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* * * * - (4.29 - 31votes)

Yuri ni Tanpopo

Alt Names: alt Dandelion Among Lilies
Author: Yamaguchi Serika
Artist: Yamaguchi Serika
Genres: Drama DramaYuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Fujii Kana just broke up with her boyfriend, when her older sister Mizuho calls her to ask for her hospitality for her and... her girlfriend. How will Kana, who hadn't ever imagined her sister to be a lesbian, cope with this cohabitation?
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Gay is not natural. I have nothing against someone being gay, but you can't really say it's normal. That's like saying heterochromia or color blindness are normal. Homosexuality is just an abnormal condition that makes you be attracted to people of the same sex, just like my previous examples are of abnormal conditions that make you have different colored eyes and confusing colors, respectively. (I don't know why I used examples related to eyes, but it should be enough to get my point across)


tl;dr: Gay is not natural but who cares.

Little do you know that mammals that are homosexual is more common than you think

...Please, move this gay-is-normal-no-it-isn't discussion elsewhere. :/ I believe the Forums will welcome people like you with strong ideas and will to write them out, but this is not the place, this is the comments section for a manga called Yuri ni Tanpopo. ; )

gay is natural and it's normal for gay to be gay.

Gay is not natural. I have nothing against someone being gay, but you can't really say it's normal. That's like saying heterochromia or color blindness are normal. Homosexuality is just an abnormal condition that makes you be attracted to people of the same sex, just like my previous examples are of abnormal conditions that make you have different colored eyes and confusing colors, respectively. (I don't know why I used examples related to eyes, but it should be enough to get my point across)


tl;dr: Gay is not natural but who cares.



Bitches should just move to Canada, everything seems to be peachy keen over there.

That actually... IS an unnatural relationship. as natural = normality. and the normal observed thing is that women can have babies, and couples make babies.

gay is natural and it's normal for gay to be gay.

If male dolphins can have blowhole sex (and they do!!) I can see nothing wrong with anyones who determines themselves to be homosexual living their life the way they see fit, and why is someone who is against this lifestyle checking out a Yuri manga anyway. 


must be either a troll or secretly likes this stuff :D

Ooh, quite nice. I hope the main girl remains a bystander though.

I do hope this doesn't turn into "blalba my bf lost a strap I made now I hate all man and will turn lesbian...how about starting with my sister's girlfriend".


Also the lesbian relationship is weak, one little comment from the little sister and everything starts to rip..wtf..didn't they "endure" this for 1 year now?

i see siscest.

Or to destroy the political order by eroding morality in society like it happened in the Roman Republic?


Err, actually, the Roman Republic approved and even encouraged sex between males, so long as no free male citizen was on the "receiving" side... The Greeks built a splendid and advanced culture without even that rule.

There is a massive difference between pedophilia, necrophilia, and zoophilia and homosexuality.That difference is consent. The reason why we disapprove of people have sex with children, animals or corpses in real life (and in comics for that matter, for me personally) is because none of those three can agree to engage in the behavior.


As for the comment that homosexual relationships are unnatural because they can't create children, well, I know some heterosexual couples who choose not to have children, and others who can't have children because of infertility. Does that mean those relationships are unnatural? Does it mean that the people involved in those relationships are, in your words, no longer human? Do you really think that a person's only worth is their ability to procreate? If your child doesn't grow up to give you grandchildren, then you're time spent raising them is wasted? I personally don't believe so.

Why can't the little sister understand the greatness that is Yuri? :(


Yeah but they been going out for 2 years.. if she doesn't lover her,  how do you call that?

Too me it just looks like the elder sister is just like a guy.


Happygoing and doesn't think too much about things, also goes at her own pace.


Which is why her younger sister was worndering why Ena was dating her. Then she went full yuri hate :( . I mean she was angry about how her sister dated that woman only because she asked her out. To me it looks a bit hypocrite since it's probably the same way her relationship with her ex (?) boyfriend happened.


