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* * * * * (4.67 - 106votes)

Alice in Hell

Alt Names: alt 地獄のアリスalt Jigoku no Alice
Author: Matsumoto Jiro
Artist: Matsumoto Jiro
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSmut Smut
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: This world is broken, so are humans. Shuu is one of them. He's a talented sniper who keeps a broken android, named Alice. Together they live like hermits and make living by exterminating caravan robbers, until one day the woman that Shuu saved invites him to live in a commune.
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He wouldn't need to let scoundrels get that close to train this pistol skills, he could do that alone.. like the MC obviously has a good amount of knowledge when it comes to explosives, that doesn't mean he's needed to have scoundrels walk on his mines to test them.


Your original reply said it like "He's a sniper, so obviously he isn't good with anything else" - but that makes no sense, because being a sniper doesn't mean you just 'cannot' fight up close and personal - he would not need real-life situations to be good at the quick-draw, it's something you can do by your self.


And again, that was not even my main point - I don't understand why the MC who has been a loner his whole life is so easily going along with other peoples plans, and even trying to get their approval.

There's an enormous difference in pressure between close range and long range combat. And he definitely just can't seem to work with the the former. It's not BECAUSE he's a sniper that he isn't good at close range combat. He as an individual is incapable of fighting up close, for mental or pracitcal reasons. He's good at surveying as situation from afar, not up close and personal. His personality is more suited for calmly observing situations from the outside. When he's actually involved he chokes up. Some other person could be capable of both, but he isn't for these particular reasons. People specialize in certain skills due to their given mindsets, it's fairly common.

Mines and sniping are about forethought, preparation, and psychology- again his strong suits. A quick draw depends on physical speed that he just may not have compared to others, even if he were to train. Which he hasn't, because he's never felt he has to. 


Also the first chapter demonstrated that though he prefers to be alone, he's easily coerced or persuaded. He doesn't like dealing with troublesome situations. He has no force when directly confronted: whether in combat or verbally. Stoic loners aren't always super resolute. In fact, they're probably worse at dealing with people.


Everything you've said has been so dumb. Like these weird stereotypes that being a distant person means you're strong and don't let people push you around. Or that some kid in the wilderness will conveniently train himself for a situation he never plans to be in, when most of his sniping and explosives skill seem to be from experience.  I'm in a bad mood now.


EDIT: And now this is just super redundant because the very next chapter I read straight out proves he has some trauma with close quarters and that he was basically humoring these people and he's going back home now.

I'm not a big fan of the art style (it's not bad, just not my preference), but I have got to say this damn manga is amazing. I really love the story, and the characters. Seeing a main character who isn't completely unstoppable is really interesting. I'm expecting Alice to pull out a few surprises now that she's had most of that rotten blood taken care of.

Nobody suspects Sherlock Junior to be that badass.

i told them, "i'll come fetch her later", didnt i? lol

My thought when the Merc said no to returning Alice.



the MC is such a badass...

ooo shit, such a boss


I would say he is most definitely not okay.

Wow, that was a really good chapter! And, from the look in her eyes at the end, Alice is fully awake!

Probably thinking "who's this?"

Wow, that was a really good chapter! And, from the look in her eyes at the end, Alice is fully awake!

People please stop projecting your pathetic insecurities on the MC. 

Damn if all hell didn't break loose -- pretty cool! :D

@Grace_Mirchea_Luslec [/size]How can you not like shuu? He obviously has mental problems making him the way he is (which is why I like his character). There has only been 11 chapter out just wait for his past to be shown and you will like him.

If you're looking for a flawless bad-ass, I don't know how you got past like...issue 3.

I don't know if failing at reading comprehension is a requirement to post, but I didn't say anything about liking or disliking him.  Now comment about the chapter instead of my opinion.

If you're looking for a flawless bad-ass, I don't know how you got past like...issue 3.

