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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.64 - 166votes)

Yowamushi Pedal

Alt Names: alt โอตาคุน่องเหล็กalt 弱虫ペダルalt En selle, Sakamichi !alt 飆速宅男alt Weakling Pedal
Author: Watanabe Wataru
Artist: Watanabe Wataru
Genres: Award Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyDrama DramaSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Otaku Sakamichi Onoda has just entered high school and plans to join the anime club. In middle school, Onoda didn’t have any friends with whom he could talk about anime, games, Akihabara and other otaku things, and he is hoping he can make such friends in the anime club, but he finds out it's been disbanded. In order to reestablish the club he tries to find 4 other people who would like to join.

Since he was a little boy, Onoda has ridden his mamachari–a bulky bicycle with a step-through frame mainly used for short rides, such as for casual fun or to pick up groceries–to go to Akihabara every week to check out or buy otaku things. Fellow freshman Shunsuke Imaizumi and bicyclist, while training, notices a boy (Onoda) riding his mamachari up a steep road.

Freshman and road racing cyclist, Shokichi Naruko visits Akihabara to get some Gundam plastic models for his younger brothers and meets Onoda who catches his attention because of the his cycling skill on the mamachari and later find out they go to the same school. Later on, both Naruko and Imaizumi try to convince him to join the bicycle racing club, but will he?
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  • 2 Replies


you guys dont really know much about irl cycling it seems....
its common gentlemanship to do this kind of stuff, even in tour de france and important races.
Fair races and all that.

(Ppl don't really seem to care about hiding spoilers in comments, is it ok...?  I don't mind, but do the mods ever step in?)


*flips desk*
The guys an idiot, its not respect or pride for him i feel right now. Chains coming off is normal and should but part of the hazard of riding in a race same as braking too soon going into a corner or changing gears at the wrong time (sometimes chains come off cause of that). Its not something you stop and wait for your opponent

I did watch a tiny bit of ep25 before stopping and when the spectator was like "sometimes in this situation the opponent will stop and wait" I was like WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?????


It's not like it's a race for 2, no one else would freeze up, what if the person in 3rd place comes up and takes over?


How does one judge how much time has been lost to the person putting the chain back on vs. the other person noticing the issue and stopping for them????


This is the most insane nonsense I've ever heard, but it seems par for the course for yowapeda so whatever. XD


(Well, he has Manami's respect, I guess, but.... >.>;; )


Expanding on my earlier comment....



And another neck to neck battle comes to an end. I wish this author would try something new already. It never changes, always neck to neck, no matter how big the skill difference is.

*flips desk*
The guys an idiot, its not respect or pride for him i feel right now. Chains coming off is normal and should but part of the hazard of riding in a race same as braking too soon going into a corner or changing gears at the wrong time (sometimes chains come off cause of that). Its not something you stop and wait for your opponent


Yeah.... This was the only chance he had to actually make himself look lik ea good choice for the InterHigh team ..... I guess he wanted to be fair, and that's respectable in a sport, but he lost the race because of it.  He could have won, then went back to minami (even though the chain would have already been done).  Stilll... ridiculous.


I'm actually getting annoyed at how this interhigh is going....  The sprinting race was just stupid having a guy who thought he was an "All Rounder" be able to catch up to someone who's a 100000% Sprinter beast, is just silly.  IT would have been great to have Koga face him, but alas...  We get Teshima Junta instead....


I think that Minami losing twice, would have been reallllllyyyy bad for him in the long run though, so I Feel this was the way for the Author to be "hey Minami, you actually can win something."


I think it would have been something awesome if the Author did something like just before the goal Teshima had a muscle spasm and had to disconnect from his bike, and try to win that way.  Basically an all or nothing battle where Minami freaks out over his chain, and Teshima tries everything in his power to walk his bike across, or something alone those "pathetic" lines.


I just hope the rest of this doesn't disappoint....  



