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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.28 - 92votes)

Seiketsu no Haguruma

Alt Names: alt Blue Blood Gearalt Blue-Blood Gearalt Cog-Wheel of Blue Bloodalt 青血のハグルマalt 청혈의 하구루마
Author: Hanao Kohei
Artist: Hanao Kohei
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMecha MechaSci-fi Sci-fiShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Long ago, there existed two different groups of people. One had red blood and the other had blue blood. They co-existed peacefully, but eventually they started to hate each other and a war broke out.

The massive red blood army initially overwhelmed the blue blood but with the help of new technology developed by Kodo, the prince of the blue blood, the blue bloods were victorious. The new technology, called the Haguruma, is a powerful robot type machinery capable of devastating destruction.

As the red blood people were enslaved, Kodo saw what monstrosity his Haguruma was being used for. Helpless red blood people were being hunted down and murdered. Overwhelmed by guilt, Kodo rescued the refugee red bloods and refused to build any more machines. His father, the king, ordered him to be executed, but he barely escaped and now without a home, he must survive on his own.
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  • 6 Replies


I haven't seen a move like that for a long long time

And tragic~

And i want to see suzuna... older q.q..
Good now use the Sharingan and destroy the enemy!!!!!!
This has got to be the best use of color in a manga ever. Especially since it's consistent. The plot is really interesting as well. I was afraid reading chapter 9 that the series was heading to an early grave but with Ch10 refreshing the MC from naive creator to seasoned pacifist(?) warfighter is kinda cool.
Waiting for the main to be truly badass...
Hmm... Tripeace like.
omg it's reverse tobi!
he looks badass!

I'm curious, in the original manga is there color in them or did the translator group just add them?

it's in the original work.
I'm curious, in the original manga is there color in them or did the translator group just add them?
Posted Image
@Demhouser looks like your question got answered
wait what the hell just happened
this is pretty good :D
wow,what an end ?!
if kodo was me, i'll go around bombing all them robots, then let em blue&red poops settle their shit. then i'll find a quiet place in the nature, settle there and maybe find a life companion or family. if i have the chance, i'll go back to the palace one time and say this to the king;

"hey pope, go eat shit." t(-_-t)
1 of the best psychological shounen ive saw :)
You know what? He should just destroy all the haguruma and kill anybody trying to re-create them, thereby slightly evening the playing field. After that, he should just give himself a pat on the back, call it quits, and leave the rest to the people actually fighting the war.
Oh Kodo...it's high time you give up in your childish belief that everyone can be saved, this is war one thing leads to loss and victory and you just have to accept it.
Well, there were all types of wars... in general wars start because people are different to each other and can't endure other people having different looks, beliefs and etc. The last war in Iraq was mostly a conspiracy and waffle to stop nuclear wars ... but it was about money.
Though, in wars where they are fighting each other out of hate cause they hate the difference as human beings... there's no way you can get involved in that sort of war and be right.

Anyways, I hope the sister doesn't get kidnapped.
imercenary: What would you suggest, exactly? What should he do that would be non-hypocritical? Help one side commit genocide on the other? Would that be better? Or, do nothing? Would that be better?
He doesn't exactly have the powerbase to establish a new anti-genocide army that would stop the reds and blues by killing both sides. At least he's taking responsibility for his own previous (unintentional) actions; if everyone else did as well as he, the war would be over.
He has to realize that to be a pacifist, he can't take sides, he has to be neutral.
Nice,FINALLY a good shounen manga.
Kujou no yaro, mukatsuku! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Kodo, save your imouto!!

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