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* * * * - (4.38 - 192votes)

Yuusen Shoujo ~Plug-in Girl~

Alt Names: alt Plug in Girlalt Yuusen Shoujo - Plug-in Girlalt 有線少女~plugーin girl~
Author: Kaya8
Artist: Kaya8
Genres: Action ActionMecha MechaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Six years ago, Tsukihiko was caught in an assassination attempt on a little girl, Sami, when he attempted to be her shield. This incident nearly killed him and the girl together, but the little girl was the daughter of an extremely powerful family. With its vast amount of resources, the family was able to keep both Tsukihiko and Sami alive by recreating both of their bodies with cyborg technology. This has forced Sami to permanently rely on wired connection to her life sustaining computer. On the other hand, Tsukihiko has become a cyborg "Knight," sworn to protect Sami from harm's way.
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Ugh, he's gonna wake up and spare the kidnapper's life at the last moment at the behest of some idiot or other. I hope the author just kills the white-haired guy off and then we can have some fun.

earlier when the mc was fighting the guy, he quite clearly attempted to kill the kidnapper.  the kidnapper somewhat avoided it, but like half his body was blown away and the mc didn't even seem concerned at all that he (as far as he knows) he just fatally wounded a kid


it would be weird if he suddenly became concerned for his life

Ugh, he's gonna wake up and spare the kidnapper's life at the last moment at the behest of some idiot or other. I hope the author just kills the white-haired guy off and then we can have some fun.

Wrong psychology, presumably.  Seems like most people reject the stuff.  Even if they don't, there's some indication it takes a mental toll.

She was already taking a mental toll.. -_-; I agree with amc9988's comment, in that superior tech should be used.

What I'm more pissed off with this series, is the failings of the "knights" that let enemy invade their country, yet receive no repercussions at all (and don't even acknowledge their own failures).

I was a little mad that the series is ending, but let's be honest. If they finish it well, it could end up as one of those short hidden gems that are just too far and few between.

Sure do miss this series...

Before missing it there's still 5 chapter to go so cheer up!

Sure do miss this series...

You can run but you can't hide!


Shame this is ended, it was enjoyable to read while it lasted.

I just wanted to see the raw now and the only place where I found them the server is down....I'm so unlucky

It's nice and all, but I can kind of see why it got axed. You don't really have a character that powerful without doing something else with it, like with Onepunch-Man, or <name of thing that makes me seem cultured>.

That was a really short chapter considering they didn't show much. Not even really the beginning of the next fight. It reminds me of One Punch Man. :-P

I'm conflicted on if I want this fight to end like all the ones in OP Man or not >,>

22 pages *throws table*

Dammit, a cliffhanger after a cliffhanger, *jumps of cliff*

That was a really short chapter considering they didn't show much. Not even really the beginning of the next fight. It reminds me of One Punch Man. :-P

So we get to see how he looks like when he's reallyreallyreally pissed off. Nice.

14 Chapters only :/

It ended with chapter 14. Shame.

 So after checking the translators' page, it has been axed? e_e

Seems like ,its gonna end soon.. 
such a good development character and plot.
but.. aaah.. axed ? please dont.

Thinks it is ongoing, according to baka updates at least. Probably close to the end of an arc.

Seems like ,its gonna end soon.. 

such a good development character and plot.

but.. aaah.. axed ? please dont.


just started reading, but started feeling the axe with this series, it's a shame, it looks so amazing.

Okay I do not get what just happened at all. So what if that guy has an encroachment rate of 85%? He said that one needs to have all their internal organs replaced by psychomaterial for that to be possible and that most people can't handle the stress it puts on the body but the MC's whole goddamn body except for his head and spine is made of psychomaterial, and a very special kind of psychomaterial at that. Shouldn't he have the highest encroachment rate physically possible? And his eyes where able to pick up the movements of 7 of those guys blade arms as if they were moving in slow motion before so why does he so easily lose sight of him now? Ahhhh I know the authors setting him up for a pissed of upgrade or maybe he'll go to the Ryuuouin place and trash everyone there to rescue her but still...I would have preferred a more even fight, at least at the beginning

I'm guessing but probably a normal person can only use some of the nanomachines put in their body, after all is like addin a 3rd arm, if someone develop a new personality after having the NM in them the new persona they were born with the 3rd arm therefore they have better control on it.

The MC NM are of a higher calibre, probably that matter, even the fact he is a genius helps.

Okay I do not get what just happened at all. So what if that guy has an encroachment rate of 85%? He said that one needs to have all their internal organs replaced by psychomaterial for that to be possible and that most people can't handle the stress it puts on the body but the MC's whole goddamn body except for his head and spine is made of psychomaterial, and a very special kind of psychomaterial at that. Shouldn't he have the highest encroachment rate physically possible? And his eyes where able to pick up the movements of 7 of those guys blade arms as if they were moving in slow motion before so why does he so easily lose sight of him now? Ahhhh I know the authors setting him up for a pissed of upgrade or maybe he'll go to the Ryuuouin place and trash everyone there to rescue her but still...I would have preferred a more even fight, at least at the beginning

I'm kind of glad that Tsukihiko lost I liked him when he was just a student, but I started to hate how much of an idiot he was when he fought. I hope this slap in the face will show him that you have to take a fight seriously if you want to win

well..this came from being decent into a trashbin manga xD this is why you never go full effin retard =.=

Baka Princess... to a guy who feels like his only purpose is to be a hero for others doing that "self sacrificing" psuedo bullshit is just gonna piss him off. All you've done is delayed the bad guy's ass beating but THERE WILL BE AN ASSBEATING GIVEN.




Just read chap 9. See? Warned you... all you did was make him switch from "peaceful hero" to full-scale slaughter "hero". So yeah good job there lets go GENOCIDE!

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