At the same time though... The first day will probably go to Hakone, which will put even more pressure on the team... Maybe Teshima will be the one to guide the team, who knows...


I feel the author is making it so that Shohoku's win was a "Fluke," and people will doubt them, until of course Onoda comes to the rescue.


If you notice Onoda has been a non-factor in the race so far, so I'm assuming that's this role for Day 1.  I'm assuming he will have an attitude change and day 2 will be putting in a lot of work for the team.

Even though I knew this is how it would go It was still super sad, but it's better than if he had won by going ahead while  Manami fixed his chain.

*flips desk*
The guys an idiot, its not respect or pride for him i feel right now. Chains coming off is normal and should but part of the hazard of riding in a race same as braking too soon going into a corner or changing gears at the wrong time (sometimes chains come off cause of that). Its not something you stop and wait for your opponent



As it happens I still haven't watched ep25 and otherwise avoided spoilers for the outcome of this stage, but, lol.




In spite of the captain being Teshima, somehow team Sohoku eschews all strategy, 'cause that's how team sohoku rides~

i can still hear the background songs while reading this...

What an idiot

Teshima dun goofed.  Wasted 2 chapters to have the same result.....

You have my respect, Teshima.

Thanks for all the translations so far! Take your time, ill look forward to your return!

See you guys in a while. T.T

guys, sorry. This week is being hell and we probably wont have anything till friday or so.

Although anime passed us by a bit, please look forward for the next update


Thanks for the translations as always.


Don't worry, this is a road race, we have still have time to catch up before the end of the 3rd day.  I know we can overtake the anime before the goal!

guys, sorry. This week is being hell and we probably wont have anything till friday or so.

Although anime passed us by a bit, please look forward for the next update

Doubashi had finally felt the 'pressure' coming off from Onoda, so that's like a quarter of my wish fulfilled.


If Onoda ended up catching with Manami and Teshima (and even winning?) I'm sure he'd be even more surprised.

Only one chapter this update?  RL must be kicking ass. :(


is there something wrong with the gears?

No, but in the previous interhigh Manami showed that he could climb on the highest gear (you get the most bang for your buck this way but it's brutal so most people climb on a lower gear, Onoda included, but Manami is sort of a masochist anyway), so he's finally getting a bit more serious.  Well, Manami's version of serious.  He just prefers this side of the tradeoff of efficiency vs. longevity.

is there something wrong with the gears?

go sakamichi! go!!!

Aaaah, go my boy!!! You can do it!

3NJWuIt.pngthis is a human

if clamp draws body horror manga

You should look up a French animated movie called the Tripletts of Bellville.  Whole thing centers around some bicycle racers that get kidnapped by mobsters and the old women that go to rescue them. 


Midosoji reminds me of the design of those cyclists.

(plus it's a great film)

Teshima, using up all his "hardworking average guy" points to create the most spectacular jobbing.



Best faces.. Midosuji...  Out of all of the anime/manga I've looked at, Midosuji is definitely top 3.


The depth of these characters are great.

road races are... unpredictable  :^)

technically he hasn't "cracked" yet, in road racing, use terrain/wind to your advantage is normal. until the manga shows Teshima "cracking" then he can always regroup as long as he keeps to himself, and rides his own pace to bridge the gap. usually climbers like manami cant sustain that type of power output/pace for long, its usually to crack riders behind them, so they will attack on a switchback where the grade goes up (even for only a bit) so they sap the mental will power of the riders behind them. 
but of cousre this is a manga so im sure Teshima will give it a good go before he does crack. 
as for strategy, I'd bring mido to teh front, espeically with Hako/Soho other climbers/all rounders that can keep mido in check. so the NRG savings he would gain from riding in a small group far outweigh bring a "dangerous" rider with him when its 6v1 in a sense.

It's time for Teshima to beat Manami!

ahaha.... ok no I can't even make myself believe that.

Probably going to keep up by sheer willpower.

road races are... unpredictable  :^)

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