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Kasane (MATSUURA Daruma)

Alt Names: alt 累 ──かさね──alt 累 深红累之渊alt 累(かさね)alt Kasane - La Voleuse de visagesalt Once Againalt Касане
Author: Matsuura Daruma
Artist: Matsuura Daruma
Genres: Award Winning Award WinningDrama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Beautiful people are loved and revered. They have everything they desire right at their fingertips...
Even if that beauty is a complete illusion.

Before Kasane's mother died, she was given a special tube of lipstick from her mother. She was told that if times ever got really really hard, she should wear the lipstick and kiss whatever she really desires.

But is this keepsake a blessing? Or a curse?

@darumaym (Author Twitter)
http://evening.moae.jp/lineup/266 (Official site)

Now available in English digitally from Kodansha USA!
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Mmm... Why she didn't just tell Kasane to prohibit her from taking over her love life? Instead of doing something like that.

Followed the link on sleeping beauty syndrome, as well as some other pages, and it seems the way it works is that for an extended period of time (2-31 days) the person experiences severe hypersomnia, so sleeping for 15-21 hours in one go. What's more, during the brief period of time they are awake, their personality is drastically different, often described as childlike, with reduced coordination and communication skills. Basically, they are awake enough that they can eat/drink/poop (perhaps with some assistance), but they're still very much out of it and obviously can't participate in many normal activities. 


Given the way Nina's condition has been portrayed so far, it looks like the mangaka took some artistic liberties, making it more of a continuous sleep for however long the episode lasts. But am I the only one who think it'd be more fascinating if they symptoms would be more true to life? Apparently the person's memory during episodes tends to be poor anyways, so she'd still have to deal with large empty gaps in her memory. And then we'd be able to have Nina fall into the episode and still be 'present' for the plot. Think of all the drama that could arise from confused, disorientated Nina wandering around with or without Kasane's face!


Also, in terms of wishful plot hopes that are more likely to happen, I'm really looking forward to the director dude's reaction if he finds out about the body switch. Given his fascination with them acting skills, it seems like he'd be more interested in Kasane then Nina, but who knows? I'm sure it'll crush hearts and feelings everywhere.

I wonder what would happen if she wore the lipstick and kissed a deer...

creepy af

My gosh, reading this has left me with my mouth continously gaping open in shock

this.. caught me off-guard with its quality


I feel you man. I forgot about this manga until now, but it's surprisingly well done, considering the rather odd premise. The real stinger is that underlying feeling that you know this can only end in tragedy.

I think her mother actually just stole someone's appearance and kept them in the "dungeon", in case somehow her looks changed back... Or outright killed said person. Nonetheless, it is heavily implied, that her mother's beauty was taken from someone and kept through ways not befitting a law-abiding citizen.

And I feel like that's what Kasane will do herself.

I... wasnt talking about her mother... Kasane hasnt looked terribly bad compared to the earlier chapters, and I was pinning that on her age (pretty much her body), and the blonde hair (when nina has her face).

Sleeping beauty syndrome is a real condition though I'm not at all sure how sufferers handle their day to day lives, here's a link with some details for the curious https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleine%E2%80%93Levin_syndrome

I dunno bout others but Kasane looks decent on the last frame of chapter 12. Iaside from the scar... is she really that ugly? We always see her face hiding in the shadows

you'd be surprised what she looks like

this.. caught me off-guard with its quality

Personally I think it is just because she got older. When the other woman has her face, I think the clothes and hair helped too.

I think her mother actually just stole someone's appearance and kept them in the "dungeon", in case somehow her looks changed back... Or outright killed said person. Nonetheless, it is heavily implied, that her mother's beauty was taken from someone and kept through ways not befitting a law-abiding citizen.

And I feel like that's what Kasane will do herself.

You know.. i was think that Kasane was starting to look better... It could may be just the art style, or may be (my theory) the more she 'steals' other beautiful people's looks, the more she original form alter into beauty? 'Cause if you think about her mother... how was she able to remain beautiful all day? It's not like she had a beauty in her attic to kiss

Personally I think it is just because she got older. When the other woman has her face, I think the clothes and hair helped too.

She has a disorder that causes her to fall asleep for a couple weeks, that long is called a coma. Now whether you label it as a coma or not, you can't leave her on a bed unconscious for two weeks uncared for. At least you need to keep her hydrated, calories, waste disposal, hygiene. Also issues with chocking on ones saliva and muscle deterioration and blood clots from not moving so long. Plus any other unknowns from the conditions. In short, she would need to be hospitalized each time or the disorder would kill her, or her room would need to be turned into a long term care facility having things like a hospital would, including a nurse.


