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Jigokuren ~Love In Hell~

Alt Names: alt じごくれんalt 地獄恋alt 地狱恋alt Jigokuren (Love In Hell)alt Jigokuren - Love in the Hellalt Jigokuren Love in the Hellalt Jigokuren: Love in the Hellalt Love in the Hellalt Любовь в Аду
Author: Suzumaru Reiji
Artist: Suzumaru Reiji
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Rintaro Senkawa is a 27 year old guy who got a little drunk one night and died. But that is just the beginning of this story as Rintaro finds himself most unexpectedly in Hell where he meets his guide, the devil Koyori. Can Rintaro take his situation seriously enough to repent for the sins of his former life, or will he face the favored weapon of Hell- the spiked iron club?

Has a spinoff series Jigokuren ~Death Life~:
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Enjoyed the ending. King Enma's representative is super cute.

So its okay to give your ticket to someone else who doesn't deserve it? (I'm not saying she didn't deserve it, but storywise in that hell)

WTF it ended already!? So much wasted potential stories wtf arrghhhh

that's it?!


well, there goes another great series

This is the first time I have seen an ending where the main character ends up in Hell, becomes a demon, and is counted as a happy ending.

"awww..." is all i gotta say XD

well done Rintaro very good at least he did things right and kinda admit it was cool of him to give up his one way ticket out of there.  *sigh* there goes another good manga.

Good manga. I really enjoyed this one. The concept was fairly original and the world created from it was also pretty unique. And the ending was sweet, though it ended up feeling short somehow. Still, I look forward to whatever the creator of this manga makes next.

The reason I joined Batoto. :( The End


Thank you scanlators and Reiji Suzumaru

Rock Lee is that you?

that chapter was so sad

The only reason people read this is for the tit scenes and obscene nature of it all.

Yes. So what? Hell doesn't exist anyway, so the author is free to make it up according to their own beliefs. If you wish to hear a theology lesson you're looking in the wrong place.

Ugh, I don't even wanna imagine what her dad was making her do. That dad is more demonic than anyone else in this entire series so far. >_< There's a special place in hell for someone like him, that's for sure.


hell is full of Dads, that i am sure.

Wow intense chapter,


This is so fucking stupid. So if I scare a child it's the childs fault for being afraid and the child gets sent to hell as a result? The only reason people read this is for the tit scenes and obscene nature of it all.

Whoever wrote this series needs to be checked for inbreeding. 

You need to read up on the afterlife in Asian mythology. "Hell" in Christian mythology is a shitty vacation compared to the 'you're fucked if you were anything less than divinely chosen'-Asian "Hell".

Seriously, a hell spent with Koyori is borderline heaven. Fight on!


one of the only series where i support the love for the flat chested heroine

real hell here we come

I know this series is so messed up but it's like guilty pleasure or something

The Dude@


I'm assuming that you are talking about the main character. But anyway the MC's sin is that he chose to not help someone when they needed help (the girl).  He was scared and he took the easy way out which included running away and forgeting about said girl. Also no the sinner is not just the main character but also the girl's father who will probable go to hell when he eventually dies since he probable did not commit suicide like the girl.


That said his sin is not that great if you take into account that he was not sent to the pit and the devil that is in charge of him is the most merciful one of them all when it comes to punishment.

This is so fucking stupid. So if I scare a child it's the childs fault for being afraid and the child gets sent to hell as a result? The only reason people read this is for the tit scenes and obscene nature of it all.

Whoever wrote this series needs to be checked for inbreeding. 


That's just like, your opinion man.

This is so fucking stupid. So if I scare a child it's the childs fault for being afraid and the child gets sent to hell as a result? The only reason people read this is for the tit scenes and obscene nature of it all.

Whoever wrote this series needs to be checked for inbreeding. 

Though I'm an advocate of life, I feel there are some situations where suicide must be overlooked as a sin. Especially in the case of that girl's life.

Even if she was rescued, society would never accept her, she would always be shunned. People would avoid her and she would most probably not have any social or professional life. She wouldn't be able to find love or even trust anyone because of her father's actions. So I think in cases like these if the person is not a fighter and has no drive or ambition to live I hope they find the last bit of comfort atleast in a better world

Dude, don't do tha... Oh shit!


Obviously your life is your own, but you are assuming that if you kill yourself you only affect yourself. Now we can debate about the morality of negatively affecting others, and if you say that it is fine to make others feel bad (this is drastically understating what you would actually be doing) sure, it is okay to commit suicide. Why not jump off a building? The people who walk by your remains won't care. The people who have to clean you off the ground have nothing better to do! Obviously you were a mistake and your parents won't cry at your funeral at all. Better yet, you won't have a funeral because nobody cares and nobody is affected by your death!


Don't be an idiot. 


I laughed at Harbinger because he obviously did not take into account all the different reasons for a suicide. Sure, if it is someone like seba332 who has nothing better to do but to commit suicide then okay, that might be hard to forgive to say the least, but imagine a different situation. You're a war vet. who lost your limbs protecting your country, fighting dictatorships, enduring, and perhaps being forced to commit, horrors. You come back home, and you are forgotten by the government that you fought to protect. You have nothing left, no family, no job, no life. You barely scrape by by begging and eating out of the trash. Maybe you've been forced to steal in order to eat. The only company you have is a stray you found, and he's the only thing that hasn't abandoned you. One day, maybe you're on a bridge walking with him. People are avoiding you, parents are pointing you out to their children whispering, "If you don't study hard you'll become that guy." but it's okay because your friend is beside you. Suddenly, he runs out onto the street and gets run over. People might take a little notice, but they don't really care. Maybe a dumpster truck comes along and your last friend is picked up and thrown into the pile of trash. You watch as your last friend is driven away. You look  over the side of the bridge and ask yourself, what is the point.

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