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* * * * * (4.61 - 257votes)


Alt Names: alt 亚人alt 亜人alt Demi-Human
Author: Miura Tsuina & Sakurai Gamon
Artist: Sakurai Gamon
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story follows a high school student named Kei Nagai, who is caught in a traffic accident, dies, but immediately revives and learns he is not human, but an Ajin, a mysterious creature that cannot die. Scared, he runs away from humans but is helped by his friend Kai, who joins him in his flee from civilization. He then becomes involved in a conflict between human and Ajin and must choose a side.

Note: Roughly mid-way through the manga, the Author Tsuina Miura left this project.

Nominated for the 7th annual Manga Taishou Award, the Readers Award in the 18th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize and in the Seinen category in the 38th Annual Kodansha Manga Awards in 2014. In the 40th(2016) annual kodansha manga award for General Category
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While the premise and powers are interesting, the author of this series is sometimes inconsistent with the personalities of the characters. While the shift in personality of the main character was supposed to come off as some twist, it felt more like bad writing. Almost as if the author could not decide on the personality of the main character then tried to hurriedly cover up his indecision.


That being said, this series doesn't add much to the "we're monsters simply because of x reason" manga genre. It has a standard plot involving unrealistic people who immediately dehumanize someone because of a superficial reason. At least unlike many other in the genre, this manga had groups of people who fought for the "monsters" civil rights.


Some of the characters are interesting and a few fights are handled in fun ways. The fight scenes are enjoyable due to the practical ways the immortals fight. The plot isn't too bad compared to other series. I'd give it a 6/10, worth a shot if you have the time.

What's with the hate on the MC? Do you want every main character in every manga to be naive super justice do gooder heroes?

Is this even worth reading anymore? I mean....this kinda suck. .-. The entire scenario is just not good. I can go into detail about how it's just...meh, but I won't. Instead i'll offer this; I found everything this manga is trying to do in Tokyo Ghoul and it's done far better. (With nice little fights to~)  Well maybe not everything, but after reading that this manga is kinda ruined for me. Just my 2 cents. I'll probaly still read it, but ya know.


Flame me if you please. Just not on my grammer I hate myself on that enough.

Tokyo Ghoul is a lot worse than Ajin. If you have to drop one, drop TG.

This applies if you are older than 15 years or something like that at least...

Is this even worth reading anymore? I mean....this kinda suck. .-. The entire scenario is just not good. I can go into detail about how it's just...meh, but I won't. Instead i'll offer this; I found everything this manga is trying to do in Tokyo Ghoul and it's done far better. (With nice little fights to~)  Well maybe not everything, but after reading that this manga is kinda ruined for me. Just my 2 cents. I'll probaly still read it, but ya know.


Flame me if you please. Just not on my grammer I hate myself on that enough.


I can't say I'm happy with the direction the MC's character has gone all that much, but at least he's interesting. Besides, at this point (since the change was "introduced" later on) we can be sure the author at least has a plan for character development, compared to normal shit-for-brains harem manga protagonists.


Tokyo Ghoul has very nice art and is also a Horror type story, but I wouldn't say its really similar at all? TG is more mainstream in a way, mostly in that the MC has a lack of real personality at this point and has had very slow character development so far. TG is also more action oriented, although not by a ton (keep in mind # of chapters). Bottom line is, considering all the crappy series running right now, there's no reason you shouldn't be reading both Ajin and Tokyo Ghoul.


Edit: Also 16.5 was pretty damn funny.

Is this even worth reading anymore? I mean....this kinda suck. .-. The entire scenario is just not good. I can go into detail about how it's just...meh, but I won't. Instead i'll offer this; I found everything this manga is trying to do in Tokyo Ghoul and it's done far better. (With nice little fights to~)  Well maybe not everything, but after reading that this manga is kinda ruined for me. Just my 2 cents. I'll probaly still read it, but ya know.


Flame me if you please. Just not on my grammer I hate myself on that enough.

I really love Tokyo Ghoul and I agree that everyone who likes (or wants to like) this manga should definitely try it, but I don't really wanna think of it as a replacement. I mean, I thought it was an essential similarity that both threw a nice kid into an unreasonable and morbid situation, but then it turns out Kei isn't actually all that nice. I think differences like that are gonna keep popping up until the two manga have next to nothing in common.

