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* * * * - (4.13 - 211votes)

Tokage no Ou

Alt Names: alt トカゲの王alt 蜥蜴之王alt The Lizard Kingalt Tokage no Oalt Tokage no Oh
Author: Iruma Hitoma
Artist: Kamizuki Shiki
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: I have a superpower. I am a heretic thrust out from the world of common sense, possessing a power in both my eyes and the ability to "repaint the world".

...Although, all I can do is change the color of my eyes, which is pretty useless. I hate going home because of my parents, so I decided to "train" my superpower at an old abandoned building, praying that the hidden power within my eyes would awaken.

And yet, what I found was a man missing several fingers on the verge of death, a classmate showing off way too much skin, the strongest assassin alive, a man who can jump in mid-air, and a bunch of other crazy people. Is this the world I've always wanted to be a part of...?

-manga adaptation of the light novel
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i wonder why deus ex scans haven't updated this. Usually they're very efficient and fast.
I have to wonder about the girl though.. It's almost as if she was a precog and more or less "knew" one day she'd be calling in his offer of help. I do like how the main character has a standard normal rationale about his situation as well. "Oh god I'm gonna die... okay I'll bluff!" I want to see if he really does have power... and from the reactions of people... he might be a bit more dangerous then even he realizes.
this manga RAW should be already quite far ...
so ... we can only depend on "Deus Ex Scans & Vexed Scans" schedule ...
dammit I thought its a new chapter.
another MC with weird / weak power ...
well ... still better than this one ...

BTW, that scene when MC glaring to the enemy ...

isn't that a face from ... Seikon no Qwaser ? (MC)

(so, not only he mimic geass ... but also "scary" face from other manga ?)

another note ...
Tokage no Ou ... also means "King of Lizards" ...
Okay, my take on the MCs powers: Taken from his name, which was said to mean lizard, im guessing he can regenerate/heal himself. Thats why even though it seemed he was stabbed in the eye (from what I saw) his eye is still functioning. Sort of like how lizards can regrow their tails. Or maybe im misguessing and he was just stabbed above/below his eye.

Also, on the chick. Not frog or w/e, the one with nice bewbs. Im guessing she has a power too, mind control. If you read it and payed attention, the other guy said he didnt know why he started liking her, it just happened. Plus, on the stairs when Frog came up, he kicked her ass down and grabbed her gun, at the same time turning his head, which I found a little weird. Plus he acted as if he didnt mean to do it, and was quite bewildered when he found out he picked up the gun. Of course this could all just be him doing it unconciously. Or maybe he has a combat superpower that was dormant?

Going into a conspiracy theory, one could say (If the stretched it waaaayyyyyy out), that the chick had been scouting the guy with a braid because he had a combat superpower, and thats why she used her mojo mind power on him. and remember when he said he had been in a fight nearby and someone had called the cops, but no one actually did? Of course thats pretty farfetched, even for me.

Anyway, my thoughts on the manga. Very interesting, im hoping the MC has some badass superpower.
I get the feeling that he`ll end up using his powers for mind games. Which would be awesome because I like psychological fights.
I like the MC, ambitions and dreams it´s what make a man. Nowadays there´s millions of the same "I´m-just-wanna-live-normal-life-and-I-do-nothing-but-still-get-a-harem". This is a fresh breath of air.

And anyone who have seen code geass, this is gold.

Love it. Thank you scanlation team.

Also just because no one did this yet..
the cliffhanging chapter made me want for more, with every chap give a piece of the plot puzzle lil by lil.
the mc have nice setting by the way.

are the novel translated and can be read anywhere?
also, why "Stone Dragon Children" ?
It says it was a novel first, I wonder if there's anywhere I could read that...
Yozora + Sena = Sugamo
Just wait. It will soon become understandable.
lol omg Secret Art HUMAN SHIELD
More Character developments?
Totally random thrashing. The amount of parties involved increase with every new chapter.
spoilersssss, naaa just a image from the next chapter: http://blog.dengeki.com/wp055maoh/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Ph6.jpg
God...now I'm confused as hell Posted Image
It's kinda funny.. Their codenames are species kingfishers prey upon.
Even lizards...
Holy shitt I know everyone has said this already but that this is one long ass prologue.

I honestly think his power is pretty awesome, if he changes his eye color every time he blinks or something he would look pretty awesome, he should probably get some sort of costume too for dramatic effect and then he could create his own gang and cult following.
and im like WDF happen?
Ok, as for what I have been able to sort out a bit.
The Delinquent was fighting 'Frog', the obnoxious chick with 'superpowers' on the third floor.
'Slug', the girl who I mistook for 'Frog' (Whom you can distinguish with the hairband, and lack of braided ponytail) is downstairs with 'Kingfisher', crapping herself.
'Water Strider' (By the way, Jackie Chan in 'The Tuxedo' reference anyone?) left like the smooth criminal he is.
'Snake' and MC are on the fourth floor, scared and bleeding to death.
Suge-Main Heroine, is probably already on the fourth floor, and is the cause of the footsteps that have put 'Snake' and the MC on edge.

And now for the guessing part.
The police arrived and took away someone in a stretcher. Could be dead, or not.
Suge-chan, who went out first, accidentally bumped into 'Frog', who proceeded to throw her out a window.
Delinquent, who lost the fight with 'Frog'.
'Frog' who lost the fight with Delinquent.
'Water Strider' who met up with 'Kingfisher' outside and met his demise.

My vote is on the last one.
Main female is annoying as hell.

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