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* * * * - (4.01 - 426votes)

GE ~Good Ending~

Alt Names: alt Mutlu Sonalt نهاية حسنة
Author: Sasuga Kei
Artist: Sasuga Kei
Genres: Drama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Utsumi is your everyday student. He is also a boy that has always had a strong sense of what is right in the world. With nothing but innocence and a mind that longs for his "significant other," Utsumi takes on one of the toughest subjects: love. With the help of the devious and mysterious Kurokawa Yuki, will Utsumi learn how to be fortunate in the game of love? Only through the ups and downs of real life, and the assistance of his friends, will Utsumi be able to take a bite out of life and learn just what love is.
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Yuki is going to turn lesibian... yeaaah~~ lol

and Utsumi is going to become a depress pimp lol
This manga really takes a turn from its initial 'direction'. In my opinion it isn't that great, but that's up for you to decide.
Dude. That dad should be on his hands and knees thanking Utsumi for rescuing his daughter from that crazy yandere Touru. If he wanted to pull that stonewall-dad move, he should've done it during that whole video scandal w/ Touru. Seiji should be like, "Well, okay, I--your daughter's own personal hero--will leave now, but it sure would be a shame if people found out you turned away the guy that might have just saved your precious daughter's life. Now that would be some bad press..." *Dad lets him in immediately.*
LOL, now Sasuga Kei wants to milk the cash cow till there isn't a drop left, just like Seo Kouji...
Question: Will it grind?

seriously though....should I even bother starting?
aaannnnndddd dropped. *sigh*
A dickish politician? How could that possibly be? Since when are politicians ever known for being conniving, sociopathic control-freaks with ego issues?
so... close... must go on... just a little... bit... further...
One thing I'm quite confused about.
Kimi no Iru Machi - now peaceful relationship - slice-of-life-style arc now.
Good Ending - cliffhanger/impending chaos every chapter now, nothing ever felt right.

Same author - both started off nice, screwy in the middle, and now splitting @ different direction?
Utsumi: If thou doth protest not, may I have bout with thy daughter? Doth she lie therein?
Father: ...
Ustumi: For crying out loud this manga is f**king called GOOD ENDING for Christ's sake and you c**k-blocking son of b***h had to take my girl all the f**king way to Nagano you f**got and so what the f**k you want? Satan worshipping c**k sucker I swear when I become general of the JSDF I'll f**k yo couch and kick you in the a** so hard you'll be able to see my shoe size oh and it's 11 by the way so if you haven't anything up there before let's not start now so why don't you give me back your daughter? Do you even lift?
Father: I never liked Shakespeare much.
inb4 the generic shounen ending where he dvelops some ridiculous power (a pair of 'nads) and the father is convinced by excessive bowing and prostration to give him his daughter's hand in marriage. blah blah blah. the only way this manga would be interesting is if it would have a BAD ending. get it? cus its called GOOD ENDING, and if the mangaka just trolls everyone and makes a BAD ENDING, THEN LMFAO DOHOHOHOHOHOHO~

Utsumi: "'Kay"
And he never saw her again.

Is it just me or does it feel like GE is taking on a hentai incest NTR role; cause that dad is creepy.
thanks for the great new chapter S2Scans!!
This would've become a more entertaining manga if Utsumi inherited his father's eyes
after few chapter he well leave her and be sad and look for anuther girl like that same things agian
lazy to read walloftext. let's just say, where's my good ending?
arcturus if you want just give me tnt and i well booooooooooooooooooooooooooooom thim up

Perhaps author will take stupidity in a new direction. Colloquially, one would say he'll "up the ante."

Think about it this way: just before her father says anything, a nuclear bomb lands on Tokyo. North Korea, having completed their rocket program, sent a nuclear missile to Japan and set off WW3. Heartbroken about their certainly dead emperor, most Japanese commit suicide, or they would if it were 1945, but it's not so they just worry about their own safety. Instead, while communications have been crippled by high atmosphere nuclear detonations destroying all the electronics, they must fend for themselves in the nuclear aftermath.

There's no way in hell the mangaka would think of something as interesting as that.
I know this likely not how things will go but here's what I would like to see happen. Shou's ex was a douche and rot on his bench for all I care. I wouldn't mind an ending where Seji has to give up on Yuki and goes back to Shou - although I do think it might make her happy in some ways, it would still be cruel of Utsumi to be like "oh well, things didn't work out with Yuki so can we just forget that whole me breaking up with you thing?"

So probably the best ending is for Shou and her ex/senpai (even though I don't like that pair), Yuki will be the untouchable maiden her father wants, and that other girl, Risa (I think that's her name), who used to be fat but now is the hottest of all three girls, had the least amount of baggage, and loves him just as much as the other two. She has also tied Shou or being even more aggressive in pursuing him. That would be a fairly satisfying ending.

Also a decent ending: Shou and Risa find completly new guys who are better than Utsumi/Shou's ex. Yuki does whatever her father even allows to do (new guy once she's in college?). And finally Tooru and Utsumi commit a double suicide over Yuki.
-end of rant, not trying to troll
Perhaps author will take stupidity in a new direction. Colloquially, one would say he'll "up the ante."

Think about it this way: just before her father says anything, a nuclear bomb lands on Tokyo. North Korea, having completed their rocket program, sent a nuclear missile to Japan and set off WW3. Heartbroken about their certainly dead emperor, most Japanese commit suicide, or they would if it were 1945, but it's not so they just worry about their own safety. Instead, while communications have been crippled by high atmosphere nuclear detonations destroying all the electronics, they must fend for themselves in the nuclear aftermath.

Just as heroine goes to meet with MC, a meteor 100 miles in radius lands right on top of them, ushering in a new extinction event the likes of which only insects could survive. With the big, bad mammals now gone, the insects undergo an evolutionary golden age, growing to large sizes and eventually becoming self-aware. The intelligent insectoid species will develop civilizations that eventually grow to planet-wide proportions, then develop nuclear weapons and blow each other up.
Not gonna judge until I see what happens on next chapter, but this isn't looking good.
Seriously, we need a moment a pause from all this melodrama going on. :S
tamtamtamtaaam...more drama! what else?
Oooh, cool cover. xD

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