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* * * * - (3.5 - 62votes)

Shin Tennis no Oujisama

Alt Names: alt New Prince of Tennisalt Shin Prince of Tennisalt Shin Tennis no Ojisamaalt 新テニスの王子様alt 新网球王子
Author: Konomi Takeshi
Artist: Konomi Takeshi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSports SportsSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: New Prince of Tennis

The purported advertisement from the Jump Square issue says that everything in The Prince of Tennis up to now has been "prologue" and that "a new legend for [the main character] Ryoma and the others will begin." (MU)

This new legend focuses on Ryoma and other middle school tennis players experience against high school and Japan All-stars (Japan U-17 Representatives).

By the way, the Tennis skills in this series is completely beyond normal human standards and includes but is not limited to burning holes in your opponents rackets, striking your opponent so hard he flies several dozen meters, travelling in a spiral in mid air and even shutting down your opponents senses so that they cannot see, hear or feel (somehow) and therefore, has been put under the "Fantasy" genre.
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look at ryoma totally not giving a fuck :D

Look,  even if you ignore the ridiculous super powered moves, there is still another major downpoint here. WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THE OLD PEOPLE FACES, I THOUGHT THIS WAS IN HIGHSCHOOL!


Konomi's sense of proper anatomy/proportion with respect to age has always been one of his biggest issues as an artist, even since the beginning of the original Prince of Tennis, so it honestly shouldn't be that big of a surprise. Every middle school tennis player looked as if they were a few years older and were supposed to be in high school even back then, with Ryoma and the other 7th graders being the only adolescent characters that seemed remotely close to the body types appropriate for their age (i.e. mostly due to size). And even then Konomi can't get it exactly right.

This must have been turned into one of the absolute most shit i have ever stopped reading, but when i saw this chapter name i knew it was finally Ryoma's awesomeness moment, so i just stopped doing what i was doing and came back to read it, cuz even if this manga has turned into shit, Ryoma's still Awesome Swag Ryoma.

When his moment is over i'll just come back to most interesting things while waiting for another rare moments when the Ryoma really appears...

Prince of Tennis jumped the net a long time ago.


Then again, I'm somewhat happy that no matter how ridiculous Kurono no Basuke becomes, it will never be able to achieve this level of ridiculousness.

*breaks a 10 inch stone wall with a tennis ball*

"Don't underestimate tennis"


"don't underestimate tennis" but the guy behind you is a samurai right. what does that have to do with tennis.  

This is Japan's conspiracy. Konomi Takeshi is a spy, like snowden, who graced his findings to us in manga form.


Don't be surprised if any war with Japan involved, they will dispatch a group of people holding rackets and tennis ball and obliterate all the foes within a set (30 mins to 1 hour time). Now I'm waiting for flying technique to be involved in this military group training.

Look,  even if you ignore the ridiculous super powered moves, there is still another major downpoint here. WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THE OLD PEOPLE FACES, I THOUGHT THIS WAS IN HIGHSCHOOL!

maybe they are all being held back because they keep failing any science class, which says what they are doing is impossible.

Look,  even if you ignore the ridiculous super powered moves, there is still another major downpoint here. WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THE OLD PEOPLE FACES, I THOUGHT THIS WAS IN HIGHSCHOOL!

Hey guys, remember when in the first volumes of Prince of Tennis the players used techniques such as top spin, volley and smash?


I don't.

but pepperidge farm remembers.

Somewhat realistic----->a bit weird------>outright WTF am I reading right now????

that's how I feel the series progressed


Elementary/Middle School -----> Middle School -----> High School..... we haven't even gotten to College or Pro, just imagine wtf could be happened in those places.

Okay read the latest chapter to see what all the hype about superhuman tennis athletes was and was kindly greeted to some guy(I have long ago given up on trying to memorize the names of the 40 something major tennis player characters in this series) trying to avoid being murdered by a skeleton pirate and then beating him by doing  a handstand on the back of his sword like something straight out of an 80s kung fu movie. And then the first tennis related thing in the chapter stated that some guys swing had somehow ripped open a hole in the fabric of space and time to give him some unbeatable return.......I don't know what the hells been going on in the last 40 something chapters since I started being unable to keep up with who's who in the rapid influx of secondary characters but I got to admit I was laughing as I was reading the whole chapter

Imagine if real tennis was like this.

Somewhat realistic----->a bit weird------>outright WTF am I reading right now????

that's how I feel the series progressed

I wish I could be paid to be a mangaka with only having to make story lines of this quality. It's beyond words on how this manga has made it over 100 chapters, couldn't believe it got past 10.

Can we have a supernatural / scifi tag?


Edit: Nvm, I just read the description LOL.

I wonder sometimes why I'm reading this manga... Goodness, I want to stop following but...but...chapters keep coming out!!! If the chapters stopped coming in for a month I could quit so easily!!!!!!!! WHY!

Because each chapter is about 10 pages so when three chapters are released, it's the same as one whole chapter hence not much time is lost reading this ridiculous sequel every time it updates. 

I wonder sometimes why I'm reading this manga... Goodness, I want to stop following but...but...chapters keep coming out!!! If the chapters stopped coming in for a month I could quit so easily!!!!!!!! WHY!


After seeing how sports sequels go I'm so glad the creators of Eyeshield 21 decided to stop at high school, I was left with a satisfied feeling.

I thought it was gone at tennis of the carribbean, oh how the mighty have fallen. Reminds me of air gear.

This is the worst sequal in the history of manga.

Hey guys, remember when in the first volumes of Prince of Tennis the players used techniques such as top spin, volley and smash?


I don't.

 I wonder when this has turned into shit...

Hey guys, remember when in the first volumes of Prince of Tennis the players used techniques such as top spin, volley and smash?


I don't.

Has tennis gone too far?img000010.png

do people even need weapons in this world, they just send tennis players to the battlefield and each one is like a nuke.

Black holes...


I can't.

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