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* * * * - (4.39 - 228votes)

Umi no Misaki

Alt Names: alt รักวุ่นวายคุณชายมังกรalt 바다의무녀alt Ocean's Capealt 海の御先alt 海之彼方alt 海神的巫女alt Океанский мыс
Author: Fumizuki Kou
Artist: Fumizuki Kou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Goto Nagi has travelled to the southern island of Okitsushima, and ventures out to see Umi no Misaki, a striking cape jutting out into the ocean. But when he arrives, he finds that there is much more to this cape than a wondrous view. There is something peculiar about the cape, and about the island's inhabitants.
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Well I'm not that concerned about the loli issue but all I see is Nagi loves someone who is (or was) a "normal girl" dearly so what's wrong with that mmm...
You're all sick if you think this he's lolicon, after all if the he really end with Rinne I guess he'll love him even when she's already a "non-loli" mmm...
whatever ...
it's small place with old cultural and tradition ...
and in past married with young underage is normal ...
(especially in old Japan ...)

since this about old legend comes true ...
well, prepare to pack out of this manga if underage sex is happening ...
I don't mind any of that as long as the plot is good ...
@bk201my You think only Americans and Christians disapprove of pedophilia? News flash for you: most of the world thinks freaks like you are despicable, not just Americans and Christians.
Please. I beg.

@bk201my, No offense, but how does religion and nationality equate anything. I am Asian, and I am Buddhist. I still think pedophilia is disgusting and wrong (even if it's just hinting at it). >.>
Too many Christians/Americans reading this manga.
Well er, the MC just needs to wait a few more years with Rinne for more physical action, that's all. Meanwhile, there are the other girls...
If this keeps up, Nagi's going to end up taking a ride on the 4chan Party Van.
i will not accept this as a suitable route! i cannot accept this at all.
[spoiler]i can understand if they were past lovers and all that jazz but IF HE FUCKING FALLS FOR RINNE i will literally just flip shit that is fucking insane and he was never portrayed as a Loli-con. the author trolling that hard and saying "lol hi im a lolicon now!" will not be accepted at all.
Oh and the author is taking a two months break (next release in Japan is in 27th of July) so we wont get to see what happens till around early to mid August....
d4z3d : yea I don't know wat to say anymore. Well its probably because he sees her as his past partner, aahh who am i kidding, this is getting creepy :<
@itsmee, iunno bout Nagi's good character right now after reading chapter 100. This is sh*t is getting creepy and weird.

Hope it works
Somebody call Chris Hansen...
Harem is complete. He just needs to get them all pregnant now.
Guys...chill. There is not going to be any loli pedo action. What was happening was that Rinne is the reincarnation of a previous "favorite" maiden and lover of a previous dragon god and the two are just remembering the feelings that the past selves had for each other. Rinne said it herself, if only she was born a bit sooner (meaning she loves the Dragon God but knows she is too young for him).
nope, it goes there. It definitely goes there in chapter 100... and just when something had started to happen, too. Why...
Ummm...This appears to be going in a direction that it should have never even planned to go...
eww, i dont like where this is headed
Anything sexualizing Rinne is just creepy as all hell. She's a little girl. Hopefully this will be over with soon, and resolved in a non-sexual manner.
Lol she had eyes of a reverse RAPE lol JK...
But i to hope it doesn't end sexually
@d4z3d Nagi is too good a character to do anything to Rinne, even if she has strong feelings for him

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