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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.55 - 198votes)


Alt Names: alt Ratman - The smallest hero!?
Author: Inui Sekihiko
Artist: Inui Sekihiko
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Meet Shooto. He’s a bit… vertically-challenged. He also wants to be a hero. But guess what? Midgets can’t be heroes! Ha! So he becomes a villain instead. Sort of. Not really. But w-wait a minute here, why is he so heroic if he’s supposed to be the bad guy? And what about the so-called good guys? Why are they so… evil?
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Topic Ratman; latest chapter discussion New Window hero
  • 17 Replies


Chapter 26 is out and the ending was epic. You don't want to miss Chapter 27 when comes out
who here thinks that one Jackey is secretly a badass?
chapter 23 is out ~
chapter 19 is out
why are there only 5 chapters? did i miss something?
Thanks for uploading Ratman.
I enjoy reading this manga, so If it's possible would you guys upload other chapters of this manga.
A cute little hero.
Is that so? I don't see any specific post about it but I may be wrong as it is affiliated with MangaFox. Until I get confirmation for approval or denial, I'll refrain from uploading.
I'm affraid uploading d&f scans chapter is against batoto's policy, and against wishes of that scanlation group, It'll gonna go down soon.

This is NOT mangafox.
I'll be uploading the rest of the chapters from Dragon&Fly Scans. I know some readers might not like that but it's for the sake of having it up to date on Batoto. After all, readers have to freedom to read or not read what they want.
@mokata LOL you actually reading it on DFS haha I feel pity for you!
13 Chapters out! I love Ratman! He my favorite anti-hero!
I lost it when they revealed that the Jackall who was hacking the computer was grandpa haha
Awesome... need more chapters XD
haha when he wanted to get serious, one gave him a kiss :P
They could honestly make a spin off totally about the Jackeys and I think it'd sell. Jackey Five for the win. :D
God the Jackeys kill me every time! They are the backbone of the manga not the main characters!
omg!... 'the jackey five!! haha...
sweet new chapter. was starting to get bored.
Jackall Lackey = Jackey! It makes perfect sense.

Sidenote: Inui-sensei is inconsistent in the spelling of ジャッキー (it shows up as both "Jacky" and "Jackey" in the art). So I flipped a coin.
Woah... who would have thought that Jackey?(maybe or Lackey?) could survived an attack from a Hero(maybe a wannabe)
lackey is not as weak as i thought. i really like the way the story is progressing! nice twist . cant wait for the next chapter.

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