lol. And their conversation annoys the hell out of me. And after rechecking the Tags, saw the F--ing 'Shoujo' tag. Dmn Mangaupdates misleading me. no wonder it annoyed me lol


Dropping this crap ;[

I dont comment much, but it seems you are an biased asshole I get that


nope you are the biased one here. kagerou project, as lokin has said,  is trying tooo hard to be cool without coherent and well thought plot since from all what i've seen, (songs, LN, manga etc.) it's all generic tropes. i 've given this a chance but just..meh in the end. i admit, jin made decent songs that's the only reason it's popular.if you disagree, then please tell me what's good plot-wise or oh so deep about kagerou days manga.i know this sounds harsh, but the reason i hate the kagepro fad is that in nico nico douga, kagepro fans actually call out on other composers saying that "this is kagepro ripoff" and so on when it's not even remotely related. honestly..i don't mean to start a fight though this really looks like one, but when mediocre shit gets all the attention, i will be an asshole about it

so that's her past. and it finally all links up nicely. well lacking a little bit though.

Shintaro's turn to dance :D

If you've listened to the songs and watched the videos you'd know the basic story line and would know that it does get more in-depth later on,the chapters right now are just introductory for the characters 

i knew there's videos & songs but i never watched and listened to it

my bad lol

 I hope SHAFT the producer of this kagerou project. The anime will be epic, of course.

And flashy. SHAFT does an amazing and flashy work with their animes.


Momo > Ene > Mary > Kido.


If you've listened to the songs and watched the videos you'd know the basic story line and would know that it does get more in-depth later on,the chapters right now are just introductory for the characters 

@Lokin: "C'mon, if the songs can already hold out the vital snippets of the plot why would there a need to create novel+manga+anime for this series? Answer: Cash Cow Franchise  ^_^!"


Actually, I'm glad that this got adapted into ln, manga, and anime, making it easier to understand the series. Now, maybe I'm the only one that doesn't like the songs much? Was listened to the songs on youtube, and I don't really understand what happens on the song.


@furuuru: Yeah, I hope SHAFT the producer of this kagerou project. The anime will be epic, of course.

Everyone keeps saying Shidu is a girl...but I thought he was a boy?

I have great respect for the original illustrator(shidu) and love her character designs...but other than that, *sigh*, anything else about this series is just a piece of overrated generic garbage.


Oh and I tried the light novels too, it just feels like the little amateur author just tried to incorporate every trendy tropes and make it supakakkoii but it doesn't.(omfg supernatural powerz! omg end of the worldz!) Done so many times by other authors but in a better way.


This one feel lame.

No suspense, no comedy, no real insight, just some generic shounen garbage *tropes*. If this thing actually got serialized in JUMP(luckily it wasn't) or any of the sorts, it'd be canceled before 24 chapters, heck there were better JUMP series that went on the axe before 24 chapters than this. Every characters are cool(chuu2byo), have their own appeal but that's that, because plotwise it dies out fast. This feels like the To Love-Ru ~Darkness~ for little kids :(.(Even To Love-Ru is more entertaining than this(in a comedic way)!)


It has a strong premise and a very appealing set of characters, but have pitiful execution storywise. It feels like a half-baked fanfiction written by a guy living in his mother's basement :/.


On a side note, for those into the Vocaloid fanbase should stop supporting this, KagerouProject is the cancer of the Vocaloid fandom(for various reasons that I won't state). In all honesty, I actually like this guy's music and arrangement a lot(especially his Techno ones), but he has no talent when it comes to storytelling and should stop spreading the *insertnameofproject* virus.


TL;DR: Good designs+style+art+settings, (lame) bad writing/aka you feel almost no story direction, overrated; read this at your own risk
EDIT note: The reason this got popular is all thanks to the songs(which is the author's strengthhold). C'mon, if the songs can already hold out the vital snippets of the plot why would there a need to create novel+manga+anime for this series? Answer: Cash Cow Franchise ^_^!

...I'm sensing flames for this post \ ^ o ^ /

I dont comment much, but it seems you are an biased asshole I get that

Answer: Cash Cow Franchise ^_^!

...I'm sensing flames for this post \ ^ o ^ /


Only saying this once. You know which other series got labeled as cash cow franchises? Evangelion, Death Note, Code Geass, Dragon Ball (and a shitload of other shounen), and Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi. What do they have in common? That they appeal to the public, are massively known, and are ranked from fairly to incredibly good. I respect your opinion, but I think you're exaggerating. Give the plot a little more time, they didn't even finished introducing the characters, let alone set their motivations or the plot (I guess reading Tokage No Ou made me a patient man).

