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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 741votes)

Itoshi no Karin

Alt Names: alt Karin-ku Tercintaalt Mi querida Karinalt Minha Amada Karinalt My Beloved Karinalt 愛しの花凛alt Моя возлюбленная Карин
Author: Horiizumi Inco
Artist: Horiizumi Inco
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Meet Yutaka Hanagasaki, 20 years old and a gardener at the theme park Fuegaoka. Meet Meln-chan, the mascot of Fuegaoka, with lots of popularity. Hanagasaki just so happens to secretly like her, but can never work up the courage to even talk to her, always admiring her from afar like a flower. A sweet story of how Hanagasaki works up the courage and becomes closer to Meln!
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My guesses. Good end: She becomes a nurse and returns to him. Bad then good end: Her mom gets sick or dies, she becomes a nurse and returns to him.

Huh? It's ending? Already? One more and that's it?


Owwww man. Epic bummer right there.

It's very pain for me to read this when the MC is gay.


so fuckin gay


It's very pain for me to read this when the MC is gay.


so fuckin gay

Hehehe... nurture... hehe flowers......... riiiiiiight.

well the it's been a fun ride(suprised i didn't get diabetes along the way). HOWEVER CAN WE ATLEAST GET A KISS SCENE PLEASE!!!!!?????

Well I could see the ending was coming, as there were really no other matters to be resolved. I'm expecting a classic Japanese-style ending here (hints, smiles, "I'll do my best!", that kind of things).

A "Let'e meet again"-type ending, yeah I unfortunately totaly see it coming, at best we get a hinted reunion on the last page.

Well I could see the ending was coming, as there were really no other matters to be resolved. I'm expecting a classic Japanese-style ending here (hints, smiles, "I'll do my best!", that kind of things).

For the final chapter I am expecting a time jump. I doubt anything sad will happen due to the fact of how sweet and what-not this manga has been. I am expecting a happy ending lol.



When I saw this I thought she looked like a bride holding her bouquet.
It would be nice if it did happen.

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!  Now what will I do to get the sugar I need to survive!?  Why is this and Koe no Katachi, two of the greatest reads of all time, ending at the same time?!!

Just pray for more Love So Life and Hibi Chouchou updates, then.

WTF? Even Fuuka is being mentioned here? The heck?

Enough of Fuuka stuff here lol



lets just hope for the next final chapter, that there wont be any car, truck or train to get in their way...... *coughcoughfuukacoughcough*

oh wow. it's either the heroine get's fuuka'd or her mother could get seishun pop'd. random and extremely inappropriate deathflags everywhere.

lets just hope for the next final chapter, that there wont be any car, truck or train to get in their way...... *coughcoughfuukacoughcough*

I don't cry because its good. I cry because its ending, because its worthy. And well.... because its good.... w8 uh..... KISSU!!! I DEMAND KISSU!!

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!  Now what will I do to get the sugar I need to survive!?  Why is this and Koe no Katachi, two of the greatest reads of all time, ending at the same time?!!

Just eat through the pain, man...


NOOOOOOOOOO!!!  Now what will I do to get the sugar I need to survive!?  Why is this and Koe no Katachi, two of the greatest reads of all time, ending at the same time?!!

The fluff will end next month? :(
I will just be wishing that it will be scanlated by Christmas/New Year XD (wishing... I don't want the scanlators to rush haha!)

There is no way to prepare myself for the amount of sugary fluff that we'll be hit with next time, so I'm just going to lay back and embrace the overdose. It's the most peaceful way to go.
Ahhh, needed that generous amount of sweetness for my finals... now to sleep!

Manly lock-screen, bro.

*Assuming Time Skip Position*

December 24 will be the last chapter?

Well, quite unfortunately, Horiizumi Inco has confirmed on their twitter that Itoshi no Karin will be ending in December at chapter 20.

Here comes the time-skip or worse no conclusion and just one determine girl to finish nursing school.

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