@Grace_Mirchea_Luslec How can you not like shuu? He obviously has mental problems making him the way he is (which is why I like his character). There has only been 11 chapter out just wait for his past to be shown and you will like him.

Big talk from a main character who just piss his pants. I hope the real MC is Alice.

Liking it.

nice manga! at the beginning i didn't understand eliza childish behavior and made me mad but the trauma at ten explains everything quite well. she had a mental block, poor girl, and she is desperately searching for someone to protect and comfort her. that's why she's obsessed with having a family or with religion, as the images in champ 8 testify. on the other hand shuu is too pure but one hell of a sniper, perhaps he was trained to be a toy soldier?  

now i'm looking forward to see how will alice change after the transfusion. 

One thing i'm starting to already dislike is the fact that this bitch hits him around as if she's in control of him, reason why i didn't want him to go to the communes. Now he's turning into a complete bitch and going through character changes, he didn't even do anything when he got smacked, even though he was against the idea and warned the actual propser and leader in charge during that charge.


One thing I'm starting to dislike is your liberal and confusing usage of the word "bitch."

One thing i'm starting to already dislike is the fact that this bitch hits him around as if she's in control of him, reason why i didn't want him to go to the communes. Now he's turning into a complete bitch and going through character changes, he didn't even do anything when he got smacked, even though he was against the idea and warned the actual propser and leader in charge during that charge.

If you've been comprehending what happened right before he froze up you'd have noticed that even under fire prone on the ground he was doing a good job aiming and shooting people. The only thing that stopped him from continuing was because someone got into his comfort zone.

Now if he DOESN'T kill the bastard attempting to shank him, he will simply die. All he needs to do is pull that trigger a few times and he'll be back in his comfort zone, but we all know that's not gonna happen and the other guy is gonna have to save his ass.

Clearly in order to offset his prodigious skill in sniping, he has some kind of mental block against close targets.
And maybe you should hold off on your video game logic. Firing a gun is intense, most people don't do so unhesitatingly for a number of reasons, so mental blocks when firing a weapon isn't uncommon. Firing from a prone position is also actually extremely unwieldy, especially at a close target.
You'd know all that if you actually fired a gun IRL under stressful conditions. Even most people who legally own guns in the US have only ever fired a gun at a nice comfy range under stress-free conditions. I've personally supervised (army) trainees who've had to fire weapons while doing an obstacle course or when being mock-fired upon, and I can tell you that for 80% of them, their thinking goes to mush.

Not to mention all protags in Jiro's work have mental issues...

A sniper that can't unload his entire clip at a target right in front of him... *Facepalm*

Stupid ass minimum firing range bullshit. IT'S NOT A DAMN GRENADE! There's no god damn AOE splash damage! FIRE ALREADY! When that dumbass is completely in the iron sight just pull on the trigger and hold moron. Oh make sure you count your shots to save enough for the remaining enemies.


Clearly in order to offset his prodigious skill in sniping, he has some kind of mental block against close targets.


And maybe you should hold off on your video game logic. Firing a gun is intense, most people don't do so unhesitatingly for a number of reasons, so mental blocks when firing a weapon isn't uncommon. Firing from a prone position is also actually extremely unwieldy, especially at a close target.


You'd know all that if you actually fired a gun IRL under stressful conditions. Even most people who legally own guns in the US have only ever fired a gun at a nice comfy range under stress-free conditions. I've personally supervised (army) trainees who've had to fire weapons while doing an obstacle course or when being mock-fired upon, and I can tell you that for 80% of them, their thinking goes to mush.

A sniper that can't unload his entire clip at a target right in front of him... *Facepalm*

Stupid ass minimum firing range bullshit. IT'S NOT A DAMN GRENADE! There's no god damn AOE splash damage! FIRE ALREADY! When that dumbass is completely in the iron sight just pull on the trigger and hold moron. Oh make sure you count your shots to save enough for the remaining enemies.

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