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* * * * * (4.72 - 741votes)

Itoshi no Karin

Alt Names: alt Karin-ku Tercintaalt Mi querida Karinalt Minha Amada Karinalt My Beloved Karinalt 愛しの花凛alt Моя возлюбленная Карин
Author: Horiizumi Inco
Artist: Horiizumi Inco
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Meet Yutaka Hanagasaki, 20 years old and a gardener at the theme park Fuegaoka. Meet Meln-chan, the mascot of Fuegaoka, with lots of popularity. Hanagasaki just so happens to secretly like her, but can never work up the courage to even talk to her, always admiring her from afar like a flower. A sweet story of how Hanagasaki works up the courage and becomes closer to Meln!
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i simply love this manga and that was an nice ending


I would love a sequel, though T-T

i simply love this manga and that was an nice ending

very nice manga, not 5 star tho

Just read it all in one sitting, was quite enjoyable.

Rushed through this in one night, first half was great and the second half was shit


The girl was unbelievably cute though, which makes me dislike the second half even more..

Read it from start to finish, couldn't stop — and the moment it ended I remembered Batoto has a scoring system I always forget about. 5/5, this series not only has believable characters, precious relationship between the two leads, absolutely adorable art, heartwarming ending... It has everything a GOOD romance/sliceo'life should have and avoids nearly all of the traps (turning into a lengthy monster or doing a pointless "love triangle" routine with a boring rival showing up et cetera), definitely one of my new faves.

Man she was cute as hell, when her dog came into the picture I almost had a heart attack. She truly is one of the better heroins I've seen recently, makes me question how she came to love the plain MC in first place. However the ending was bit a buzzkill, I would've been happy with just one kiss. I haven't seen an ending this unfulfilling since Ane Doki, but at least that had a kiss in it. 

one of the best girls ever with one of the worst main chara...

Beijo para que ne? hehehhe

ueeh T^T Why does it have to end without a kiss?! D:

Oh Gawd. T.T


So much sweetness and purity that's so touching!

ughh that was a little lackluster. but oh well.

it was sweet while it lasted.

It ended that way, eh. </3

One of the few slice-of-life series where I was on a spree with saving the images. I got a few from like every chapter. God the touching moments.... Was short and sweet and delivered what it needed. Makes me question series that put these elements to shame....


Gonna miss it :(

An end to an awesome manga. I'll take this one and keep it in my heart till the day I die.

good manga to read :)


Ah....it ends. Even though i want to see more...

Nice and warm story, not like the other romance story.....

Damn, this was good. Though my hearts begs for more!! ;(

Pffft what that was the ending hahahaha.

Now we just need the extra omake chapter from the compiled volume with the true ending.

I will really miss this manga, a rare and good example that a romantic/love story can be refreshing, cute and short instead of long, excessively drama-filled and rage-inducing; in regards the ending, it was like the rest of the story, innocent and beautiful, I really liked it even if it lacked what I wanted to see the most: a kiss, this manga deserves an epilogue or at least an extra that show them together as a family. Thanks to everyone that worked in this manga, this is a story that I will for sure read again in the future with a stupid smile on my face.   




After adding this series to my list of finished mangas I just noticed that this manga shares almost the same name except for just one syllable with another sweet manga, Itoshi no Kana, I hope that if I ever read some other "Itoshi no Ka...." it will be as good as these two.

So... Unfulfilling.

Well, it's better than the other depressing alternative, BUT, it'd be nice if they gave us an extra with a glimpse of their future.

Way to call dibs on her while you're gone with that flower. I approve! That was really sweet, I really enjoyed it, even though I am sad to see it go T_T. I would kill for an post page though... like a .5 or some after thing between them, maybe 4 koma style?

So... Unfulfilling.

Well, it's better than the other depressing alternative, BUT, it'd be nice if they gave us an extra with a glimpse of their future.

Oh god , this manga felt so good after Horimiya and Bocchi..

still need epilogue , though... give us something like her graduation from nursery school and going to Yutaka's home to meet him, would be awesome

And then married!

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