I wouldn't think too deeply about their relationship anyway. While she might have a few points, she just ditched her boyfriend because of a lost phone strap,  I can't take her seriously really. Remember she told him she'd invite him for winter break. This is japan so it means: fuck me senseless. Tsk tsk, teenager's love is so fickle.


Anyhow I thought chapter 2 would reveal a lot more than it did but it ended up just being a lot of drama without a lot of substance.


Chapter 3 has been published so I guess we'll have this soon, chapter 4 comes out in July.

Going out with someone who ask you out isn't that all uncommon, I don't see the problem with that.


The person comes forward, ask you if you might be interested in dating them.


You give them a glance, is he/she my type ? Yes/No


If no, say no thank you.


If Yes, here's my number. And it starts from here.


I don't really understand where this whole "pity" you're saying here.


As for the trial ( moving out because the relationship been found out ). I have to agree it's not that big of a deal.


Yeah but they been going out for 2 years.. if she doesn't lover her,  how do you call that?



I haven't found many mangas that actually mentioned the social stigma of homosexuality in Japan; as much as I love those more light-hearted ones this seems like it'll be a very interesting read.

That ending sure was ominous.

pls no tears this time.

I'm a little confused as to why they have to try so hard to hide their relationship.  I thought Japan was getting better about that.  And yeah, the boyfriend bit is somewhat random and irrelevant.


Also, that last page.. DORAMA?

I'm kind of confused.

Not so much about onee-chan and her girlfriend and their relationship and little sis' reaction.


I just don't get where the just-dumped boyfriend fits into anything, what she dumped him over (I'm doubting it's just a phone strap), why that part matters, and what effect the accidental email had on any of it.  So far all that just seems random and irrelevant, although presumably it's putting little sis into a somewhat grumpy mood.

mmm i think the sister (the older) is hiding something

wait so the lil' sis overreacted, and now....


man really starting to hate the annoying, intruding imouto now -_-


try to read this one ...

Gakkou no Sensei (SUYAMA Shinya)

the art is kinda weak ... but ...

!!! WARNING !!!

the yuri in here is ecchi and kinda crazy ... =3= ...

(kinda sure my warning become "invitation" instead)


tough ... this Yuri ni Tanpopo might focus more into drama ...

so annoying personality and such will happen often ...

wait so the lil' sis overreacted, and now....


man really starting to hate the annoying, intruding imouto now -_-


Why can't the little sister understand the greatness that is Yuri? :(






On one hand, I really dislike her interference. On the other hand, her interference showed that there is an underlying problem with the two's relationship. Going out with someone just because they confessed to you and not because you like them is similar to pity. DO you want your relationship with someone you love to be based on their pity for you? If the two can't get past a trial like this, they weren't meant to be together from the start.

Going out with someone who ask you out isn't that all uncommon, I don't see the problem with that.


The person comes forward, ask you if you might be interested in dating them.


You give them a glance, is he/she my type ? Yes/No


If no, say no thank you.


If Yes, here's my number. And it starts from here.


I don't really understand where this whole "pity" you're saying here.


As for the trial ( moving out because the relationship been found out ). I have to agree it's not that big of a deal.


As for what the sister said about a possibility of her co-workers hearing about it, I can't really say. I wouldn't be able to gauge the situation, I don't know the mentality nor the laws in Japan. I'd assume she can't lose her job because of her sexual orientation, but who knows really.

wait so the lil' sis overreacted, and now....


man really starting to hate the annoying, intruding imouto now -_-


On one hand, I really dislike her interference. On the other hand, her interference showed that there is an underlying problem with the two's relationship. Going out with someone just because they confessed to you and not because you like them is similar to pity. DO you want your relationship with someone you love to be based on their pity for you? If the two can't get past a trial like this, they weren't meant to be together from the start.

wait so the lil' sis overreacted, and now....


man really starting to hate the annoying, intruding imouto now -_-


thanks "Binbou Scanlation" for taking this manga translation project ...


One does not simply get enough yuri


that's why ...


Wahahaha... woah, I really find all three of them hilarious. Everyone's so extreme! xD

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