On another note, this is my personal curiosity, why do you think Kagerou Project's fans (Or Jin's fans) are the cancer of Vocaloid community? Don't need to make it public here if you don't want to, but I'm intrigued about it.


I haven't read the LN so I cant comment about that. Just roughly know the LN's summary.


weeellll, for the manga, yeah, the character-drawing is good, but, the "story-drawing" is not. (I mean, the name). Especially in Jinzou Enemy when it's lack of action feel. More importantly the manga skip some important parts in LN. I have to agree with you about bad story-telling.


Meanwhile, the songs have more impact, I dont know why, but maybe the important thing is "timeline" and "story-telling".


About timeline. I remember, I know Kagerou Project world when the newest song is Kisaragi Attention. In that point, the songs roughly has connection. And then Children Record, Lost Time Memory, etc released, and some mysteries and circumtances are revealed, suddenly all songs linked to each other, and how Jin linked those all, is good (at least for me). According to release date of songs, it become more interesting story than according to the manga chapters. Song series has more "surprises"


And the "story-telling". You said it yourself, you like Jin's arrangement. Good song always has more effect to the story.


btw I still believe with Jin's story. But dunno about the story-telling. I really hope the anime is good adaptation of song series. (I hope it's SHAFT, seriously. SHAFT can make MV-ish feeling lol). Well, keep dreaming, me.

I have great respect for the original illustrator(shidu) and love her character designs...but other than that, *sigh*, anything else about this series is just a piece of overrated generic garbage.


Oh and I tried the light novels too, it just feels like the little amateur author just tried to incorporate every trendy tropes and make it supakakkoii but it doesn't.(omfg supernatural powerz! omg end of the worldz!) Done so many times by other authors but in a better way.


This one feel lame.

No suspense, no comedy, no real insight, just some generic shounen garbage *tropes*. If this thing actually got serialized in JUMP(luckily it wasn't) or any of the sorts, it'd be canceled before 24 chapters, heck there were better JUMP series that went on the axe before 24 chapters than this. Every characters are cool(chuu2byo), have their own appeal but that's that, because plotwise it dies out fast. This feels like the To Love-Ru ~Darkness~ for little kids :(.(Even To Love-Ru is more entertaining than this(in a comedic way)!)


It has a strong premise and a very appealing set of characters, but have pitiful execution storywise. It feels like a half-baked fanfiction written by a guy living in his mother's basement :/.


On a side note, for those into the Vocaloid fanbase should stop supporting this, KagerouProject is the cancer of the Vocaloid fandom(for various reasons that I won't state). In all honesty, I actually like this guy's music and arrangement a lot(especially his Techno ones), but he has no talent when it comes to storytelling and should stop spreading the *insertnameofproject* virus.


TL;DR: Good designs+style+art+settings, (lame) bad writing/aka you feel almost no story direction, overrated; read this at your own risk
EDIT note: The reason this got popular is all thanks to the songs(which is the author's strengthhold). C'mon, if the songs can already hold out the vital snippets of the plot why would there a need to create novel+manga+anime for this series? Answer: Cash Cow Franchise ^_^!

...I'm sensing flames for this post \ ^ o ^ /

The ending sucked, this manga cover less than 30% of the original story, it don't have a motive to exist.

The manga is not completed yet. And chapter "Mary's Fictional World" is not even part of the manga. It's bonus from new album. Well, If you really follow the music series, you must already know that the last song of Kagerou Project is not Mary's Fictional World but


So when I see "Final chapter to the music series", I thought "lol troll". And "Fin?" it's just obvious. It's not over yet.
Well I agree though, I kinda dissapointed with this manga adaptation. Except Yuukei Yesterday chapters, I love that.

That took me by surprise. From ch. 9 to 12? 

Well, I don't think it's a bad thing. Once chapter 10 and 11 get scanlated I'll be on a 3 chapters reading spree xD

It's not actually chapter 12 it is the manga at the end of the booklet included with the MEKAKUCITYRECORDS limited edition.

Chapter 12 is in the works.

From Roselia Scanlations

Hellooo everyone,

I am pleased to inform you that Autumn Scans and we have Chapter 12 of Kagerou Days in the works and will have it out pretty soon! In the meantime, we've scanlated the few pages of the mini-comic from the Mekaku City Records Limited Edition Booklet to tide you over just a bit while you wait :)


The ending sucked, this manga cover less than 30% of the original story, it don't have a motive to exist.

Just tired this today the start was okay nothing exciting, but then the sister came in and i can not stand her. Wish i could give a reason but i cant just something about her rubs me the wrong way. I will just skip her parts to find out about cyber girl at least she is interesting.  

Where is 10 and 11?

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