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* * * * - (4.47 - 174votes)

Imawabi no Dakini

Alt Names: alt 忌火のダキニ
Author: Sigama
Artist: Sigama
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHorror HorrorMartial Arts Martial ArtsRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Fushimi and Toume were just a normal boy and girl going to high school until one day they stumble upon a phantasmal mountain known to legend as "Mount Hagure" . Before either of them knew it, Toume was possessed by a Yoko named Dakini, a goddess who grants wishes.

When asking what Fushimi's wish is, it is only this: Give Toume back. Dakini says she can grant the wish but in return he must become her servant. The deal is struck. Fushimi has now become Dakini's servant and Toume has been returned. Darkness, however, is afoot and now Fushimi must take on a more active role as Dakini's servant. Is he up for the task?!
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Topic Dakini in Real Myth (a possible explanation for the tongue) New Window DerSteppenwolf
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Uh, no. I was in fact referring to her bra which is there on ch. 11's second page and missing for the rest of it. Her panties pulled a Houdini quite a while ago.

So, this whole chapter I was wondering something...




..Where the heck did her bra panties go?


So, this whole chapter I was wondering something...




..Where the heck did her bra go?

This chapter was an interesting way to get the 'normal human' chick on team Monster Possession w/o the stupid childhood love-interest trope. I approve :D

Two chapters in two days... absolutely based. Thanks.

So...she was wandering around...naked?!

Oh, this still gets updates? Oh, well *Unfollows*

Your comment is pointless.

Oh, this still gets updates? Oh, well *Unfollows*

Lol wat. Okay then, get outta here.

Oh, this still gets updates? Oh, well *Unfollows*

ShindoL is the hero we deserve.


But not the one we need right now. (scnr)

Poor girl's wardrobe is depleting quick... the unexpected costs of possessions lol


mana potions is a given, but cloth potions sure is new to me.

Woah, I never thought I'd see the day when ShindoL is called the lesser evil. 

ShindoL is the hero we deserve.

Poor girl's wardrobe is depleting quick... the unexpected costs of possessions lol


bad case of stomachache ... =3= ...


And this is why you should always to make sure your food isn't moving before you eat it.

*Watches the monster get torn open from the inside*


See, folks?  This is what happens when you eat at an establishment without checking the Health Inspection ratings.


bad case of stomachache ... =3= ...

*Watches the monster get torn open from the inside*


See, folks?  This is what happens when you eat at an establishment without checking the Health Inspection ratings.

Not exactly, it's the Tantric principle of Maithuna, which was supposedly practiced by the real Tachikawa-ryu.  Probably my favorite thing about this manga is that its lewdness has historical precedent.

The most important point we should all be focusing on is: if Fushimi ever does it with Toume, who has Dakini inside her, would it actually be a three way? Will Dakini experience it through Toume, or will she wait till the lights are out and then try to take her over without Fushimi noticing? Get the fights over with so the truly important questions can be answered!

Iirc ShindoL also had a similar art style, and his works contail slightly less high octane nightmare fuel. Not much tongue though, for some reson that doesn't seem to be very popular. :(

Woah, I never thought I'd see the day when ShindoL is called the lesser evil. 

Lol Dat End


Its a reference to yin (woman) and yang (man). Its just that Japanese manga has made it out to be an ecchi/hentai reference. (Cue countless 'kiss me and I get a power up!' scenes)


Not exactly, it's the Tantric principle of Maithuna, which was supposedly practiced by the real Tachikawa-ryu.  Probably my favorite thing about this manga is that its lewdness has historical precedent.

My god do I love Dakini and her expressions.

I see Toume has resorted to the time-honored BrightSlap ™ in order to fix the situation.  :3

"the secret technique that brings about the unity of god through a man and a woman"

Implied sexual element?

(Dakini's posing and inclination for clothes tearing kinda infers it more)

Its a reference to yin (woman) and yang (man). Its just that Japanese manga has made it out to be an ecchi/hentai reference. (Cue countless 'kiss me and I get a power up!' scenes)

And before anyone says why dont you leave the original kanji in the white box, I choose to erase iust because I dont like leaving untranslated kanji, it does happen and I leave kanji on pages but I try to avoid leaving kanji when I can, and to the watermark people I restate again those are not watermarks, so if you have something to complain about how about stop downloading for free and actually purchase the manga yourselves with your own money instead of relying on others if imaginary watermarks bother you so much, If you see our name on the occasional cover page its because we are filling empty white box that looks horrible, why not redraw, why spend time redrawing when I can pop a fonted word instead of wasting time redrawing.

There is no such thing as a watermark in our releases, instead of leaving big blank white boxes in the middle of cover pages where is discusses what occurred in previous chapter, we assume your reading the series so there is no need to write about what occurred in previous chapter, so to the people who think its a water mark, no its not a watermark on chapter 8 or 9 its simply me filling an empty white box with something instead of leaving empty space where the original kanji discussing previous chapter was, and even if we ever did water mark no one can complain because one we tled it the releases, two we edited the release, and 3 I dont rely on public raws every magazine I purchase with my money, so to those complaining stop complaining no one is leaving watermarks, its me simply filling a empty white box that looks worst blank.  Wow how people complain be happy I am not really putting big page sized watermarks on a release, I dont put watermarks on any of my releases so please stop assuming their watermarks because they are not watermarks

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