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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * * (4.6 - 52votes)

Koneko Pancake

Alt Names: alt こねこパンケーキalt 小猫煎饼alt Nekopan
Author: Kanno Touko
Artist: Kanno Touko
Genres: Ecchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Kamisu Iori is at that age when he really wants a girlfriend, but he's about to get more than he bargained for.
Iori is taking a nap in the forest when a cute girl with cat ears and tail falls on him from the trees. She scurries away and he chases her through a mysterious door somewhere in the forest.
Iori wakes up in a café where he learns that kittens actually take the form of a human with cat ears and tail just like Keyna, the cute girl he was chasing. But when he accidentally breaks the door that he came through, Iori has to work at the café surrounded by “kittens” until it gets fixed and he can go home.

Note: There have been no tankoubon releases beyond the first since June, 2011. It is assumed that the series has been cancelled. Any stray magazine scans will be translated if found.
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Now it's getting scary? "Just die?"
really enjoyable its diffrent from other manga
coco <3
@Bdark, How on earth was I being rude? O_o Too many people assume when a manga/anime has a harem tag the main character has to get it on with every female in it. A good amount of manga/anime are indeed like that, so people base it off that and therefore "stereotypically" throw the word around. I was merely stating my viewpoint on the matter that I find it sad that people throw around words based on how they saw someone else throw them around without bothering to try to understand what they actually mean. It wasn't directed at anyone specifically in here and was just a general tangent on people's use of words and what not. Had I ran in here and went @so-and-so, you're stupid. Then yes, that would have been rude.

@Bdark/Purple As for what "harem" means, there's a very broad set of definitions due to how long the word has been around. It can range from my stated relationship with multiple women or an environment with multiple women regardless of their actual relationship status (friends, lovers, what ever) to the wives and concubines of a man or the residence for the female members of the household. Language is a funny thing, words can and generally do have multiple meanings, many of which are no more proper to use than others. You cannot sit down and say "to be labeled a harem it has to be a romantic relationship" and then later say "the household for the women of the family to live" is also a working definition because you then contradict yourself. The "harem" in this manga is quite similar to the "harem" in A Method To make A gentle world, the main characters aren't in a romantic relationship with multiple women, their environment is simply saturated with them (of which quite a few have romantic-ish feelings for the main character) but it is far different than the "harem" of To-Love Ru. Neither one is "more of a harem" than the other since at least one or more definitions of "harem" can be applied to all three of them.

Now then, let's not flood the comment sections with "You're being rude" or "That definition isn't right" comments or arguing over semantics since this really isn't the proper place for it. I haven't been a member of batoto long nor have I really looked around it's features so I don't know if it has a PM feature, but if it does and you want to continue this feel free to PM me.
remove the harem tag since it isn't harem anyways...
(Technically in actual dictionary meanings a harem is a group of wives or concubines, normally kept in captivity; in terms of anime slang I think what I said covers it)
Amb2010, I really don't think harem can describe any "situation where there's a man in relationships (romantically or not) with multiple women". I mean, speaking as a married man with one daughter plus three more from my wife's previous marriage, that's five women I have a relationship with, but I'd feel pretty dashed weird if you called it a "harem".
I also have multiple female coworkers. I would fear for my health if I told them they were my "harem".
No, a harem is a fairly specific situation. It implies romantic or sexual involvement or at least tension, and it implies that the main focus of the multiple people is all on the same one person. That isn't the case here--only one catgirl is fixated on the main character, the rest have other interests.
there's a story behind eat cat girl so we might learn whats her true alter motive in the next chapter. and yes she does act like a badonka-ah-donk.
..... 2 faced much?
coco is such a bitchy cat....i feel really sad admitting it but omg...the truth hurts though.... GAAAH WHAT IS THIS CONFUSING FEELING! its like between hatred and respect.....
@Zeroblade Thanks a lot for your hard work! :) I shall now shamelessly mooch off of you. Again. :)
@Amb2010 You know what's worse than someone using words "seterotypically?" (And by that I'm assuming you mean that people use the term(s) in a way that is easily recognizable by the general public) Someone who scoffs at her or him because they think they know more than the said person. Right or wrong, there's no real excuse for being rude. :) Also, a harem is a group of women, who are usually related to each other, or a house that is for a group of women.
@Purple Library Guy
indeed shallow and pendatic. MMMHM (#familyguyreferencesftw?)
Whoops, I misclicked and accidentally unapproved ch04; any mods care to reapprove? Thanks a lot.
Also, chapter 5 in just a little bit!
no no , harem is suppose to invole feelings of the bishoujos and the protagonist is suppose to be a donkan , that's why harem is the dream of otakus ok?
Keyna, kawaii sugiru~! <3
but nichika is fine too. <3
Really the only word to describe a situation where there's a man in relationships (romantically or not) with multiple women is "harem". Sadly people just assume harem implies romance with everyone and it really doesn't. Curse you stereotypical uses of words!
Wait, was that an adverb? Argh, hoist by my own pedantry!
Problem is there isn't a tag (or really an anime/manga concept) for "ensemble cast". So something like this gets called "harem"; I guess it's the closest we can come to what's actually going on.
It's kind of fun, but the sort of episodic thing where a different cat-girl gets a bit of story and light on her relationships in every chapter could make it feel aimless and drifting after a while (as Animefan20 says).
TheRater--well, it's hard to argue that it's erotic at times, but I'm not sure "disturbingly" is the adjective I'd use.
@Kamidori yeah same here it doesn't feel like a harem but it's all good
i dont feel like this is a harem but this is nice , who doesn't love cat girls , especially nichika!!!.
He's a natural ladies' man without realizing it.
GAAAHJGSJQN24NMPIASHNDASKDMIK I love this manga so much. And the quality of the pages improved a lot. It's fantastic!

I still prefer Keyna over the rest of the girls, although I dont really like that name. Thank you for sharing this manga with us!
*punches penis repeatedly*
Argh..... to CUTE@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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