Is this even worth reading anymore? I mean....this kinda suck. .-. The entire scenario is just not good. I can go into detail about how it's just...meh, but I won't. Instead i'll offer this; I found everything this manga is trying to do in Tokyo Ghoul and it's done far better. (With nice little fights to~)  Well maybe not everything, but after reading that this manga is kinda ruined for me. Just my 2 cents. I'll probaly still read it, but ya know.


Flame me if you please. Just not on my grammer I hate myself on that enough.

I hope you're not talking about hat guy, because that is one dumb son of a gun. "Hey! You know what's the best way for Ajin to gain rights and acceptance? Horrible acts of terrorism! This has always worked in the past! And let's recruit members by threatening violence and blackmail!" Good thing the rest of the world is as stupid as he is.

I think it's more or less a given that he doesn't actually want Ajin rights and acceptance the way you're describing it.  We don't know his real goal, but my guess would be that he wants an Ajin-ruled world with himself in charge; in order to get there, he's deliberately forcing conflict between humans and Ajins.

Bruce Willis. Words fail me.

Very true, and I'm inclined to agree with you, but human bone is a completely different beast. Bone is very dense and very hard to cut through - I believe it's about as tough as concrete. You need a gargantuan amount of force and the right angle to cut through bone. See, this lack of scale and thought is why I'm getting annoyed at this manga - a tiny bit of reflection exposes great big plot holes and makes every single character look stupid.


Er, where did you get that? A regular butcher's knife can cut through bone no problem but definitely won't cut through concrete. Human bones have the FRACTURE RESISTANCE of concrete, meaning it's very capable of resisting compression and shock, but it's lousy against shear forces. Bones are surprisingly easy to cut through with the right implements, as anyone used to cooking pork ribs can attest. In the old days katanas were tested on their ability to cut clean through bone. One of the cuts a katana is supposed to make during testing is diagonal through the ribcage severing all ribs and opening up the chest cavity, severing the spine being a bonus proving high quality of craftsmanship. Considering that the typical samurai of that era was about the size of a 12-yr-old American boy today, it definitely doesn't take a gargantuan effort to cut through bone.


That said, yes, Satou cutting his arm clean off with a bowie knife is bloody ridiculous. However, some of the other examples mentioned in the comments, such as Shinya losing head and arm, are perfectly feasible. As the son of two medical doctors I occasionally spent time in the hospital emergency room as a child, and I can attest that motorcycle accidents can be quite horrible. One event I still remember was of a guy who fell off a fairly small motorcycle (think Honda Cub) and lost his right hand as he tried to brake his fall. It literally sheared right off at the wrist.


More recently, about three years ago a friend of our country's president (who's a big fan of big bikes) lost his left leg when it got caught on a fence as he revved his bike and launched from standstill. He then proceeded to drop sideways and got dragged about 10 meters by the still-running bike. Final (bone) damage tally: Left leg sheared clean off, right leg crushed by bike, broken right arm, dislocated right shoulder, crushed left hand (all fingers broken), concussion and skull fracture (his helmet caved in), multiple rib fractures and two broken ribs, spinal injury, neck fracture, pelvic bone crushed on left side for some reason, detached hip joint on left side, and who knows what else. My uncle was the orthopedic specialist who treated him. That old, corrupt, political hanger-on is basically living proof that money can give you partial immortality. Any regular dude would not have recovered from that.

that last pic is epic 

He likes Bruce Willis after all.



that last pic is epic 

Bwahahaha. This. Is. War.

I thought so too, but actually hat guy's name is "Satou".

I thought he had had a whole lot of character evolution off-screen. Since it happened like ten years ago, it was plausible, but turns out it's another character.

So (re-reading the extra) we have a character that can control multiple black ghosts (or push them to action), and ordinary people have black ghosts too, just fainter.

From the fact that Hat Guy severed his own arm with a small knife, and Shinya lost his head and arm from a tiny motorcycle crash, we can safely conclude characters in this manga have the bone density of hummingbirds.

Isn't hat guy and shinya the same and one guy?

Or maybe not but then again, it happened in past not in real time, so i'm not entirely sure

MC is a shitty MC, but this just started and we know he may change in the rest of the story. Besides, is not like is always everything about him: Look at that Ajin guy that remimded me of his best (and only) friend.

From the fact that Hat Guy severed his own arm with a small knife, and Shinya lost his head and arm from a tiny motorcycle crash, we can safely conclude characters in this manga have the bone density of hummingbirds.

Human flesh is flesh. Pretty easy to cut through even with just human teeth.
The wire on a harpoon is braided metal - not easy to cut. And the sides of a truck, also metal.

