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* * * * * (4.66 - 182votes)


Alt Names: alt Black Butleralt El Mayordomo Negroalt 검은 집사alt 黒執事alt Kara Kahyaalt Piru Hovimestariksialt خادم سیاه
Author: Toboso Yana
Artist: Toboso Yana
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Among the noble families of Victorian England exists Sebastian Michaelis, butler to the Phantomhives. He has unquestionably impeccable knowledge of all subjects, including etiquette, martial arts and cooking, as well as talents in every other area imaginable.

However, though Sebastian is undeniably perfect, he is forever destined to meet the needs of his 12 year old master, Ciel. Wearing a black tailcoat whilst gracefully brewing the world's strongest red tea, why is it that such a high class butler chooses never to leave the side of such a frustrating master? And what is the truth behind his perfection? The secrets of Sebastian and the tragedies of his cunning young master slowly unfold as the duo goes up against many terrible and unexpected foes.
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OK, am I the only one thinking, "To solve the problem of people dying mysteriously, have them not go into the cursed woods, duh"?

Seriously, this is a Darwin Award problem.  What's it need Ciel and Sebastian for?


(This still applies if the way people die has nothing actually to do with a curse.  Bottom line is still people are told they die if they go in the forest, and then if they go in the forest they die.  "Doctor, I die when I do this!"  "Then don't do that.")

For him what is looking forward to seeing Vincent Mark II -- well, they are in for a double surprise, now, aren't they? <snickers> Sebastian may have to start rethinking his avatar design should it get too creepy... again. ;)


Eleanor was awesome, but I don't think anyone was the power behind Henry II (her other dudes, I won't say).  That was a clash of titans.

She kept him on his toes and in tip-top, politically active, scheming shape at least three times before lunch each day just trying to counter her (and visa versa for her by him). ;)

Werewolves and witches this time, huh?


At least we get to see the German dog Vincent acquired in his time in boarding school! I was honestly disappointed that it was 20 pages instead of the normal 30! Harrumph, I say!

Um.  Mary (she may have been the Queen of Scots, but she claimed England, too) and Elizabeth would like a few words. <_< As would Eleanor of Aquitaine (let's face it, she was the power behind her men), for that matter...


I think you need to rethink your ideas about British monarchs. ;)

Eleanor was awesome, but I don't think anyone was the power behind Henry II (her other dudes, I won't say).  That was a clash of titans.

I wouldn't go that far.  I like having all the plot and stuff.  But I'm glad we have bits in between with the "hell of a butler" stuff, and I might be happy if there were a few more.  I agree that part is a lot of fun.


lorriesherbet--Oo, interesting!

This is what I loved about Kuroshitsuji when I started it... Having a demon butler and being the best friggin' butler in the history of butlers. And gotta say, it's still my favorite part. Zombies? No thanks. Shinigami fights? Nope. Investigations to the underside of England? Nah, give me more of Sebastian being one hell of a butler.

That queen is so twisted! Quite a different take on an English queen. It certainly makes this manga much more interesting.

Um.  Mary (she may have been the Queen of Scots, but she claimed England, too) and Elizabeth would like a few words. <_< As would Eleanor of Aquitaine (let's face it, she was the power behind her men), for that matter...


I think you need to rethink your ideas about British monarchs. ;)

Man, Sebastian is one hell of a butler.


It's good to see the business aspect of Ciel's character. We hardly ever get to see a glimpse of his company and what not.


And thus British society realises the benefits of an actor promoting a product. I'm sure it's just a passing fad.

Why does the undertaker look so damn heartbroken in that picture?  Is it that he and Claudia were an item until she died?  And he is trying to find a way to bring back the dead for her?  Also, Sebastian looked particularly bishi this chapter.  Woop!  ;)   

That queen is so twisted! Quite a different take on an English queen. It certainly makes this manga much more interesting.

this series is starting to get a little .....

Holy shit, the Queen is fucking insane.


You were expecting a sane woman to employ a preteen with that kind of horrific background in these kinds of disturbing and dangerous situations? whaaat1-onion-head-emoticon.gif

Phantomhive: Just killing someone like that... what are you saying?


I find that rather hypocritical and disgusting considering how he killed all those children in Chapter 34.


Though maybe that's why the Undertaker and Sebastian found it humorous.

Why am I not surprised by that thought of the very woman who started the Torchwood institute?


Queen Victoria really gets around. She has some werewolf blood in her, knows a time-travelling alien, employs a preteen with a demon butler, and practically gets up in all sorts of supernatural, paranormal, and scientific hijinks.

Why am I not surprised by that thought of the very woman who started the Torchwood institute?

This manga's pacing has been somewhat.... Muddled? It was great at the beginning. Now, it feels disjointed from the story. Just like Soul Eater, another great manga that goes from ooooh to meh after the Arachne arc.

Greedy Queen~

Holy shit, the Queen is fucking insane.

And where in the chapter is this supposed to be?


ah...nvm. after page 35, just before the last page of the chapter. 

I think so too, seing as Sebastian's "it seems we agree on that point" line didn't make much sense without this page  :)

There is a missing page.


And where in the chapter is this supposed to be?


ah...nvm. after page 35, just before the last page of the chapter. 

Well, this is getting interesting, she is touching a subject that is very actual even though it is in such an old setting.

I kind of see Ciel as an hypocrite here, or perhaps is it a faked reaction, even though he has his reasons, does it mean that it is justified when he does it. 

I think this point and Ciel's own "hyprociticalness" (to the extent of how crimes and punishment are justified) are what sebastian and the undertaker find funny. For them, the decisions based on tradition done by the four prefects all just seem a puppet show controlled by themselves, and is relatable to an extent of Ciel's own purpose as an underdog

No. No. No.


It should be "we did it to protect our traditions" or "We did it to protect our Order's traditions" remove all instances of "traditional" except where it refers to an action, particularly in the past. But when held up as an object, it's just "tradition."


Sorry, I was trying to just wait the arc out but sometimes it seems like it will never end >_<


edt - I'm not really a grammar nazi, I swear!

"Tradition is everything" - everything including murdering people over, it seems.

That is honestly the most ridiculous and irrational reason to try justify killing two people and cover it up, especially in this context. So much groupthink and cognitive dissonance, I don't even. Also, cricket maniac needs some anger management.




Well, this is getting interesting, she is touching a subject that is very actual even though it is in such an old setting.

I kind of see Ciel as an hypocrite here, or perhaps is it a faked reaction, even though he has his reasons, does it mean that it is justified when he does it. 

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