Not long ago I saw a documentary about this disorder which explain how it's work. Basically, when they are sleeping, they can still "wake up" to perform the most basic necessary need for survival, like a form of sleep walking just to eat food and whatever. Of course they don't remember anything when they woke up for real and in this state they are like a completely different person. 

She has a disorder that causes her to fall asleep for a couple weeks, that long is called a coma. Now whether you label it as a coma or not, you can't leave her on a bed unconscious for two weeks uncared for. At least you need to keep her hydrated, calories, waste disposal, hygiene. Also issues with chocking on ones saliva and muscle deterioration and blood clots from not moving so long. Plus any other unknowns from the conditions. In short, she would need to be hospitalized each time or the disorder would kill her, or her room would need to be turned into a long term care facility having things like a hospital would, including a nurse.

I actually remember reading about this condition a few years back in the magazine. While it's obviously true that during their coma, the patients need to be cared for, it wasn't necessary for them to be hospitalized iirc. I should probably look it up again though...

That's probably foreshadowing for something that involves with Kasane's character development later on; either to do with her self-confidence, or her taking on attributes slightly more permanently from the lipstick.


It's been a trend that more and more of her face is being shown as she takes on these roles, and as the story progresses, so it's a likely chance we'll see her whole face being shown a few chapters down the line, and it may not be all that bad when it does actually. Or the author could go in the opposite direction completely and show it as something that's inhumanly grotesque like Kasane herself describes it. Who knowwwws???

You know.. i was think that Kasane was starting to look better... It could may be just the art style, or may be (my theory) the more she 'steals' other beautiful people's looks, the more she original form alter into beauty? 'Cause if you think about her mother... how was she able to remain beautiful all day? It's not like she had a beauty in her attic to kiss

She has a disorder that causes her to fall asleep for a couple weeks, that long is called a coma. Now whether you label it as a coma or not, you can't leave her on a bed unconscious for two weeks uncared for. At least you need to keep her hydrated, calories, waste disposal, hygiene. Also issues with chocking on ones saliva and muscle deterioration and blood clots from not moving so long. Plus any other unknowns from the conditions. In short, she would need to be hospitalized each time or the disorder would kill her, or her room would need to be turned into a long term care facility having things like a hospital would, including a nurse.

I am personally willing to suspend some belief for this little issue, but it is a fair point.

She has a disorder that causes her to fall asleep for a couple weeks, that long is called a coma. Now whether you label it as a coma or not, you can't leave her on a bed unconscious for two weeks uncared for. At least you need to keep her hydrated, calories, waste disposal, hygiene. Also issues with chocking on ones saliva and muscle deterioration and blood clots from not moving so long. Plus any other unknowns from the conditions. In short, she would need to be hospitalized each time or the disorder would kill her, or her room would need to be turned into a long term care facility having things like a hospital would, including a nurse.

I dunno bout others but Kasane looks decent on the last frame of chapter 12. Iaside from the scar... is she really that ugly? We always see her face hiding in the shadows

That's probably foreshadowing for something that involves with Kasane's character development later on; either to do with her self-confidence, or her taking on attributes slightly more permanently from the lipstick.


It's been a trend that more and more of her face is being shown as she takes on these roles, and as the story progresses, so it's a likely chance we'll see her whole face being shown a few chapters down the line, and it may not be all that bad when it does actually. Or the author could go in the opposite direction completely and show it as something that's inhumanly grotesque like Kasane herself describes it. Who knowwwws???

I dunno bout others but Kasane looks decent on the last frame of chapter 12. Iaside from the scar... is she really that ugly? We always see her face hiding in the shadows


Working something out atm, actually. :)

Bless you.

An update?

T.T Thank you...

Working something out atm, actually. :)

I was wondering, Aereus, if you would like some assistance with cleaning? i have the RAWS that go up to the latest chapter and i'd be more then happy to help clean them as best i can, i've really gotten into the story and i'd like to help bring the next chapters available for people to read

Sorry, I'm close to fitting it back into my schedule. And I'll use the digital source that became available recently, so I don't have to deal with the nightmare of cleaning Evening magscans (which is 80% of the time involved in a chapter). Have 2.5 chapters in the queue ahead of it.

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