Very true, and I'm inclined to agree with you, but human bone is a completely different beast. Bone is very dense and very hard to cut through - I believe it's about as tough as concrete. You need a gargantuan amount of force and the right angle to cut through bone.

See, this lack of scale and thought is why I'm getting annoyed at this manga - a tiny bit of reflection exposes great big plot holes and makes every single character look stupid.

so much edge in these comments o:














SERIOUSLY , SWITCH THE POWER OF THE PROTAGONIST TO THAT BLONDE GUY , Nagai Kei is shjt ,  you might wanna think it's original and interesting , but i think it'll turn to shit ....

It's not Lively Scans guys, some guy who care about speed more than quality.

If you're up for that, be my guest. I, for one, will wait for the quality.

To everyone who thinks Satou is an idiot, entertain this.


The story has already established that he is psychopath, with a Hannibal reference to boot.

We were also shown how he “educates” Ajins, giving them to humans and then freeing them once they hate humans.

Then, we have the firefighter mentioning how this would lead to a witch hunt.


What if this is all just a gambit to “educate” the remaining Ajins and make them hate humans.

Satou probably still has a few aces up his sleeve so he probably stands a good shot at break out all those Ajins after they are captured.

If he succeeds then he just used the public to raise an army of anti-human immortals for him.


Sure, this might not seems like a profitable gamble, why turn the public against Ajins?

Well, going back the Hannibal reference, Satou stated he loves to kill, so really this is a no-brainer from his point of view.

Why live in peace when you can have have war?

Because we're only seeing the "action" type ajins. The female ajins probably feel more secure hiding out rather than join the revolution, which is the real hidden message behind Satou's revelation. Humans are apathetic and couldn't catch the message, but any ajin would have caught on right away that Satou was agitating for war. That's why almost all of them came in black ghost form.



They came to see what was happening. Heck, if I was all alone against the world and had to hide who I was, I'd be damn interested in an opportunity to meet people like me. That was what Kei thought first too when he left Kai. Satou said "I will conduct a protest" and "for everyone's happiness", not "I'm gonna murder everybody, join me". We saw him betray the mc, but remember characters don't have access to as much information as readers. The kid, the firefighter, and the other one went back when they heard what he was about, so they didn't understand it that way.

They came in black ghost form because it's the easiest and surest way to make themselves known to each other and communicate, and because when everybody is out to get you, you become cautious about publicly appearing at ajin-related events.



being male he still felt the compulsion to act and come to the meeting place



You're saying females, because they are female (something with the hormones, surely?) are inherently content hiding out and doing nothing, and men, being men, have an urge to change the wrongs of the world. Women, all of them, are cowards and men, all of them, are brave. What's worse, I think you meant it exactly like that.

Wouldn't that, in light of the last chapter, make the mc female, by the way? Gosh, I didn't know this was a queer story. And Satou, and the black-haired guy that follows Satou, are female too, since they've tried to hide before they were captured ?


There are only male ajins (except the government one) because in most stories there are generally about 9 males for 1 female.

Except for the sister and the government ajin (both traitors, but since there are few really likeable characters I won't comment on it), all of the characters -humans included-  are male: the two main good (Kei and Kai) and the two main bad (Satou and his underling), the two researchers the mc tried to save and the japanese ajin specialist, the chief cop (Araki), the government ajin's boss, even the guy who first wondered if locking ajins up and torturing them for hundreds of lives couldn't be, maybe, a bit wrong (he's got a girlfriend, but she's only relevant as his girlfriend and she's there for like four panels, so it doesn't count). All four of the people who tried to capture him in the beginning are guys, too. And now all of the new ajins (but with the old granny as a new female character, to keep the 7 to 1 ratio).


Out of curiosity, I re-read the story, counting male and female characters. The list is a bit long, though I only got to chapter 7, but I can share it here if you want. And, surprise, there are (way) more guys than girls, even amongst passerbys and tv staff.

If Ajin can rend human flesh and bone easily then why can't they do the same for the wire connecting the harpoon, or the walls of a truck?


Human flesh is flesh. Pretty easy to cut through even with just human teeth.


The wire on a harpoon is braided metal - not easy to cut. And the sides of a truck, also metal.

If Ajin can rend human flesh and bone easily then why can't they do the same for the wire connecting the harpoon, or the walls of a truck?

All of volume 3 is out, nice. 

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