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Ultimate Legend - Kang Hae Hyo

Alt Names: alt 최강전설 강해효alt Ultimate Legend - Hae-hyo KANG
Author: Choi Byung Yeol
Artist: Choi Byung Yeol
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ====Batoto Staff Notice====
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I think there are way too many blonde spiky haired fucks in this. Anyone fully understand who they are in relation to the school and the MC?


I believe that guy that just came is gonna be a friend eventhough he has an evil face. :D:D:D:D:D

What the hell is going on in that last panel, looks like that guys arm is resting against his crotch, takes being a lackey to a whole new level.

I think there are way too many blonde spiky haired fucks in this. Anyone fully understand who they are in relation to the school and the MC?

Feb 04 2014 03:05 PM
I hope she beat him. I, for one, am hoping for a somewhat useful female protagonist.

Could it be she was found out being a girl while fighting?


That's probably it.

WTF?  How did she beat him?  She isnt even that strong.

Could it be she was found out being a girl while fighting?

WTF?  How did she beat him?  She isnt even that strong.


It was mentioned that he was a boxer, so her fighting style could have been his weakness, and we don't know how strong Hae Ri is, we just know she lost to Seo Jun years ago, she could have adaptated her strategy/style to make up for the fact that she has less phsycial strength than boys.

seo jun & su ri, both top dogs are becoming fodders easily. Their opponents barely suffer any heavy damage pointing the fight is pretty much one-sided. At this rate I might lose interest in this manhwa


I wouldn't call them fooders just yet, it was explained Seo Jun was beated so bad because he relied on his punches, when his kicks are much stronger, it's possible for him to make a come back in the future. As for Su ri, we didn't even get to see the fight, so something might be up.

Okay... I think they hashed out an agreement. She bribed him in some way or he suggested it; actually fighting isn't what they want most.

WTF?  How did she beat him?  She isnt even that strong.

seo jun & su ri, both top dogs are becoming fodders easily. Their opponents barely suffer any heavy damage pointing the fight is pretty much one-sided. At this rate I might lose interest in this manhwa

So, I wonder if Kang hae Ho is going to claim his real title now, "The Grim Reaper."


Also, it was nice how they showed why Seo Jun was beaten so easily prior to the fight between Jung su Ri, and Hae Ri, it made the right between them more believeable.

Ok... no... She doesn't look like a guy at all. I don't see why some of them haven't figured it out. I kinda get the MC not seeing it since he's a dumbass, but really? even the chick can't tell it's a girl?   -_(-_-')_- 

take away the possible make-up that she had on, the hair being back and then take out the plumpness xD I'm surprised that the main character knew that what was before him was a girl. so remember, she washed her face (make-up) let her hair down (which was up) and took out her contacts (making her eyes smaller than before)

Ok... no... She doesn't look like a guy at all. I don't see why some of them haven't figured it out. I kinda get the MC not seeing it since he's a dumbass, but really? even the chick can't tell it's a girl?   -_(-_-')_- 

Waaaaah? They still haven't recognised her?

I laughed SOOO hard at the end XD

Next is after 30 Jan

Technically this needs a gender bender tag now? But it feels wrong..

How does it feel wrong? I think it does need one.

Idk about this one but I thought it might need mystery. The story very much progresses with the mystery of the MC's past so i thought mystery tag...idk

But you can't beat the shit out of me I'm (insert title here). That's such an overused line. Yet it's hilarious every time. When will people learn that it's not the title that makes the man, but the actions he does.

t...that's the power of makeup and fake eyelashes for you... ...

Technically this needs a gender bender tag now? But it feels wrong..

I still can't get over how badly this artist draws faces.

What actually shocked me about this chapter is how the MC actually comes out and says straight up to shit girl that he likes her...after just reading manga after manga where characters struggle with this, Kang Ho saying it so nonchalantly was surprising. Dude's a BADASS

What's interesting about this chapter is his x-friend's reaction to finding out he isn't part of the three stars.  Apparently, even his x-friend didn't know that his life had changed after the accident... It could be important down the road.  The last time the two of them saw each other was when the accident happened.  If the friend thought that the MC had immediately gone somewhere else and started a new gang without even finishing their fight... that could be the reason behind the entire series.  Ugh we might end up ending an epic boss battle between the two with bromance. T_T

He is a true boss - while small fries are fighting for the 1 mark he throws 9 of them and says that they are meaningless. 
Also I wonder how many marks his old friend has

You mean Ex friend, and plus he created the group or should I say guild. I'm pretty sure he has some good rumors with the MC so that's why he's well respected, but I bet he still gets challenged and wins. This is just my guess.

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