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* * * * * (4.62 - 231votes)

No Game No Life

Alt Names: alt ノーゲーム・ノーライフalt No Game No Lifealt نه بازی نه زندگی
Author: Kamiya Yuu
Artist: Hiiragi Mashiro & Kamiya Yuu
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The internet is full of rumors about the Neet and Hikikomori genius gamer siblings Sora and Shiro. The two go as far as to refer to the world as a "shit game", but then one day a young man calling himself "God" summons them to parallel universe. There, God has forbidden war, and "everything is to be settled with games". Yes, even the national borders. Driven into a corner by other species, the 'human species' is down to its last city. Can Sora and Shiro, these related failures of society, become the saviors of humankind in this parallel world?
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If they are Anthrophobic then how would they fare with non-humans(elves,dwarves, orcs)

And how about when one of the siblings need to take bath or use the toilet? They would get seperated by the wall and door in the process, so how would they---


Wait, there's that one option. Interesting.


well, in japan family members bathing together isn't that much of a big deal. just wash eachothers backs.  and if they do that then being in the same room to use the toilet isn't much of a stretch.

"...the Jump criteria... for nudity... is loose."

I lost it


So, those siblings basically have a symbiotic relationship going on? Interesting.

And how about when one of the siblings need to take bath or use the toilet? They would get seperated by the wall and door in the process, so how would they---


Wait, there's that one option. Interesting.

ok a harem is needed in this. steph and imouto are awesome <3

These siblings are really the worst. I love them!

one word about this chapter mate "AWESOME" lol, btw that's unexpected drastic personality change there pretty funny if i say so my self 

If it weren't for the 10 rules, that is a weakness that can be utilized by the enemies.

one word about this chapter mate "AWESOME" lol, btw that's unexpected drastic personality change there pretty funny if i say so my self 

ok... so they are 100% dependant on each other, and this is just from being in different rooms, there's litterally only a single wall in between them and they get like this, wasn't expecting that

So that means they have to be together even taking baths, fulfilling the "call of nature" and even him relieving his s*xual frustration. And since she is not yet 18 he won't do the last.

A threesome is the correct answer! A harem works too... just have to assemble one. GO [ ]!

Wait, dafuq did i just read? @_@

Maybe it's beacause i'm really tired, i'll try to read it(ch.4) again later...

Thanks for the release Derek! I'm liking this series more with every chapter! 

ok... so they are 100% dependant on each other, and this is just from being in different rooms, there's litterally only a single wall in between them and they get like this, wasn't expecting that


could be true ...

the brother indeed master of trickster ...

but the sister actually extremely smart and great in any games (she even win against the god of that world) ...

if both have competition, probably the sister might win ...

(and turn the brother for her own personal sex slave)

The thing is, I believe they are going for a scenario where the sister is a genius at reading games, whereas the brother is a genius at reading people.
Afterall, she was baited into making bad moves, so in that rock-paper-scissors game the sister would've probably lost too. 
Who wins and loses between the siblings would probably depend on the game and who the challenger was.

Does anyone else have trouble understanding the back and forth between the brother and sister? For example the last panel of page 13 in chapter 4. It's like its out of nowhere and then it escalates over the next few pages so I have no clue what's going on by the end of the chapter.


The end of page 13, Shiro is talking about Sora having to wait until she's 18 to have sex or doing sexual things to Shiro. Page 14 she's telling Sora to lose his virginity with Stephanie, and Sora is saying no because Shiro is in the room. Page 15 second to last panel, she tells Sora to keep it barely safe for work, as in not too explicit, then she starts acting like a director.


so they get extremely weak when they get separated ...

wow ... that's kinda unexpected ...


Oh my....




lewd indeed ...

lewd mind, lewd talk, and lewd act ...

now only need a real xxx scene ...

Does anyone else have trouble understanding the back and forth between the brother and sister? For example the last panel of page 13 in chapter 4. It's like its out of nowhere and then it escalates over the next few pages so I have no clue what's going on by the end of the chapter.

A tsundere character that actually has a reason for being tsundere? This author is a genius.

Oh my....



yes, It was indeed...


She's so damn cute~

No, it's an extra finger. I was going by the page numbering I do for release, not here. The extra finger is on page 13.


In my original clean of that page, I had redrawn a finger out, but I didn't do the final cleaning of the chapter, and I didn't feel like redoing it.


oh, I see ...

probably the drawers do mistake in that one ...

(we don't know what you mean before ... which actually comes from the raw ...)

Oh my....




could be true ...

the brother indeed master of trickster ...

but the sister actually extremely smart and great in any games (she even win against the god of that world) ...

if both have competition, probably the sister might win ...

(and turn the brother for her own personal sex slave)

They are both great at games, she's better at chess and that is why she won. Also the challenged is allowed to pick the game so he can just trick her anyways.

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